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Last active January 9, 2024 11:11
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Signs a script
Gets a users code signing certificate, (if there is just one in "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" it will be selected automatically)
and uses it to sign a script file using a timestamping service.
Without the Time Stamp (Comodo CA is used by default) the signature is only valid for the range of dates on the certificate
If -passthrough is specified, retuns the certificate object
Else, if -quiet is specified doesn't reurn anything
Otherwise outputs the detail of the signature
Sign .\sign.ps1
Signs this file
sign .\sign.ps1 -certPath Cert:\CurrentUser\My\2BC8A723CD7DCFC06DF50C8311512E798B954D89
Signs the file, but this time with a specific certificate (e.g. if you have more than one)
Get-AuthenticodeSignature .\sig*.ps1 | where Status -ne "Valid" | sign
Gets files which don't have a valid signature, and signs them
Files can be piped into sign
param ( #The File to be signed (wild cards work)
#the path to a container which holds a code signing certificate, or to a sing certificate
$certPath ="Cert:\CurrentUser\My" ,
#The URL for a public cryptographic time stamp service
$TimeServer = "",
#Do not return any output
#Return output as a signature object
begin {#Get the Certificate
$cert=Get-ChildItem -CodeSigningCert -Path $certPath }
Process {#If we got it OK, sign and return the signature as dictated by -quiet / -passthrough ; otherwise give a warning.
if (-not $cert) {Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't find a signing certificate for you to sign $path; you can try using -certpath"}
else {$Sig = Set-AuthenticodeSignature -Certificate $cert -FilePath $path -TimestampServer $TimeServer
if (-not $sig.TimeStamperCertificate) {Write-Warning -Message "$path Does not appear to be properly signed."}
elseif( $passthru) {$sig }
elseif(-not $quiet) {$sig | Format-List}
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