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Last active July 14, 2021 08:07
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  • Save jhoneill/ef998395cea64396d3808693f6e789e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Re-deploying the API management service fails and help says call the REST API: here's a script to do it.
Remove Soft-deleted API Management service
Re-deploying the API management service fails with a message
That says call the REST API. This does that.
[cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,confirmImpact='High' )]
param (
#Specify name of APIManagementService
$name = "*"
$subscriptionid = (Get-AzContext)
$authresp = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $managmentUrl
$headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($authresp.Token)"}
$uri = "$managmentUrl/subscriptions/$subscriptionid/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/deletedservices"
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri ($uri + "?api-version=2020-06-01-preview") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value |
Where-Object -Property name -Like $name | ForEach-Object {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ , 'Remove soft-deleted ApiManagement Service')) {
$u2 = "$managmentUrl" + $ + "?api-version=2020-06-01-preview"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $u2 -Headers $headers -Verbose -Method delete
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