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James O'Neill jhoneill

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Signs a script
Gets a users code signing certificate, (if there is just one in "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" it will be selected automatically)
and uses it to sign a script file using a timestamping service.
Without the Time Stamp (Comodo CA is used by default) the signature is only valid for the range of dates on the certificate
If -passthrough is specified, retuns the certificate object
Else, if -quiet is specified doesn't reurn anything
Otherwise outputs the detail of the signature
#experimental response to
function TabExpansion2 {
<# Options include:
RelativeFilePaths - [bool]
Always resolve file paths using Resolve-Path -Relative.
The default is to use some heuristics to guess if relative or absolute is better.
To customize your own custom options, pass a hashtable to CompleteInput, e.g.
return [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($inputScript, $cursorColumn,
@{ RelativeFilePaths=$false }
using namespace System.Data
class QueryColumnCache {
#region properties. Static params for Get-SQL, query, column to use, values of that col, when to refresh
static [hashtable]$QueryParams
hidden [string]$SQLQuery
hidden [string]$SQLColumnName
hidden [timeSpan]$MaxAge
hidden [String[]]$Values
class SmartBuilder { # A string builder with a progress bar that automatically fluses periodically.
[System.Text.StringBuilder] hidden $Builder # The builder itself - its a sealed class otherwise the smartbuilder would be based on it.
#region supporting properties
[string]$RepeatingHeader = '' # If set, the repeating header is re-added as the first line after each flush
[scriptblock]$OnFlush = {$this.ToString()} # What to do when we flush the data (besides clearing the builder and re-adding any header) - should return a string or nothing.
[bool] hidden $_ShowProgress = $true # If false, don't show the progress bar
[string] hidden $_Activity = 'Building' # Displayed on the progress bar - accessed via $ProgressStatus
[string] hidden $_Status = 'Items so far' # Displayed on the progress bar with ": <ItemCount>" - accessed via $ProgressStatus
Set-PSReadlineOption -PredictionSource History
Set-PSReadlineOption -BellStyle None -EditMode Windows -WordDelimiters "`~!£#%^&*()=+[{]}\|;:'`",.<>/?"
Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors @{'Parameter'= "$([char]27)[97m"; 'operator'= "$([char]27)[97m"} #defaults are too dark use $([char]27) because `e doesn't work on PS 5.
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+RightArrow -ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
if ($cursor -lt $line.Length) {
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ForwardWord($key, $arg)
#requires -module psreadline
using namespace System.Collections
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
#create a hash table of VT codes
# Reverse, underline and reset; the console colors as Name, NameBackground; Markdown theme colors if present, PsReadline theme colors, and out-stream colors
if (-not $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal) {$Script:VTCodes = @{}}
else {
function one {[cmdletbinding()]param()
begin {Write-Host "one begins"} end {Write-host "one ends"}
process {1,2,3}
function two {param ([parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]$p)
begin {Write-Host "two begins"} end {Write-host "two ends"}
process {
if ($p -eq 2) {$p / 0 } # cause a division by zero error
function binaryout {
Workaround for PowerShell processing the output of all external programs as strings
PowerShell treats any output from an external program as string which should be
split whenever it sees LF or CR LF. As a workround this calls the program with
Start-Process and redirects standard output to a file - on completion the file
is read and sent as a bytestream to the next process.
function Get-Error {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName= "Error")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Newest", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
#defaults are equivalent to $MatchInfoPreference =@{$Prefix='> '; $MatchVTSeq=$PSStyle.Reverse; $PathVTSeq=''; $NumberVTSeq=''; $ContextVTSeq=''}
$ResetVTSeq = $PSStyle.Reset
$Prefix = '> '
if (-not $MatchInfoPreference) {$MatchVTSeq = $PSStyle.Reverse }
else {
$MatchVTSeq = $MatchInfoPreference.MatchVTSeq