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Last active December 22, 2022 14:30
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Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
template TemplateFile An exam that uses a template.
normal NormalExam A normal exam.
diagnostic DiagnosticExam An exam in diagnostic mode.


field type description optional
template String The path to the template to use. Relative to the exams or questions folder. false
[any] YAML-value The data to insert into the template. Maps template keys onto values. false


field type description optional
name Translation The name of the exam false
locales Array of Locale All locales for which the exam should be generated false
navigation NormalNavigation The navigation settings for this exam false
timing Timing The timing settings for this exam false
feedback Feedback The feedback settings for this exam false
question_groups Array of QuestionGroup The questions groups for this exam false
numbas_settings NumbasSettings The settings to set for numbas false


One of the following items:

type description
TranslationStruct A structured translatable string with placeholders.
FileString A simple filestring. This implies that it can also just be a string.


field type description optional
content TranslationContent The content with optional placeholders ({{placeholder-name}}). false
placeholders Map from String to Translation The values for the placeholders. It maps the placeholder-name to it's translatable value. The value for a placeholder can thus (if needed) be different for different locales. false


One of the following items:

type description
Map from String to FileString Map from locale to content. You can use this to specify different content for different locales.
FileString A filestring. Possibly to a file that is placed in locale folders and is therefore localized.


One of the following items:

type description
String A string of the form file:<filepath> where filepath is the relative path (within the exams or questions folder) to a file containing content. This content can be localized by placing it in locale folders. e.g. file:examples/basic-explanation.html will search for files in folders with following form: questions/examples/locale-<localename>/basic-explanation.html If a file isn't found for a specific locale, questions/examples/basic-explanation.html will be used
String A literal string.


field type description optional
name String The internal name used for the locale. It is best to use en for English, nl for dutch etc false
numbas_locale SupportedLocale The locale to use in the Numbas interface false


One of the following items:

name description
"ar-SA" Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
"de-DE" German (Germany)
"en-GB" English (United Kingdom)
"es-ES" Spanish (Spain)
"fr-FR" French (France)
"he-IL" Hebrew (Israel)
"in-ID" Indonesian (Indonesia)
"it-IT" Italian (Italy)
"ja-JP" Japanese (Japan)
"ko-KR" Korean (Korea)
"nb-NO" Norwegian (Norway)
"nl-NL" Dutch (Netherlands)
"pl-PL" Polish (Poland)
"pt-BR" Portuguese (Brazil)
"sq-AL" Albanian (Albania)
"sv-SE" Swedish (Sweden)
"tr-TR" Turkish (Turkey)
"vi-VN" Vietnamese (Viet Nam)
"zg-CN" Chinese (S)


Internal tag named mode. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
sequential SequentialNavigation Questions are shown in sequential order. Whether student can browse trough questions in any order, can be set.
menu MenuNavigation Questions are shown in a menu and there is no real order of the questions.


field type description optional
start_password "none" or FileString Password to begin the exam none and "" are the same false
can_regenerate Boolean Whether the student can regenerate questions Old name was allow_regenerate false
show_steps Boolean If false, then part steps will not be offered to the student, regardless of whether any have been defined in the exam’s questions Old name was allow_steps false
show_title_page Boolean Whether the title page should be shown. Old name was show_frontpage false
confirm_when_leaving Boolean Whether the student will be asked to confirm when leaving the exam. false
show_names_of_question_groups Boolean Whether the names of the question groups should be shown. false
allow_printing Boolean Whether the student is allowed to print the exam false
can_move_to_previous Boolean Whether the student can move back to previous question (Old name was reverse) false
browsing_enabled Boolean Whether the student can jump to any question. false
show_results_page ShowResultsPage When the results page should be shown false
on_leave LeaveAction Action to execute when a student changes question or tries to end the exam. false


One of the following items:

name description
"on_completion" When the exam is completed.
"never" Never show it.


Internal tag named action. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
"none" Don't show a warning
warn_if_not_attempted LeaveActionMessage Warn when a question is not attempted.
prevent_if_not_attempted LeaveActionMessage Prevent when a question is not attempted


field type description optional
message Translation The message to show. false


field type description optional
start_password "none" or FileString Password to begin the exam none and "" are the same false
can_regenerate Boolean Whether the student can regenerate questions Old name was allow_regenerate false
show_steps Boolean If false, then part steps will not be offered to the student, regardless of whether any have been defined in the exam’s questions Old name was allow_steps false
show_title_page Boolean Whether the title page should be shown. Old name was show_frontpage false
confirm_when_leaving Boolean Whether the student will be asked to confirm when leaving the exam. false
show_names_of_question_groups Boolean Whether the names of the question groups should be shown. false
allow_printing Boolean Whether the student is allowed to print the exam false


field type description optional
duration_in_seconds "none" or Integer The maximal time that can be spend on the exam. If this value is none or 0, the student gets unlimited time. false
allow_pause Boolean Wheher the 'pause' button is available. false
on_timeout TimeoutAction Action to do on timeout false
timed_warning TimeoutAction Action to do five minutes before timeout false


Internal tag named action. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
"none" Do nothing
warn TimeoutActionWarn Show a warning


field type description optional
message Translation The message to show false


field type description optional
percentage_needed_to_pass "none" or Float Specifies when a student passes the test. When set to "none" or 0, no percentage will be shown in frontpage. false
show_name_of_student Boolean Whether the student's name should be shown in the exam. false
show_current_marks Boolean Whether current marks are shown during exam or not (show_actual_mark in numbas) false
show_maximum_marks Boolean Whether the maximal mark for a question (or the total exam) is shown (show_total_mark of numbas) false
show_answer_state Boolean Whether answer feedback is shown (right or wrong etc) false
allow_reveal_answer Boolean Whether the 'reveal answer' button is present false
review Review The review settings false
advice Translation The advice shown at the end. false
intro Translation The introductory text false
feedback_messages Array of FeedbackMessage Different feedback messages based on their score. false


field type description optional
show_score Boolean Whether to show score in result overview page false
show_feedback Boolean Show feedback while reviewing false
show_expected_answer Boolean Show expected answer while reviewing false
show_advice Boolean Show advice while reviewing false


field type description optional
message String The message to show false
threshold String The minimum score that is needed to get this feedback false


field type description optional
name Translation The name of the question group. Might be shown to students, based on the show_names_of_question_groups setting of the exam navigation. false
picking_strategy PickingStrategy The strategy to use to pick the questions to show false
questions Array of QuestionPathOrTemplate The questions false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
random_subset PickingStrategyRandomSubset


field type description optional
pick_questions Integer The amount of questions to pick false


One of the following items:

type description
String The path to the question. Relative to the questions folder.
TemplateFile Directly load a templated question by specifying the template values.


field type description optional
theme String The numbas theme to use false


field type description optional
name Translation The name of the exam false
locales Array of Locale All locales for which the exam should be generated false
navigation DiagnosticNavigation The navigation settings for this exam false
timing Timing The timing settings for this exam false
feedback Feedback The feedback settings for this exam false
question_groups Array of QuestionGroup The questions groups for this exam false
numbas_settings NumbasSettings The settings to set for numbas false
diagnostic Diagnostic The diagnostic data false


field type description optional
start_password "none" or FileString Password to begin the exam none and "" are the same false
can_regenerate Boolean Whether the student can regenerate questions Old name was allow_regenerate false
show_steps Boolean If false, then part steps will not be offered to the student, regardless of whether any have been defined in the exam’s questions Old name was allow_steps false
show_title_page Boolean Whether the title page should be shown. Old name was show_frontpage false
confirm_when_leaving Boolean Whether the student will be asked to confirm when leaving the exam. false
show_names_of_question_groups Boolean Whether the names of the question groups should be shown. false
allow_printing Boolean Whether the student is allowed to print the exam false
on_leave LeaveAction Action to execute when a student changes question or tries to end the exam. false


field type description optional
script DiagnosticScript The script to use false
objectives Array of LearningObjective The learning objectives, false
topics Array of LearningTopic The learning topics false


One of the following items:

name description
"mastery" The aim of the Mastery algorithm is to repeatedly test topics until the student passes them. Once all topics are passed, the exam ends. see
"diagnosys" The aim of the DIAGNOSYS algorithm is to efficiently establish which topics the student understands, and which they don’t. see
"custom" A custom diagnostic script. See


field type description optional
name Translation The name of the learning objective false
description Translation A description of the learning objective false


field type description optional
name Translation The name of the learning topic false
description Translation A description of the learning topic false
objectives Array of Translation List of names of objectives of which this topic consists false
depends_on Array of Translation List of names of topics on which this topic depends false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
template TemplateFile A question that uses a template
normal Question A normal question


field type description optional
template String The path to the template to use. Relative to the exams or questions folder. false
[any] YAML-value The data to insert into the template. Maps template keys onto values. false


field type description optional
statement Translation The statement is a content area which appears at the top of the question, before any input boxes. Use the statement to set up the question and provide any information the student needs to answer it. false
advice Translation Advice is a content area which is shown when the student presses the Reveal button to reveal the question’s answers, or at the end of the exam. The advice area is normally used to present a worked solution to the question. false
parts Array of QuestionPart A question consists of one or more parts. Each part can have a different type to create elaborate questions. false
builtin_constants BuiltinConstants Specifies which constants are enabled. You might want to disable the constant e so it can be used as a variable in the questions. false
custom_constants Array of CustomConstant Custom constants that are used in your question. false
variables Map from String to VariableRepresentation The variables that are used in this question. false
variables_test VariablesTest The test to which your variables should comply. Sometimes it’s hard to define randomised question variables so they’re guaranteed to produce a usable set of values. In these cases, it’s easier to state the condition you want the variables to satisfy, Variable values are generated until this condition passes.
While this tool allows you to pick sets of variables that would be hard to generate constructively, it’s a random process so you must be aware that there’s a chance no suitable set of values will ever be found.
functions Map from String to Function The functions that are used in this question false
preamble Preamble Specify custom javascript and css code that should be loaded. false
navigation QuestionNavigation Specify some navigation options for the question. false
extensions Extensions Use this to enable the extensions that are used in the question false
diagnostic_topic_names Array of Translation The names of the topics used in diagnostic exams that this question belongs to false
resources Array of ResourcePath The paths to the resources false
custom_part_types Array of CustomPartTypeDefinitionPath The custom part types used in this exam false
rulesets Map from String to JMERulesetItem The rulesets defined in this question. A “ruleset” defines a list of named simplification rules used to manipulate mathematical expressions. false


One of the following items:

type description
TranslationStruct A structured translatable string with placeholders.
FileString A simple filestring. This implies that it can also just be a string.


field type description optional
content TranslationContent The content with optional placeholders ({{placeholder-name}}). false
placeholders Map from String to Translation The values for the placeholders. It maps the placeholder-name to it's translatable value. The value for a placeholder can thus (if needed) be different for different locales. false


One of the following items:

type description
Map from String to FileString Map from locale to content. You can use this to specify different content for different locales.
FileString A filestring. Possibly to a file that is placed in locale folders and is therefore localized.


One of the following items:

type description
String A string of the form file:<filepath> where filepath is the relative path (within the exams or questions folder) to a file containing content. This content can be localized by placing it in locale folders. e.g. file:examples/basic-explanation.html will search for files in folders with following form: questions/examples/locale-<localename>/basic-explanation.html If a file isn't found for a specific locale, questions/examples/basic-explanation.html will be used
String A literal string.


One of the following items:

type description
QuestionPartBuiltin A question part using a builtin question part type
QuestionPartCustom A question part using a custom question part type


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
jme QuestionPartJME Mathematical expression parts require the student to enter an algebraic expression, using JME syntax.
gapfill QuestionPartGapFill Gap-fill parts allow you to include answer inputs inline with the prompt text, instead of at the end of the part. Each gap is a question part in itself.
choose_one QuestionPartChooseOne Multiple choice part where the student must choose one of several options
choose_multiple QuestionPartChooseMultiple Multiple choice part where the student can choose any of a list of options
match_answers QuestionPartMatchAnswersWithItems The student is presented with a 2D grid of choices and answers. Depending on how the part is set up, they must either match up each choice with an answer, or select any number of choice-answer pairs.
number_entry QuestionPartNumberEntry Number entry parts ask the student to enter a number, which is marked if it is in a specified range
pattern_match QuestionPartPatternMatch Use a text pattern part when you want the student to enter short, non-mathematical text.
information QuestionPartInformation An information part contains only a prompt and no answer input. It is most often used as a Step to provide a hint for a parent part.
extension QuestionPartExtension An extension part acts as a placeholder for any interactive element added by an extension, or custom code in the question, which awards marks to the student.
matrix QuestionPartMatrix Matrix entry parts ask the student to enter a matrix of numbers. Marks are awarded if every cell in the student’s answer is equal to the corresponding cell in the correct answer, within the allowed margin of error.


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
answer Translation The expected answer to the part. false
answer_simplification JMEAnswerSimplification Simplification rules to apply to the correct answer, if it is displayed to the student (for example, after clicking the Reveal answers button). This shouldn’t affect marking. The simplification rules to apply to the answer false
answer_display JMEAnswerDisplay The display rules to apply to the answer false
show_preview Boolean If ticked, a rendering of the student’s answer in mathematical notation is displayed beside the input box. false
accuracy JMEAccuracy Defines the range of points over which the student’s answer will be compared with the correct answer, and the method used to compare them false
check_variable_names Boolean If this is ticked, all variable names used in the student’s are checked against the variable names used in the correct answer. The first variable name which is not used in the correct answer will trigger a warning. You can use this option to prevent students incorrectly entering answers such as xy, which is interpreted as a single variable, when they mean x*y, the product of two variables. false
single_letter_variables Boolean If this is ticked, long variable names will be interpreted as implicit multiplication of variables with single-letter names. For example, xyz will be interpreted as x * y * z. Digits, primes and single-letter underscores are still valid in variable names: a'x12y_z will be interpreted as a' * x12 * y_z. Greek letters are considered to be a single letter: pix will be interpreted as pi * x. false
allow_unknown_functions Boolean If this is not ticked, the application of a function that is not defined in JME will be reinterpreted. If the function name can be split into several shorter names, each of which is defined in JME, it will be: for example, lnabs(x) will be interpreted as ln(abs(x)). Function names are recognised from right to left. Any remaining characters are interpreted as implicit multiplication by a variable. For example, xsin(x) will be interpreted as x * sin(x). false
implicit_function_composition Boolean If this is ticked, the multiplication symbol (or implicit multiplication) will be interpreted as function composition when the right-hand side is a function application with one argument, and the left-hand side is the name of a function defined in JME. For example, ln * abs(x) and ln abs(x) will be interpreted as ln(abs(x)). false
must_match_pattern "none" or JMEPatternRestriction The student’s answer must match the given pattern. If it does not, then a penalty is applied. false
value_generators "none" or Array of JMEValueGenerator Variable value generators override the default method used to pick values for variables when comparing the correct answer with the student’s answer. The expression for each variable can be written in terms of the other variables, as long as there are no circular dependencies. The values will be evaluated in order, like question variables. Each variable specified in the expected answer can be overriden The variable vRange represents the checking range defined for this part: a continuous interval between the checking range start and checking range end. false
max_length "none" or JMELengthRestriction DEPRECATED String restrictions are an unreliable method of restricting the form of a student’s answer. They are deprecated and retained only for backwards compatibility; use a pattern restriction instead.
Before string restrictions are applied, surplus brackets and whitespace are removed, and spaces are inserted between some operations, to minimise the possibility of the length restrictions being triggered for the wrong reasons.
If the student’s answer contains more than this many characters, the penalty is applied. A value of zero means no restriction is applied. The student’s answer is tidied up slightly so that things like extra or missing space characters don’t affect the calculated length. All spaces are removed, and then spaces are inserted between binary operations. For example, the answer 1+x (three characters) is marked as 1 + x (five characters).
min_length "none" or JMELengthRestriction DEPRECATED String restrictions are an unreliable method of restricting the form of a student’s answer. They are deprecated and retained only for backwards compatibility; use a pattern restriction instead.
Before string restrictions are applied, surplus brackets and whitespace are removed, and spaces are inserted between some operations, to minimise the possibility of the length restrictions being triggered for the wrong reasons.
If the student’s answer contains fewer than this many characters, the penalty is applied. A value of zero means no restriction is applied.
must_have "none" or JMEStringRestriction DEPRECATED String restrictions are an unreliable method of restricting the form of a student’s answer. They are deprecated and retained only for backwards compatibility; use a pattern restriction instead.
Before string restrictions are applied, surplus brackets and whitespace are removed, and spaces are inserted between some operations, to minimise the possibility of the length restrictions being triggered for the wrong reasons.
If the student’s answer doesn’t contain all of these strings, the penalty is applied.
may_not_have "none" or JMEStringRestriction DEPRECATED String restrictions are an unreliable method of restricting the form of a student’s answer. They are deprecated and retained only for backwards compatibility; use a pattern restriction instead.
Before string restrictions are applied, surplus brackets and whitespace are removed, and spaces are inserted between some operations, to minimise the possibility of the length restrictions being triggered for the wrong reasons.
If the student’s answer contains any of these strings, the penalty is applied.


One of the following items:

type description


field type description optional
algorithm_notes Array of JMENote This allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
extend_base_marking_algorithm Boolean If this is ticked, all marking notes provided by the part’s standard marking algorithm will be available. If the same note is defined in both the standard algorithm and your custom algorithm, your version will be used. false


field type description optional
name String false
description "none" or String false
expression Translation false


field type description optional
variable_replacements Array of VariableReplacement The variable replacements to do false
variable_replacement_strategy VariableReplacementStrategy The circumstances under which the variable replacements are used, and adaptive marking is applied. false
penalty Integer If adaptive marking is used, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. See steps_penalty for an example. false


field type description optional
variable String The name of the variable to replace false
part_answer_to_use String The path to the part whose answer the variable’s value should be replaced with. Different part types produce different types of values. false
must_be_answered Boolean If this is ticked, the student must submit an answer to the referenced part before they can submit an answer to this part. false


One of the following items:

name description
"original_first" The student’s answer is first marked using the original values of the question variables. If the credit given by this method is less than the maximum available, the marking is repeated using the defined variable replacements. If the credit gained with variable replacements is greater than the credit gained under the original marking, that score is used, and the student is told that their answers to previous parts have been used in the marking for this part.
"always_replace" The student’s answer is only marked once, with the defined variable replacements applied.


field type description optional
simplify_basic Boolean Some basic rules: false
cancel_unit_factors Boolean Cancel products of 1 false
cancel_unit_powers Boolean Cancel exponents of 1 false
cancel_unit_denominators Boolean Cancel fractions with denominator 1 false
cancel_zero_factors Boolean Cancel products of zero to zero false
omit_zero_terms Boolean Omit zero terms false
cancel_zero_powers Boolean Cancel exponents of 0 false
cancel_powers_with_base_zero Boolean Cancel any power of zero false
collect_numbers Boolean Collect together numerical (as opposed to variable) products and sums. false
constants_first Boolean Numbers go to the left of multiplications false
collect_sqrt_products Boolean Collect products of square roots false
collect_sqrt_divisions Boolean Collect fractions of square roots false
cancel_sqrt_square Boolean Cancel square roots of squares, and squares of square roots false
evaluate_powers_of_numbers Boolean Evaluate powers of numbers. false
rewrite_to_no_leading_minus Boolean Rearrange expressions so they don’t start with a unary minus false
simplify_fractions Boolean Cancel fractions to lowest form false
simplify_trigonometric Boolean Simplify some trigonometric identities false
collect_terms Boolean Collect together and cancel terms. Like collectNumbers, but for any kind of term. false
collect_powers_of_common_factors Boolean Collect together powers of common factors. false
collect_like_fractions Boolean Collect together fractions over the same denominator. false
order_canonical Boolean Rearrange the expression into a “canonical” order, using canonical_compare.
Note: This rule can not be used at the same time as rewrite_to_no_leading_minus - it can lead to an infinite loop.
expand_brackets Boolean Expand out products of sums. false


field type description optional
broken_as_fractions Boolean This rule doesn’t rewrite expressions, but tells the maths renderer that you’d like non-integer numbers to be displayed as fractions instead of decimals. false
mixed_fractions Boolean Improper fractions (with numerator larger than the denominator) are displayed in mixed form, as an integer next to a proper fraction. false
flat_fractions Boolean Fractions are displayed on a single line, with a slash between the numerator and denominator. false
vector_as_row Boolean This rule doesn’t rewrite expressions, but tells the maths renderer that you’d like vectors to be rendered as rows instead of columns. false
always_show_multiplication_sign Boolean The multiplication symbol is always included between multiplicands. false
use_dot_as_multiplication_sign Boolean Use a dot for the multiplication symbol instead of a cross. false
matrices_without_parentheses Boolean Matrices are rendered without parentheses. false


field type description optional
checking_type CheckingType The rule to use to compare the student’s answer with the correct answer. false
checking_range Array of Float The minimum and maximum value sample points can take [minimum, maximum] false
points_to_check Integer The number of comparisons to make between the student’s answer and the correct answer. false
max_failures Float If the comparison fails this many times or more, the student’s answer is marked as wrong. false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
relative_difference CheckingTypeDataFloat Fail if studentanswer / expectedanswer - 1 > amount
absolute_difference CheckingTypeDataFloat Fail if abs(studentanswer - expectedanswer) > amount
decimal_places CheckingTypeDataNatural x and y are rounded to a certain amount of decimal places, and the test fails if the rounded values are unequal
significant_figures CheckingTypeDataNatural x and y are rounded to significant figures, and the test fails if the rounded values are unequal.


field type description optional
max_difference Float Maximum relative or absolute difference false


field type description optional
amount Integer Amount of decimal places or significant figures false


field type description optional
partial_credit Float If the student’s answer does not match the given pattern, their score is multiplied by this percentage. false
message Translation Warning message false
pattern String See for example patterns false
name_to_compare String The part of the expression to mark false


field type description optional
name FileString The name of the variable false
value JMEFileString The expression to generate the value false


One of the following items:

type description
String A string of the form file:<filepath> where filepath is the relative path (within the exams or questions folder) to a file containing content. This content can be localized by placing it in locale folders. e.g. file:examples/basic-explanation.html will search for files in folders with following form: questions/examples/locale-<localename>/basic-explanation.html If a file isn't found for a specific locale, questions/examples/basic-explanation.html will be used
String A literal string.


field type description optional
partial_credit Float The partial credit (percentage) attributed when failing the restriction false
message Translation Warning message false
length Integer The minimum or maximum length false


field type description optional
partial_credit Float The partial credit (percentage) attributed when failing the restriction false
message Translation Warning message false
strings Array of Translation The strings that are required or forbidden false
show_strings Boolean Whether to show the strings false


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
sort_answers Boolean If ticked, then the student’s answers will be put in ascending order before the gaps are marked. The lowest answer will be submitted against the first gap, and so on. Because the order of marking might not correspond with the order in which the gaps are shown to the student, no feedback icon is shown next to the gap input boxes, only in the feedback summary for the whole part. false
gaps Array of QuestionPart The question parts for the gaps false


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
answer_data MultipleChoiceAnswerData Specify the options, score per option and feedback per option. Old name was answers false
shuffle_answers Boolean If this is ticked, the choices are displayed in random order. false
show_cell_answer_state Boolean If ticked, choices selected by the student will be highlighted as ‘correct’ if they have a positive score, and ‘incorrect’ if they are worth zero or negative marks. If this is not ticked, the ticked choices will be given a neutral highlight regardless of their scores. false
display ChooseOneDisplay How should the options be shown? false


One of the following items:

type description
Array of MultipleChoiceAnswer Specify a list of answer with it's marks and feedback
MultipleChoiceAnswerDataNumbasLike Specify the answers, marks and feedback as separate lists. The first answers, matches the first mark and the first feedback etc


field type description optional
statement Translation The statement of the answer false
feedback Translation The feedback shown when this answer is chosen false
marks Translation The marks to assign when this answer is chosen false


field type description optional
answers jme-string or Array of Translation The possible answers false
marks jme-string or Array of Translation The marks for the corresponding answers false
feedback "none" or Array of Translation The feedback for the corresponding answers. false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
"dropdown" “Drop down list” means that the choices are shown as a selection box; the student can click to show the choices in a vertical list.
radio ChooseOneDisplay_radio “Radio” means that choices are shown separately, in-line with the part prompt.


field type description optional
columns Integer This dictates how many columns the choices are displayed in. If 0, the choices are displayed on a single line, wrapped at the edges of the screen. false


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
answer_data MultipleChoiceAnswerData Specify the options, score per option and feedback per option. Old name was answers false
shuffle_answers Boolean If this is ticked, the choices are displayed in random order. false
show_cell_answer_state Boolean If ticked, choices selected by the student will be highlighted as ‘correct’ if they have a positive score, and ‘incorrect’ if they are worth zero or negative marks. If this is not ticked, the ticked choices will be given a neutral highlight regardless of their scores. false
should_select_at_least Integer The student must select at least this many choices. The value 0 means “no minimum”, though the student must make at least one choice to submit the part. false
should_select_at_most "none" or Integer The student must select at most this many choices. The value 0 means “no maximum”. false
columns Integer This dictates how many columns the choices are displayed in. If 0, the choices are displayed on a single line, wrapped at the edges of the screen. false
wrong_nb_answers_warning_type MultipleChoiceWarningType What to do if the student picks the wrong number of responses? Either "none" (do nothing), "prevent" (don’t let the student submit), or "warn" (show a warning but let them submit) false
minimal_achievable_marks "none" or Integer If the student would have scored less than this many marks, they are instead awarded this many. Useful in combination with negative marking. false
maximal_achievable_marks "none" or Integer If the student would have scored more than this many marks, they are instead awarded this many. The value 0 means “no maximum mark”. false
marking_method MultipleChoiceMarkingMethod This determines how the student’s score is determined, based on their selections and the marking matrix. false


One of the following items:

name description
"none" Do nothing
"prevent" Prevent submission until they pick an acceptable number of answers


One of the following items:

name description
"sum_ticked_cells" For each checkbox the student ticks, the corresponding entry in the marking matrix is added to their score. Unticked cells are ignored.
This marking method is suitable for situations where the student should only select choices they’re sure about. You could apply negative marks for incorrect choices.
"score_per_matched_cell" For each checkbox, the student is awarded an equal proportion of the Maximum marks, if their selection for that cell matches the marking matrix. A positive value in the marking matrix signifies that the student should tick that checkbox, while a value of zero signifies that the student should not tick that box.
This marking method is suitable for situations where the student must separate the available choices into two sets.
"all_or_nothing" the student is awarded the Maximum marks available if their selection exactly matches the marking matrix, and zero marks otherwise.
This marking method is suitable for situations where the student must exactly match a certain pattern, and there is no meaningful “partially correct” answer.


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
answer_data MultipleChoiceMatchAnswerData Specify the options, score per option and feedback per option. Old name was answers false
shuffle_answers Boolean If this is ticked, the choices are displayed in random order. false
shuffle_items Boolean If this is ticked, the items (horizontal) are displayed in random order. false
show_cell_answer_state Boolean If ticked, choices selected by the student will be highlighted as ‘correct’ if they have a positive score, and ‘incorrect’ if they are worth zero or negative marks. If this is not ticked, the ticked choices will be given a neutral highlight regardless of their scores. false
should_select_at_least Integer The student must select at least this many choices. The value 0 means “no minimum”, though the student must make at least one choice to submit the part. false
should_select_at_most "none" or Integer The student must select at most this many choices. The value 0 means “no maximum”. false
display MatchAnswerWithItemsDisplay How should the options be shown? false
layout MatchAnswersWithChoicesLayout How should the options be shown? false
wrong_nb_answers_warning_type MultipleChoiceWarningType What to do if the student picks the wrong number of responses? Either "none" (do nothing), "prevent" (don’t let the student submit), or "warn" (show a warning but let them submit) false
minimal_achievable_marks "none" or Integer If the student would have scored less than this many marks, they are instead awarded this many. Useful in combination with negative marking. false
maximal_achievable_marks "none" or Integer If the student would have scored more than this many marks, they are instead awarded this many. The value 0 means “no maximum mark”. false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
item_based MultipleChoiceMatchAnswers Specify a list of answers and a list of items with marks for different answers
numbas_like MultipleChoiceMatchAnswerDataNumbasLike Specify a list of answers, choices and marks in separate lists.


field type description optional
answers Array of Translation Values of the answers false
items Array of MatchAnswersItem Items for which the answer can be selected false


field type description optional
statement Translation The statement for the item false
answer_marks Array of MatchAnswersItemMarks Map points to strings of answers ! use anchors in yaml false


field type description optional
marks JMEString The marks a student get's for selecting the answer false
answer Translation The answer that yields marks for the item false


field type description optional
s String false
ast false


field type description optional
answers jme-string or Array of Translation The possible answers false
choices jme-string or Array of Translation The possible choices false
marks jme-string or Array of Array of JMEString The marks for the corresponding answers false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
"radio" One from each row
check MatchAnswersWithChoicesDisplayCheck Any number from each row


field type description optional
marking_method MultipleChoiceMarkingMethod The marking method to use false


field type description optional
type MatchAnswersWithChoicesLayoutType Which fields should be shown false


One of the following items:

name description
"all" All options are shown
"lower_triangle" Only the lower triangle is shown


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
answer NumberEntryAnswer The expected answer false
display_correct_as_fraction Boolean If this is ticked, the correct answer to the part will be rendered as a fraction of two whole numbers instead of a decimal. For example, if the answer is 0.5, it will be displayed as 1/2 instead of 0.5. false
allow_fractions Boolean If this is ticked, the student can enter a ratio of two whole numbers, e.g. -3/8, as their answer. false
fractions_must_be_reduced Boolean This option only applies when “allow_fractions” is ticked. If this is ticked, the student must enter their fractional answer reduced to lowest terms. For example, consider a part whose correct answer is 5/4. If this is ticked, 10/8 will be marked as incorrect. false
fractions_must_be_reduced_hint Boolean If this is ticked and fractions_must_be_reduced is ticked, then text explaining that the student must reduce their fraction to lowest terms is shown next to the input box. false
partial_credit_if_fraction_not_reduced Number The proportion of credit to award if the student’s answer is a non-reduced fraction. false
allowed_notation_styles Array of AnswerStyle The styles of number notation that the student can use to enter their answer. There are different ways of writing numbers, based on culture and context. Tick an option to allow the student to use that style in their answer. Note that some styles conflict with each other: for example, 1.234 is a number between 1 and 2 in English, while it’s the integer 1234 in French. The student’s answer will be interpreted using the first allowed style for which it is a valid representation of a number. false
display_correct_in_style AnswerStyle The style of number notation to use when displaying the student’s answer. false


One of the following items:

type description
JMEString The answer is accepted as correct when it equals this value
NumberEntryAnswerRange The answer is accepted as correct when it is within a range


field type description optional
from JMEString The smallest value accepted as correct. false
to JMEString The largest value accepted as correct. false


One of the following items:

name description
"english" English style - commas separate thousands, dot for decimal point
"english-plain" Plain English style - no thousands separator, dot for decimal point
"english-si" English SI style - spaces separate thousands, dot for decimal point
"european" Continental European style - dots separate thousands, comma for decimal poin
"european-plain" Plain French style - no thousands separator, comma for decimal point
"french-si" French SI style - spaces separate thousands, comma for decimal point
"indian" Indian style - commas separate groups, dot for decimal point. The rightmost group is three digits, other groups are two digits.
"scientific" Significand-exponent ("scientific") style
"swiss" Swiss style - apostrophes separate thousands, dot for decimal point


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
case_sensitive Boolean If this is ticked, the capitalisation of the student’s answer must match that of the answer pattern. If it doesn’t, partial credit will be awarded. false
wrong_case_partial_credit Float The partial credits awarded if the students capitalisation is wrong false
pattern Translation The text or pattern the student must match. false
display_answer Translation A representative correct answer string to display to the student, in case they press the Reveal answers button. false
match_mode PatternMatchMode The test to use to decide if the student’s answer is correct. Some examples false


One of the following items:

name description
"regex" The pattern is interpreted as a regular expression (
"exact" Marks the student’s answer as correct only if it is exactly the same as the text given in Answer pattern. Space characters are removed from the start and end of the student’s answer as well as the answer pattern before comparison.


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
correct_answer JMEString The expected answer to the part. This is a JME expression which must evaluate to a matrix. false
dimensions QuestionPartMatrixDimensions The dimensions of the student's answer field false
max_absolute_deviation Float If the absolute difference between the student’s value for a particular cell and the correct answer’s is less than this value, then it will be marked as correct. false
mark_partial_by_cells Boolean If this is set to true, the student will be awarded marks according to the proportion of cells that are marked correctly. If this is not ticked, they will only receive the marks for the part if they get every cell right. If their answer does not have the same dimensions as the correct answer, they are always awarded zero marks. false
display_correct_as_fraction Boolean If this is ticked, then non-integer numbers in the correct answer will be displayed as fractions instead of decimals. false
allow_fractions Boolean If this is ticked, the student can enter a ratio of two whole numbers, e.g. -3/8, as their answer. false


field type description optional
rows QuestionPartMatrixDimension The number of rows in the student’s answer field. false
columns QuestionPartMatrixDimension The number of columns in the student’s answer field. false


One of the following items:

name description
"Fixed" The dimensions are fixed
"Resizable" The student can change the dimensions


field type description optional
default jme-string or Integer The default size false
min jme-string or Integer The minimal size false
max "none" or jme-string or Integer The maximal size, if this is none, there is no limit false


field type description optional
prompt Translation A content area used to prompt the student for an answer. false
marks Number The number of marks to award for answering the part correctly. false
part_name "none" or String An optional custom part name, to use in part path's false
show_correct_answer Boolean When the student reveals answers to the question, or views the question in review mode, should a correct answer be shown? You might want to turn this off if you’re doing custom marking and the part has no “correct” answer. false
show_feedback_icon Boolean After the student submits an answer to this part, should an icon describing their score be shown? This is usually shown next to the input field, as well as in the feedback box. This option also controls whether feedback messages are shown for this part. You might want to turn this off if you’ve set up a question with a custom marking script which assigns a score based on the answers to two or more parts (or gapfills), meaning the individual parts have no independent “correct” or “incorrect” state. false
custom_marking "none" or CustomMarking The marking algorithm tab allows you to customise the script used to mark the student’s answer, and test that it works correctly on answers that you provide. false
steps Array of QuestionPart A (possibly empty) list of sub-parts which the student can reveal by clicking on a button. Marks awarded for steps don’t increase the total available for the part, but are given in case the student gets a lower score for the main part. false
steps_penalty Number If the student reveals the Steps, reduce the total available marks by this amount. Credit for the part is scaled down accordingly. For example, if there are 6 marks available and the penalty for revealing steps is 2 marks, the total available after revealing steps is 4. An answer worth 3 marks without revealing steps is instead worth 3 * 4/6 = 2 marks after revealing steps. false
adaptive_marking "none" or AdaptiveMarking Adaptive marking allows you to incorporate the student’s answers to earlier parts when marking their answer to another part. You could use this to allow an “error carried forward” marking scheme, or in more free-form questions where one part has no correct answer - for example, “think of a number and find its square root”. This is achieved by replacing the values of question variables with the student’s answers to other parts. When a variable is replaced, any other variables depending on that one are recalculated using the new value. All other variables keep their original values. See for more info and a warning false
type String The name of the custom part name false
settings Map from String to CustomPartInputTypeValue The settings for the CustomPartType false


field type description optional
e Boolean Whether the constant e is enabled false
pi Boolean Whether the constant pi is enabled false
i Boolean Whether the constant i is enabled- false


field type description optional
name String The name of the constant false
value JMEString The value of the constant false
tex String The tex code use to display the constant false


field type description optional
condition JMEString A JME expression which should evaluate to true when the set of variables generated has the properties you want. For example, if a, b and c are the coefficients of a quadratic equation and you want it to have real roots, the condition could be b^2-4ac>=0. false
max_runs Integer The maximum number of times the system should regenerate the set of variables without finding a set which satisfies the condition before giving up. If the system exceeds this number in a compiled exam, the entire exam will fail, so try to avoid it! false


field type description optional
js FileString The JavaScript to add to the outputfiles false
css FileString The CSS to add to the outputfiles false


field type description optional
can_regenerate Boolean Whether the student can regenerate the question Old name was allow_regenerate false
show_title_page Boolean Whether the title page should be shown. Old name was show_frontpage false
confirm_when_leaving Boolean Whether the student will be asked to confirm when leaving the exam. false


field type description optional
chemistry Boolean false
download_text_file Boolean false
eukleides Boolean The Eukleides extension provides functions to embed diagrams created using the Eukleides language. false
geogebra Boolean The GeoGebra extension provides functions to embed GeoGebra worksheets in a question. false
graphs Boolean This extension provides some functions for working with and drawing graphs (networks of vertices joined by edges) in Numbas. false
jsx_graph Boolean The JSXGraph extension provides functions to create and manipulate interactive diagrams with the JSXGraph library. false
linear_algebra Boolean false
linear_codes Boolean This extension provides a new data type and some functions to deal with linear codes. false
optimisation Boolean false
permutations Boolean false
polynomials Boolean This extension provides a new data type and some functions to deal with rational polynomials. false
quantities Boolean This extension wraps the js-quantities library to provide a “quantity with units” data type to Numbas. false
random_person Boolean The “random person” extension provides a collection of functions to generate random people, for use in word problems. false
stats Boolean The statistical functions extension provides many new functions for generating samples from random distributions, and calculating statistics. false
sqlite Boolean false
text Boolean false
written_number Boolean false


field type description optional
resource_name String false
resource_path Filesystem path false


field type description optional
file_name String false
data CustomPartTypeDefinition false


field type description optional
type_name Translation false
description Translation false
settings Array of CustomPartTypeSetting false
can_be_gap Boolean false
can_be_step Boolean false
marking_notes Array of JMENote false
help_url Translation false
published Boolean false
extensions Extensions false
input_widget CustomPartInputWidget false


Internal tag named input_type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
check_box CustomPartTypeSettingCheckBox
code CustomPartTypeSettingCode
mathematical_expression CustomPartTypeSettingMathematicalExpression
string CustomPartTypeSettingString
drop_down CustomPartTypeSettingDropDown
percentage CustomPartTypeSettingPercentage


field type description optional
name Translation A short name for this setting, used to refer to it in the part type’s answer input or marking algorithm. The name should uniquely identify the setting. false
numbas_label Translation The label shown next to the setting in the numbas question editor. Try to make it as clear as possible what the setting is for. For example, a checkbox which dictates whether an input hint is shown should be labelled something like “Hide the input hint?” rather than “Input hint visibility” - the latter doesn’t tell the question author whether ticking the checkbox will result in the input hint appearing or not. false
documentation_url "none" or Translation The address of documentation explaining this setting in further depth. false
numbas_hint Translation Use this field to give further guidance to question authors about this setting, if the label is not enough. For example, you might use this to say what data type a JME code setting should evaluate to. false
default_value Boolean The initial value of the setting in the question editor. false


field type description optional
name Translation A short name for this setting, used to refer to it in the part type’s answer input or marking algorithm. The name should uniquely identify the setting. false
numbas_label Translation The label shown next to the setting in the numbas question editor. Try to make it as clear as possible what the setting is for. For example, a checkbox which dictates whether an input hint is shown should be labelled something like “Hide the input hint?” rather than “Input hint visibility” - the latter doesn’t tell the question author whether ticking the checkbox will result in the input hint appearing or not. false
documentation_url "none" or Translation The address of documentation explaining this setting in further depth. false
numbas_hint Translation Use this field to give further guidance to question authors about this setting, if the label is not enough. For example, you might use this to say what data type a JME code setting should evaluate to. false
default_value "none" or Translation The initial value of the setting in the question editor. If the setting has a sensible default value, set it here. If the value of the setting is likely to be different for each instance of this part type, set this to none. false
evaluate Boolean false


field type description optional
name Translation A short name for this setting, used to refer to it in the part type’s answer input or marking algorithm. The name should uniquely identify the setting. false
numbas_label Translation The label shown next to the setting in the numbas question editor. Try to make it as clear as possible what the setting is for. For example, a checkbox which dictates whether an input hint is shown should be labelled something like “Hide the input hint?” rather than “Input hint visibility” - the latter doesn’t tell the question author whether ticking the checkbox will result in the input hint appearing or not. false
documentation_url "none" or Translation The address of documentation explaining this setting in further depth. false
numbas_hint Translation Use this field to give further guidance to question authors about this setting, if the label is not enough. For example, you might use this to say what data type a JME code setting should evaluate to. false
evaluate_enclosed_expressions Boolean If this is ticked, then JME expressions enclosed in curly braces will be evaluated and the results substituted back into the string. false
default_value "none" or Translation The initial value of the setting in the question editor. If the setting has a sensible default value, set it here. If the value of the setting is likely to be different for each instance of this part type, set this to none. false


field type description optional
name Translation A short name for this setting, used to refer to it in the part type’s answer input or marking algorithm. The name should uniquely identify the setting. false
numbas_label Translation The label shown next to the setting in the numbas question editor. Try to make it as clear as possible what the setting is for. For example, a checkbox which dictates whether an input hint is shown should be labelled something like “Hide the input hint?” rather than “Input hint visibility” - the latter doesn’t tell the question author whether ticking the checkbox will result in the input hint appearing or not. false
documentation_url "none" or Translation The address of documentation explaining this setting in further depth. false
numbas_hint Translation Use this field to give further guidance to question authors about this setting, if the label is not enough. For example, you might use this to say what data type a JME code setting should evaluate to. false
evaluate_enclosed_expressions Boolean If this is ticked, then JME expressions enclosed in curly braces will be evaluated and the results substituted back into the text when the question is run. Otherwise, the string will be untouched. false
default_value "none" or String The initial value of the setting in the question editor. If the setting has a sensible default value, set it here. If the value of the setting is likely to be different for each instance of this part type, set this to none. false


field type description optional
name Translation A short name for this setting, used to refer to it in the part type’s answer input or marking algorithm. The name should uniquely identify the setting. false
numbas_label Translation The label shown next to the setting in the numbas question editor. Try to make it as clear as possible what the setting is for. For example, a checkbox which dictates whether an input hint is shown should be labelled something like “Hide the input hint?” rather than “Input hint visibility” - the latter doesn’t tell the question author whether ticking the checkbox will result in the input hint appearing or not. false
documentation_url "none" or Translation The address of documentation explaining this setting in further depth. false
numbas_hint Translation Use this field to give further guidance to question authors about this setting, if the label is not enough. For example, you might use this to say what data type a JME code setting should evaluate to. false
default_value "none" or Translation The initial value of the setting in the question editor. If the setting has a sensible default value, set it here. If the value of the setting is likely to be different for each instance of this part type, set this to none. false
choices Array of CustomPartTypeSettingDropDownChoice false


field type description optional
value Translation false
label Translation false


field type description optional
name Translation A short name for this setting, used to refer to it in the part type’s answer input or marking algorithm. The name should uniquely identify the setting. false
numbas_label Translation The label shown next to the setting in the numbas question editor. Try to make it as clear as possible what the setting is for. For example, a checkbox which dictates whether an input hint is shown should be labelled something like “Hide the input hint?” rather than “Input hint visibility” - the latter doesn’t tell the question author whether ticking the checkbox will result in the input hint appearing or not. false
documentation_url "none" or Translation The address of documentation explaining this setting in further depth. false
numbas_hint Translation Use this field to give further guidance to question authors about this setting, if the label is not enough. For example, you might use this to say what data type a JME code setting should evaluate to. false
default_value "none" or Float The initial value of the setting in the question editor. If the setting has a sensible default value, set it here. If the value of the setting is likely to be different for each instance of this part type, set this to none. false


Internal tag named type. One of the following items:

tag-value datatype of value description
string CustomPartStringInputOptions The student enters a single line of text.
number CustomPartNumberInputOptions The student enters a number, using any of the allowed notation styles. If the student’s answer is not a valid number, they are shown a warning and can not submit the part.
radiogroup CustomPartRadioGroupInputOptions The student chooses one from a list of choices by selecting a radio button.


field type description optional
hint CustomPartInputOptionValueTranslatableString A string displayed next to the input field, giving any necessary information about how to enter their answer. false
correct_answer Translation A JME expression which evaluates to the expected answer to the part. false
allow_empty CustomPartInputOptionValueBool If false, the part will only be marked if their answer is non-empty. false


field type description optional
value Translation The value false
static Boolean A static field takes the same value in every instance of the part type. A dynamic field is defined by a JME expression which is evaluated when the question is run. false


field type description optional
value Boolean The value false
static Boolean A static field takes the same value in every instance of the part type. A dynamic field is defined by a JME expression which is evaluated when the question is run. false


field type description optional
hint CustomPartInputOptionValueTranslatableString A string displayed next to the input field, giving any necessary information about how to enter their answer. false
correct_answer Translation A JME expression which evaluates to the expected answer to the part. false
allow_fractions CustomPartInputOptionValueBool Allow the student to enter their answer as a fraction? false
allowed_notation_styles CustomPartInputOptionValueAnswerStyles false


field type description optional
value Array of AnswerStyle The value false
static Boolean A static field takes the same value in every instance of the part type. A dynamic field is defined by a JME expression which is evaluated when the question is run. false


field type description optional
hint CustomPartInputOptionValueTranslatableString A string displayed next to the input field, giving any necessary information about how to enter their answer. false
correct_answer Translation A JME expression which evaluates to the expected answer to the part. false
choices CustomPartInputOptionValueTranslatableStrings The labels for the choices to offer to the student. false


field type description optional
value Array of Translation The value false
static Boolean A static field takes the same value in every instance of the part type. A dynamic field is defined by a JME expression which is evaluated when the question is run. false
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