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Jhordan Lima jhorlima

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  • I am jhorlima on github.
  • I am jhordan ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA7tb5G7ZZc6tUYq2NCmgIls1er4gRT_PNIKEYgUTkzkAo

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rm -rf $REPO_NAME
git clone --bare $ORIGIN_URL $REPO_NAME
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "ERROR: failed clone of $ORIGIN_URL"
jhorlima /
Created September 16, 2019 20:48 — forked from sidneys/
YouTube video stream format codes itags

YouTube video stream format codes

Comprehensive list of YouTube format code itags

itag Code Container Content Resolution Bitrate Range VR / 3D
5 flv audio/video 240p - - -
6 flv audio/video 270p - - -
17 3gp audio/video 144p - - -
18 mp4 audio/video 360p - - -
22 mp4 audio/video 720p - - -
jhorlima / digg-style-pagination.js
Created April 17, 2019 22:03
Digg Style Pagination - Javascript ES6
const pagination = (currentPage = 1, totalPages = 0, customEtc = '...') => {
const pages = [];
//Verificar se há páginas
if (totalPages <= 0)
return pages;
//1 Botão
jhorlima / DiggStylePagination.php
Last active March 20, 2018 13:10
Digg Style Pagination - Bootstrap PHP
final class DiggStylePagination {
* DiggStylePagination::create(5, 1, 15, function($page){ return 'http://localhost/' . $page; })
public final static function create($currentPage, $firstPage, $totalPages, \Closure $url, $adjacents = 1, array $classes = []) {