Disclaimer: This information is a good start but might not be complete. The tables below contain a list of known legacy item types/subtypes but there are probaby some more.
Check which item types are used and count them. This gives an general idea of technologies used, and specifically if legacy techologies like VBScript are used. A database with any legacy items (even if not published) must not be upgraded to a Tridion CM version without legacy pack. The upgrade will work but later upon browsing the CM (Either through CME or API) errors will appear because the Trdion CM does not understand the legacy items without the legacy pack installed.
Also see this list of item types http://tridion.stackexchange.com/questions/3014/static-ids-in-tridion
FROM [Tridion_cm].[dbo].[ITEMS] I
The query returns something like this
8 0 131
8 1 11
8 2 114
8 3 9
8 4 5
8 5 1
8 6 30
16 0 437950
16 1 41868
32 1 13
32 3 1
32 4 153
64 NULL 46025
128 1 7
128 4 57
1024 NULL 2411
2048 1 3
2048 3 110
2048 4 4
2048 5 6
2048 6 150
2048 7 218
The query results contain the item types and sub types used in the Content Manager. From here you can derive which legacy items are used.
- For a complete list of item types see http://tridion.stackexchange.com/questions/3014/static-ids-in-tridion
- For more about template subtypes see the "Template Type" table in http://docs.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL%20Tridion%20full%20documentation-v1/GUID-E0C35F84-36A5-46B3-8DF9-921CF6E40CB9
- Item type 32, sub type 1: VBScript [Legacy]
- Item type 32, sub type 2: Jscript [Legacy]
- Item type 32, sub type 3: XSLT [Legacy]
- Item type 32, sub type 4: Compound Template
- Item type 32, sub type 5: XSLT (new)
- Item type 128, sub type 1: VBScript [Legacy]
- Item type 128, sub type 2: JScript [Legacy]
- Item type 128, sub type 3: XSLT [Legacy]
- Item type 128, sub type 4: Compound Template
- Item type 128, sub type 5: XSLT (new)
- Item type 2048, sub type 1: VBScript [Legacy]
- Item type 2048, sub type 3: XSLT
- Item type 2048, sub type 4: Compound Template
- Item type 2048, sub type 5: .NET Assembly
- Item type 2048, sub type 6: C# Code Fragment
- Item type 2048, sub type 7: Dreamweaver
- Item type 2048, sub type 8: Razor Custom mediator
- Item type 2048, sub type 9: ??? possibly custom XSLT mediator
- Item type 2048, sub type 10: XsltTemplate (the native Tridion XSLT template)
- Item type 8 , sub type 0: Schema
- Item type 8 , sub type 1: Multimedia schema
- Item type 8 , sub type 2: Embeddable schema
- Item type 8 , sub type 3: Metadata schema
- Item type 8 , sub type 4: Protocol
- Item type 8 , sub type 5: Virtual folder
- Item type 8 , sub type 6: Parameter schema
- Item type 8 , sub type 7: Bundle schema
- Item type 16, sub type 0: Component
- Item type 16, sub type 1: Multimedia component