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Created May 10, 2017 17:04
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Tree labeling using State monad
module Tree
( Tree(Node)
, NodeId
, CollapsibleTree
, makeTree
import State exposing (State)
import State
type Tree a
= Node a (List (Tree a))
type alias NodeId =
type alias CollapsibleTree a =
Tree ( a, Bool, NodeId )
type alias IdGen a =
State NodeId a
makeTree : Tree a -> CollapsibleTree a
makeTree tree =
State.finalValue 0 (labelTree tree)
labelTree : Tree a -> IdGen (CollapsibleTree a)
labelTree (Node root children) =
(\nid collapsibleChildren -> Node ( root, False, nid ) collapsibleChildren)
(State.traverse labelTree children)
newNodeId : IdGen NodeId
newNodeId =
State.modify (\x -> x + 1) |> State.andThen (\_ -> State.get)
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