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Created August 16, 2017 07:49
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import subprocess
from math import log10, sqrt
def prune(seq, key, dist):
pruned = []
n = 0
for x in sorted(seq, key=key):
if n <= dist(key(x)):
n += 1
return pruned
def main(root, confirmed=False):
keep = {}
now =
paths = list(root.glob('????-??-??-??????'))
keep = prune(
lambda p: (now-datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S'))/timedelta(1),
lambda x: 50*log10(1+sqrt(x))
delete = set(paths) - set(keep)
for path in sorted(paths):
print('x' if path in delete else ' ', path)
print(f'Will delete ({len(delete)}/{len(paths)}):')
if not confirmed and len(keep) < len(paths):
answer = input('Proceed? [y]: ')
if answer != 'y':
for path in sorted(delete):
print(f'Deleting {path}...', end='', flush=True)['rm', '-rf', str(path)])
print(' Done.')
def cli():
parser = ArgumentParser()
arg = parser.add_argument
arg('root', type=Path)
arg('--confirmed', action='store_true')
return vars(parser.parse_args())
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit(2)
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