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Created March 1, 2012 23:09
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Read PCM (WAV) data with node.js
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
exports.getPcmData = function(filename, sampleCallback, endCallback) {
var outputStr = '';
var oddByte = null;
var channel = 0;
var gotData = false;
// Extract signed 16-bit little endian PCM data with ffmpeg and pipe to STDOUT
var ffmpeg = spawn('ffmpeg', ['-i',filename,'-f','s16le','-ac','2',
ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
gotData = true;
var i = 0;
var samples = Math.floor((data.length + (oddByte !== null ? 1 : 0)) / 2);
// If there is a leftover byte from the previous block, combine it with the
// first byte from this block
if (oddByte !== null) {
value = ((data.readInt8(i++) << 8) | oddByte) / 32767;
sampleCallback(value, channel);
channel = ++channel % 2;
for (; i < data.length; i += 2) {
value = data.readInt16LE(i) / 32767;
sampleCallback(value, channel);
channel = ++channel % 2;
oddByte = (i < data.length) ? data.readUInt8(i) : null;
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
// Text info from ffmpeg is output to stderr
outputStr += data.toString();
ffmpeg.stderr.on('end', function() {
if (gotData)
endCallback(null, outputStr);
endCallback(outputStr, null);
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