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Created March 17, 2022 00:44
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Extends THREE.js InstancedMesh with the ability to reference instances by a string key and add/remove instances with dynamic buffer resizing
import * as THREE from "three";
type UserData = { [key: string]: unknown };
const INITIAL_SIZE = 4;
const tempMat4 = new THREE.Matrix4();
const tempColor = new THREE.Color();
* Extends InstancedMesh with the ability to reference instances by a string key
* and add/remove instances by key with dynamic buffer resizing.
export class IndexedInstancedMesh<
TGeometry extends THREE.BufferGeometry = THREE.BufferGeometry,
TMaterial extends THREE.Material | THREE.Material[] = THREE.Material | THREE.Material[],
TUserData extends UserData = UserData,
> extends THREE.InstancedMesh<TGeometry, TMaterial> {
// A map of { key -> index }
private _map = new Map<string, number>();
// A map of { key -> UserData }
private _userData = new Map<string, TUserData>();
// Effectively a map of { index -> key }
private _keys: string[] = [];
// Total size of the buffer attributes, which can be larger than .count (instances in use)
private _capacity: number;
constructor(geometry: TGeometry, material: TMaterial) {
super(geometry, material, 0);
this._capacity = INITIAL_SIZE;
set(key: string, matrix: THREE.Matrix4, color: THREE.Color, userData: TUserData): void {
let index: number;
if (this._map.has(key)) {
// Update the existing entry
index = this._map.get(key)!;
} else {
// Create a new entry
index = this.count;
this._map.set(key, index);
this._userData.set(key, userData);
this.setMatrixAt(index, matrix);
this.setColorAt(index, color);
this.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
this.instanceColor!.needsUpdate = true;
delete(key: string): boolean {
if (!this._map.has(key)) return false;
const deleteIndex = this._map.get(key)!;
if (deleteIndex !== this.count - 1) {
// Swap the last element with the one to be deleted
const lastIndex = this.count - 1;
const lastKey = this._keys[lastIndex]!;
this._keys[deleteIndex] = lastKey;
this._map.set(lastKey, deleteIndex);
this.getMatrixAt(lastIndex, tempMat4);
this.setMatrixAt(deleteIndex, tempMat4);
this.getColorAt(lastIndex, tempColor);
this.setColorAt(deleteIndex, tempColor);
this.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
this.instanceColor!.needsUpdate = true;
// Delete the last element
this.setCount(this.count - 1);
// Delete the requested key from the map
return true;
has(key: string): boolean {
return this._map.has(key);
getUserData(key: string): TUserData | undefined {
return this._userData.get(key);
private setCount(count: number) {
while (count >= this._capacity) this.expand();
this.count = count;
this.instanceMatrix.count = count;
this.instanceColor!.count = count;
private expand() {
this._capacity = this._capacity + Math.trunc(this._capacity / 2) + 16;
private resize() {
const oldMatrixArray = this.instanceMatrix.array as Float32Array;
const oldColorArray = this.instanceColor?.array as Float32Array | undefined;
const newMatrixArray = new Float32Array(this._capacity * 16);
const newColorArray = new Float32Array(this._capacity * 3);
if (oldMatrixArray.length > 0) {
if (oldColorArray && oldColorArray.length > 0) {
this.instanceMatrix = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(newMatrixArray, 16);
this.instanceColor = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(newColorArray, 3);
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