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Created February 26, 2016 17:42
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Loading Mongoose model files
'use strict'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import _ from 'moar-lodash'
import * as appRoot from 'app-root-path'
const log = appRoot.require('./dist/lib/utils/logger')({ model: 'Index (loader)' })
module.exports = ( Mongoose ) => {
const ignoreFiles = ['index.js']
log.debug(`Model index loaded, preparing to load models (except the files ${ignoreFiles.join(', ')})`)
if( ! Mongoose )
throw new Error('Need to pass a Mongoose object to the model index to load all models')
// Get all the files found in the current directory
const files = fs.readdirSync( __dirname )
log.debug(`Files found: ${files.join(', ')}`)
// This object will be populated and returned
const models = {}
// Loop through the files in this directory, loading them as Mongoose
// models, and adding them to the models object to be returned
_.forEach( files, f => {
// Get the full path of the file
let file = path.resolve( __dirname, f )
log.debug( `Processing path ${file}...` )
// Skip any folders (EG: ./middleware folder)
if( ! fs.lstatSync( file ).isFile() ){ `Ignoring the path ${file} - It's not a file` )
// Skip this if its listed as a file to ignore
if( _.indexOf( ignoreFiles, f ) !== -1 ){ `Ignoring the file ${file} - found in ignore list` )
// Get the model name from the file name
const modelName = f.match( /(.*)\.js/ )[ 1 ]
// Convert it to ucfirst
const model = _.chain( modelName ).toLower().upperFirst().value()
//log.debug(`Loading file ${f} as Mongoose model ${model}`)
// An atempt to circumvent the OverwriteModelError error
if( _.isUndefined( models[ model ] ) ) {
// Load it as a model by passing the mongoose object
models[ model ] = require( `./${modelName}` )( Mongoose )
log.debug(`Mongoose model ${model} successfully loaded by model index`)
} )
log.debug(`Models being returned: ${_.keys( models ).join(', ')}`)
return models
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