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Forked from rwaldron/style-guide.js
Last active September 30, 2016 15:41
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Writing Idiomatic JavaScript
// 1. Two space soft indents (fake tabs) OR tabs... BUT NEVER BOTH - DO NOT MIX
// 2. Whitespace, Parens, Braces, Linebreaks
// if/else/for/while/try always have spaces, braces and multiple lines.
// Bad
if(condition) doSomething();
while(condition) iterating++;
for(var i=0;i<100;i++) someIterativeFn();
// Good
if ( condition ) {
// Good
while ( condition ) {
// Good
for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
// Bad
if ( true )
// Good
if ( true ) {
// Bad
if ( true ) return;
if ( true ) blah();
// Good
if ( true ) {
// Good
if ( true ) {
// Good
if ( true ) {
} else {
// Whitespace in Function declarations, assignments and expressions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Good
function foo( arg1, argN ) {
// Good
var f = foo( arg1, argN );
// Good
function bar( arg1, callback ) {
// Good
var b = bar( arg1, function() {
// Good
function FooBar( arg1, argN ) {
// Good
var fooBar = new FooBar( arg1, argN );
// Good
var a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
// Good
foo( a[1] );
// Conditional Block Whitespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bad
// Good
if ( blah === "foo" ) {
foo( "bar", "baz", { zoo: 1 } );
// Don't use tabs inside a line.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
var a = true,
// Bad
c = false,
// Good
b = false;
// EXCEPTIONS: Paren whitespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions with callbacks
foo(function() {
^ No space
^ No space
// Functions accepting arrays
foo([ ]);
// Functions accepting object
foo({ });
^ ^ No space
// Inner parens:
if ( !("foo" in obj) ) {
^ ^ No Space
// 3. Style
var Module = (function() {
^ No space
// really private
var private = "secret";
return {
// pseudo private
_props: {
bool: true,
string: "a string",
array: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
object: {
lang: "en-Us"
_method: function() {
// pseudo private
getBool: function() {
// comments
return this._props.bool;
setBool: function( arg1 ) {
// comments
return ( this._props.bool = arg1 );
/* NOTE: Comments are never at the end of the line,
always on the line above. */
// 4. Naming
// `dog` is a string
// `dogs` is an array of `dog` strings
// camelCase; function and var declarations
// PascalCase; constructor function
// `idx` is an index
// `fn` is a function
// Use {} instead of new Object(). Use [] instead of new Array().
// 5. Conditions, Evaluation, Ducktyping, Etc.
// ALWAYS USE `===` OVER `==` (unless the case requires loose type evaluation )
// Truthy/Falsy Evaluation: (includes real `true` & `false` for explanation purpose)
var truthy = ("foo" | 1 | true),
falsy = (false | null | undefined | 0 | "" | NaN);
// BAD *
if ( typeof undef === "undefined" ) {
// Good
if ( !("undef" in window) ) {
// Bad *
if ( falsy === false ) {
// Good
if ( !falsy ) {
// Bad
if ( array.length >= 1 ) {
// Good
if ( array.length ) {
// evaluates the same as above
// Good
if ( truthy ) {
/* Unless the case requires a check for `false` where a match to `undefined` or `null`
would be incorrect. */
// Using `switch` should be avoided.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Modern method tracing will blacklist functions with switch statements
// Bad:
switch( foo ) {
case "alpha":
case "beta":
// something to default to
// Really good:
var module = (function () {
return {
alpha: function() {
beta: function() {
default: function() {
// If `foo` is a property of `module`, execute the method
module[ foo ] && module[ foo ]();
// This pattern is also really good because it promotes code reusability.
// Early returns are nice perf boosts
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instead of this:
function returnLate( foo ) {
var ret;
if ( foo ) {
ret = "foo";
} else {
ret = "quux";
return ret;
// Try this:
function returnEarly( foo ) {
if ( foo ) {
return "foo";
return "quux";
// JSDoc style is good
// Single line above the code that is subject
// End of line comments are prohibited.
// 6. Variable Declaration
// BAD:
var foo = "";
var bar = "";
var qux;
// GOOD:
var foo = "",
bar = "",
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