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Created April 27, 2019 01:26
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Multinomial naive Bayes in Julia, allowing for generic numeric types for the conditional probabilities. (including rational numbers) that allow you to calculate exact probabilities.
struct NaiveBayes{T, V<:AbstractVector, M<:AbstractMatrix}
train(::Type{NaiveBayes}, T::Type{R}, features, labels, α = 1) where R<:Real =
train(NaiveBayes{T, Vector{T}, Matrix{T}}, features, labels, α)
for (typ, op) in ((Rational, ://), (Real, :/)) @eval begin
function train(::Type{NaiveBayes{T, S, R}},
features, labels, α = 1) where
{T<:$typ, S<:AbstractVector{T}, R<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
m, n = size(features)
pr = zeros(T, 2, n) #probabilities
#Calculate priors and denominators
counts = zeros(Int, 2)
counts_category = zeros(Int, 2)
for i in 1:m
k = if labels[i] 1 else 2 end
counts[k] += 1
counts_category[k] += sum(view(features, i, :))
priors = ($op)(counts, m)
for j in 1:n
counts = zeros(Int, 2)
for i in 1:m
k = if labels[i] 1 else 2 end
counts[k] += features[i, j]
for k in 1:2
pr[k, j] = ($op)(counts[k] + α, counts_category[k] + α * n)
return NaiveBayes{T, S, R}(pr, priors)
function predict(NB::NaiveBayes, T::Type{R}, features,
normalize::Bool=false) where R<:($typ)
pr = convert(Vector{T}, NB.priors)
n = size(features, 1)
for k=1:2, j=1:n
x = features[j]
if x != 0
pr[k] *= (NB.probabilities[k, j])^x
if normalize
pr = ($op)(pr, sum(pr))
return T(pr[1]), T(pr[2])
predict(NB::NaiveBayes, features) = predict(NB, Float32, features)
#Example from
featureset =
#Chinese Beijing Shanghai Macao Japan Tokyo
[2 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 1]
labels = [true, true, true, false]
NB = train(NaiveBayes, Rational, featureset, labels)
@assert NB.priors == [3//4, 1//4]
@assert NB.probabilities[1, 1] == 3//7
@assert NB.probabilities[1, 5] == 1//14
@assert NB.probabilities[1, 6] == 1//14
@assert NB.probabilities[2, 1] == 2//9
@assert NB.probabilities[2, 5] == 2//9
@assert NB.probabilities[2, 6] == 2//9
pred_yes, pred_no = predict(NB, Rational, [3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
#Unnormalized probabilities
upr_yes = 3//4 * (3//7)^3 * 1//14 * 1//14
upr_no = 1//4 * (2//9)^3 * 2//9 * 2//9
pr_yes = upr_yes // (upr_yes + upr_no)
pr_no = upr_no // (upr_yes + upr_no)
@assert pred_yes == pr_yes
@assert pred_no == pr_no
NBF = train(NaiveBayes, Float32, featureset, labels)
predict(NB, Float32, [3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
predict(NBF, Float32, [3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
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