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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save jiahao/77bbd85a695fbeb64beb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jiahao/77bbd85a695fbeb64beb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Check Unicode widths reported in Julia
RawUnicodeData=readdlm(download(""), ';', String)
#UAX11 -
"A "=>0, #ambiguous
"W "=>2, #wide
"F "=>2, #full
"N "=>0, #neutral
"Na "=>1, #narrow
"H "=>1, #half
#Spit out Markdown output
for i in 1:size(RawUnicodeData,1)
codepoint = RawUnicodeData[i,1]
length(codepoint)>0 || continue
if !in('.', codepoint) #Not a range
thechar = char(uint(string("0x", codepoint)))
width= charwidth(thechar)
uniwidth==0 && continue #Don't know
if width!=uniwidth
idx +=1
println(idx,". codepoint [", codepoint, '(', thechar,
lowercase(codepoint), "/index.htm) has charwidth ", width,
" but Unicode width type ", RawUnicodeData[i,2],
"which may be of width ", uniwidth)
  1. codepoint 115A(ᅚ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  2. codepoint 115B(ᅛ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  3. codepoint 115C(ᅜ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  4. codepoint 115D(ᅝ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  5. codepoint 115E(ᅞ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  6. codepoint 27EC(⟬) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type Na which may be of width 1
  7. codepoint 27ED(⟭) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type Na which may be of width 1
  8. codepoint 3099(゙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  9. codepoint 309A(゚) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  10. codepoint 312D(ㄭ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  11. codepoint 31B8(ㆸ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  12. codepoint 31B9(ㆹ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  13. codepoint 31BA(ㆺ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  14. codepoint 31C0(㇀) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  15. codepoint 31C1(㇁) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  16. codepoint 31C2(㇂) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  17. codepoint 31C3(㇃) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  18. codepoint 31C4(㇄) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  19. codepoint 31C5(㇅) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  20. codepoint 31C6(㇆) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  21. codepoint 31C7(㇇) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  22. codepoint 31C8(㇈) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  23. codepoint 31C9(㇉) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  24. codepoint 31CA(㇊) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  25. codepoint 31CB(㇋) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  26. codepoint 31CC(㇌) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  27. codepoint 31CD(㇍) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  28. codepoint 31CE(㇎) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  29. codepoint 31CF(㇏) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  30. codepoint 31D0(㇐) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  31. codepoint 31D1(㇑) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  32. codepoint 31D2(㇒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  33. codepoint 31D3(㇓) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  34. codepoint 31D4(㇔) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  35. codepoint 31D5(㇕) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  36. codepoint 31D6(㇖) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  37. codepoint 31D7(㇗) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  38. codepoint 31D8(㇘) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  39. codepoint 31D9(㇙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  40. codepoint 31DA(㇚) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  41. codepoint 31DB(㇛) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  42. codepoint 31DC(㇜) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  43. codepoint 31DD(㇝) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  44. codepoint 31DE(㇞) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  45. codepoint 31DF(㇟) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  46. codepoint 31E0(㇠) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  47. codepoint 31E1(㇡) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  48. codepoint 31E2(㇢) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  49. codepoint 31E3(㇣) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  50. codepoint 321D(㈝) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  51. codepoint 321E(㈞) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  52. codepoint 3244(㉄) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  53. codepoint 3245(㉅) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  54. codepoint 3246(㉆) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  55. codepoint 3247(㉇) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  56. codepoint 3250(㉐) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  57. codepoint 327C(㉼) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  58. codepoint 327D(㉽) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  59. codepoint 327E(㉾) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  60. codepoint 32CC(㋌) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  61. codepoint 32CD(㋍) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  62. codepoint 32CE(㋎) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  63. codepoint 32CF(㋏) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  64. codepoint 3377(㍷) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  65. codepoint 3378(㍸) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  66. codepoint 3379(㍹) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  67. codepoint 337A(㍺) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  68. codepoint 33DE(㏞) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  69. codepoint 33DF(㏟) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  70. codepoint 33FF(㏿) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  71. codepoint A960(ꥠ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  72. codepoint A961(ꥡ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  73. codepoint A962(ꥢ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  74. codepoint A963(ꥣ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  75. codepoint A964(ꥤ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  76. codepoint A965(ꥥ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  77. codepoint A966(ꥦ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  78. codepoint A967(ꥧ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  79. codepoint A968(ꥨ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  80. codepoint A969(ꥩ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  81. codepoint A96A(ꥪ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  82. codepoint A96B(ꥫ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  83. codepoint A96C(ꥬ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  84. codepoint A96D(ꥭ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  85. codepoint A96E(ꥮ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  86. codepoint A96F(ꥯ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  87. codepoint A970(ꥰ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  88. codepoint A971(ꥱ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  89. codepoint A972(ꥲ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  90. codepoint A973(ꥳ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  91. codepoint A974(ꥴ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  92. codepoint A975(ꥵ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  93. codepoint A976(ꥶ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  94. codepoint A977(ꥷ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  95. codepoint A978(ꥸ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  96. codepoint A979(ꥹ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  97. codepoint A97A(ꥺ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  98. codepoint A97B(ꥻ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  99. codepoint A97C(ꥼ) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  100. codepoint FA2E(郞) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  101. codepoint FA2F(隷) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  102. codepoint FA6B(恵) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  103. codepoint FA6C(𤋮) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  104. codepoint FA6D(舘) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  105. codepoint FA70(並) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  106. codepoint FA71(况) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  107. codepoint FA72(全) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  108. codepoint FA73(侀) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  109. codepoint FA74(充) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  110. codepoint FA75(冀) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  111. codepoint FA76(勇) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  112. codepoint FA77(勺) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  113. codepoint FA78(喝) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  114. codepoint FA79(啕) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  115. codepoint FA7A(喙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  116. codepoint FA7B(嗢) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  117. codepoint FA7C(塚) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  118. codepoint FA7D(墳) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  119. codepoint FA7E(奄) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  120. codepoint FA7F(奔) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  121. codepoint FA80(婢) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  122. codepoint FA81(嬨) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  123. codepoint FA82(廒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  124. codepoint FA83(廙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  125. codepoint FA84(彩) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  126. codepoint FA85(徭) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  127. codepoint FA86(惘) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  128. codepoint FA87(慎) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  129. codepoint FA88(愈) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  130. codepoint FA89(憎) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  131. codepoint FA8A(慠) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  132. codepoint FA8B(懲) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  133. codepoint FA8C(戴) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  134. codepoint FA8D(揄) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  135. codepoint FA8E(搜) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  136. codepoint FA8F(摒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  137. codepoint FA90(敖) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  138. codepoint FA91(晴) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  139. codepoint FA92(朗) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  140. codepoint FA93(望) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  141. codepoint FA94(杖) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  142. codepoint FA95(歹) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  143. codepoint FA96(殺) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  144. codepoint FA97(流) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  145. codepoint FA98(滛) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  146. codepoint FA99(滋) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  147. codepoint FA9A(漢) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  148. codepoint FA9B(瀞) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  149. codepoint FA9C(煮) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  150. codepoint FA9D(瞧) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  151. codepoint FA9E(爵) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  152. codepoint FA9F(犯) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  153. codepoint FAA0(猪) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  154. codepoint FAA1(瑱) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  155. codepoint FAA2(甆) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  156. codepoint FAA3(画) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  157. codepoint FAA4(瘝) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  158. codepoint FAA5(瘟) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  159. codepoint FAA6(益) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  160. codepoint FAA7(盛) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  161. codepoint FAA8(直) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  162. codepoint FAA9(睊) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  163. codepoint FAAA(着) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  164. codepoint FAAB(磌) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  165. codepoint FAAC(窱) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  166. codepoint FAAD(節) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  167. codepoint FAAE(类) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  168. codepoint FAAF(絛) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  169. codepoint FAB0(練) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  170. codepoint FAB1(缾) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  171. codepoint FAB2(者) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  172. codepoint FAB3(荒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  173. codepoint FAB4(華) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  174. codepoint FAB5(蝹) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  175. codepoint FAB6(襁) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  176. codepoint FAB7(覆) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  177. codepoint FAB8(視) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  178. codepoint FAB9(調) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  179. codepoint FABA(諸) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  180. codepoint FABB(請) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  181. codepoint FABC(謁) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  182. codepoint FABD(諾) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  183. codepoint FABE(諭) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  184. codepoint FABF(謹) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  185. codepoint FAC0(變) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  186. codepoint FAC1(贈) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  187. codepoint FAC2(輸) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  188. codepoint FAC3(遲) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  189. codepoint FAC4(醙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  190. codepoint FAC5(鉶) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  191. codepoint FAC6(陼) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  192. codepoint FAC7(難) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  193. codepoint FAC8(靖) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  194. codepoint FAC9(韛) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  195. codepoint FACA(響) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  196. codepoint FACB(頋) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  197. codepoint FACC(頻) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  198. codepoint FACD(鬒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  199. codepoint FACE(龜) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  200. codepoint FACF(𢡊) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  201. codepoint FAD0(𢡄) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  202. codepoint FAD1(𣏕) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  203. codepoint FAD2(㮝) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  204. codepoint FAD3(䀘) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  205. codepoint FAD4(䀹) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  206. codepoint FAD5(𥉉) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  207. codepoint FAD6(𥳐) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  208. codepoint FAD7(𧻓) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  209. codepoint FAD8(齃) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  210. codepoint FAD9(龎) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  211. codepoint FE10(︐) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  212. codepoint FE11(︑) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  213. codepoint FE12(︒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  214. codepoint FE13(︓) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  215. codepoint FE14(︔) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  216. codepoint FE15(︕) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  217. codepoint FE16(︖) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  218. codepoint FE17(︗) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  219. codepoint FE18(︘) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  220. codepoint FE19(︙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  221. codepoint FE47(﹇) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  222. codepoint FE48(﹈) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  223. codepoint 1B000(𛀀) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  224. codepoint 1B001(𛀁) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  225. codepoint 1F200(🈀) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  226. codepoint 1F201(🈁) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  227. codepoint 1F202(🈂) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  228. codepoint 1F210(🈐) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  229. codepoint 1F211(🈑) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  230. codepoint 1F212(🈒) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  231. codepoint 1F213(🈓) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  232. codepoint 1F214(🈔) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  233. codepoint 1F215(🈕) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  234. codepoint 1F216(🈖) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  235. codepoint 1F217(🈗) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  236. codepoint 1F218(🈘) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  237. codepoint 1F219(🈙) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  238. codepoint 1F21A(🈚) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  239. codepoint 1F21B(🈛) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  240. codepoint 1F21C(🈜) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  241. codepoint 1F21D(🈝) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  242. codepoint 1F21E(🈞) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  243. codepoint 1F21F(🈟) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  244. codepoint 1F220(🈠) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  245. codepoint 1F221(🈡) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  246. codepoint 1F222(🈢) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  247. codepoint 1F223(🈣) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  248. codepoint 1F224(🈤) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  249. codepoint 1F225(🈥) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  250. codepoint 1F226(🈦) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  251. codepoint 1F227(🈧) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  252. codepoint 1F228(🈨) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  253. codepoint 1F229(🈩) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  254. codepoint 1F22A(🈪) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  255. codepoint 1F22B(🈫) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  256. codepoint 1F22C(🈬) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  257. codepoint 1F22D(🈭) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  258. codepoint 1F22E(🈮) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  259. codepoint 1F22F(🈯) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  260. codepoint 1F230(🈰) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  261. codepoint 1F231(🈱) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  262. codepoint 1F232(🈲) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  263. codepoint 1F233(🈳) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  264. codepoint 1F234(🈴) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  265. codepoint 1F235(🈵) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  266. codepoint 1F236(🈶) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  267. codepoint 1F237(🈷) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  268. codepoint 1F238(🈸) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  269. codepoint 1F239(🈹) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  270. codepoint 1F23A(🈺) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  271. codepoint 1F240(🉀) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  272. codepoint 1F241(🉁) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  273. codepoint 1F242(🉂) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  274. codepoint 1F243(🉃) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  275. codepoint 1F244(🉄) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  276. codepoint 1F245(🉅) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  277. codepoint 1F246(🉆) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  278. codepoint 1F247(🉇) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  279. codepoint 1F248(🉈) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  280. codepoint 1F250(🉐) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
  281. codepoint 1F251(🉑) has charwidth 0 but Unicode width type W which may be of width 2
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