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Created August 4, 2015 05:50
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Tall and skinny QR in Julia
# A simple implementation of TSQR (Tall and Skinny QR) in Julia #
# Jiahao Chen <>, 2015-08-03 #
# TSQR is a communication-avoiding QR algorithm designed for
# distributed computation on tall, skinny matrices, which are
# typical of data matrices in Big Data applications.
# The primary reference is
# Communication-optimal parallel and sequential QR and LU factorizations,
# by James W. Demmel, Laura Grigori, Mark Frederick Hoemmen and Julien Langou,
# UCB/EECS-2008-89, August 4, 2008. LAPACK Working Note LAWNS 204,
# More recent literature has focused on how communication-avoiding QR
# can be implemented easily using mapreduce, e.g. David Gleich's presentation
# This file contains a very simple _serial_ implementation of TSQR to test
# how it fares with the ordinary dense QR algorithm using Householder reflectors.
# TSQR Version 1: Use fancy QR
# LAPACK wrapper to wrap the fancy QR from LAPACK 3.4
import Base.LinAlg.BlasInt
#dtpqrt (M, N, L, NB, A, LDA, B, LDB, T, LDT, WORK, INFO)
function tpqrt!(l::Int, nb::Int, A::StridedMatrix{Float64},
m, n = size(A)
info = Array(BlasInt, 1)
T = Array(Float64, nb, n)
work = Array(Float64, nb*n)
@assert n ≥ nb ≥ 1
#TODO replace ccall symbols with global BLAS settings
ccall((:dtpqrt_64_, :libopenblas), Void,
(Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{BlasInt},
Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
&m, &n, &l, &nb, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), B, &max(1,stride(B,2)),
T, &max(1,stride(T,2)), work, info)
#XXX The UpperTriangular annotation is correct only for square A.
# In general, A will be an upper trapezoidal matrix, but we don't have a type for this yet
UpperTriangular(A), B, T
# Simplify the method signature when called on two upper triangular matrices
tpqrt!{T}(A::UpperTriangular{T}, B::UpperTriangular{T}, nb::Int=size(A, 2)) =
tpqrt!(size(A, 1), nb,,
#The input function to map: Do ordinary QR, extract R part, and wrap with UpperTriangular annotation
qrl!(M) = UpperTriangular(qrfact!(M)[:R])
#The input function to reduce: Do the fancy QR specialized for "triangular-pentagonal" matrices
#In this case, we only need to reduce over matrices which look like [◥; ◥]
#vc = "vcat"
vc(P, Q) = vc(UpperTriangular(P), UpperTriangular(Q))
vc{T}(P::UpperTriangular{T}, Q::UpperTriangular{T}) = tpqrt!(P, Q)[1]
function tsqr!(M, bsize::Int)
m = size(M, 1)
nblocks = ceil(Int, m/bsize)
mapreduce(qrl!, vc, qrl!(M[1:min(bsize, m), :]),
[sub(M, ((i-1)*bsize+1):min(i*bsize, m), :) for i=2:nblocks])
# Version 2: Use naive QR
#Reduction using naive QR, constructing [◥; ◥] explicitly
vc2(P, Q) = UpperTriangular(qrfact!([P; Q])[:R])
function tsqr2!(M, bsize::Int)
m = size(M, 1)
nblocks = ceil(Int, m/bsize)
R = mapreduce(qrl!, vc2, qrl!(M[1:min(bsize, m), :]),
[sub(M, ((i-1)*bsize+1):min(i*bsize, m), :) for i=2:nblocks])
#Test problem
M = randn(10000, bsize)
M2= copy(M)
M3= copy(M)
#Print timings
info("TSQR with fancy QR - DTPQRT")
@time R1 = tsqr!(M, bsize)
info("TSQR with naive QR")
@time R2 = tsqr2!(M2, bsize)
info("Ordinary QR")
@time R3 = qrl!(M3)
#Check that we are getting the right answer up to sign
@assert norm(abs(R1) - abs(R3), 1) ≤ √eps()
@assert norm(abs(R2) - abs(R3), 1) ≤ √eps()
# Results on my Macbook Pro i5
# 2.832194 seconds (591.17 k allocations: 146.427 MB, 2.00% gc time)
# 0.893771 seconds (115.54 k allocations: 201.176 MB, 2.49% gc time)
# 0.262478 seconds (163 allocations: 2.189 MB)
#The ordinary QR is undoubtedly the fastest and most memory-efficient thing
#to do when the entire matrix fits in memory.
#TSQR using the fancy QR uses less memory but takes the longest.
#Is the implementation of DTPQRT less efficient?
#It might be possible to rewrite the fancy QR to reuse intermediates,
#but then one has to propagate state through the mapreduce, which seems clumsy.
#TSQR using naive QR uses more memory but is significantly faster than
#the version calling DTPQRT.
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