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Last active April 28, 2019 23:24
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Multinomial naive Bayes in Julia, allowing for generic numeric types for the conditional probabilities. When using rational numbers, you can calculate exact probabilities without roundoff error.
struct MultinomialNaiveBayes{T, V<:AbstractVector}
fit(MultinomialNaiveBayes, [T,] features, labels, α = 1) -> MNB
fits a `MultinomialNaiveBayes` classifier `MNB` using the
`features` matrix and `labels` vector of `Bool`s.
The number of columns in `features` is assumed to be the same as the
length of `labels`.
`T` is the working numeric type, which defaults to `Float32`.
Other numeric types like `T = Rational` are possible, which permit
testing exact values of conditional probabilities.
`α` is a additive smoothing parameter used for regularization,
with 1 being Laplace smoothing, 0.5 being Jeffrys smoothing,
and other values being the more general Lidstone smoothing.
function fit(::Type{MultinomialNaiveBayes{T, S}}, features, labels, α = 1) where
{T<:Real, S<:AbstractVector{T}}
m, n = size(features)
feature_ratios = zeros(T, n) #probability ratios
#Calculate prior ratio
counts = zeros(Int, 2)
counts_category = zeros(Int, 2)
for i in 1:m
k = if labels[i] 1 else 2 end
counts[k] += 1
counts_category[k] += sum(view(features, i, :))
prior_ratio = T(counts[1]) / T(counts[2])
#Calculate feature ratios
counts = zeros(Int, 2)
for j in 1:n
counts[1] = counts[2] = 0
for i in 1:m
k = if labels[i] 1 else 2 end
counts[k] += features[i, j]
feature_ratios[j] = (T(counts[1] + α) / T(counts_category[1] + α * n)) /
(T(counts[2] + α) / T(counts_category[2] + α * n))
return MultinomialNaiveBayes{T, S}(feature_ratios, prior_ratio)
#Default working numeric type
fit(::Type{MultinomialNaiveBayes}, features, labels, α = 1) =
fit(MultinomialNaiveBayes, Float32, features, labels, α)
#Expand out working numeric type into parameters of MultinomialNaiveBayes
fit(::Type{MultinomialNaiveBayes}, T::Type{R}, features, labels, α = 1) where R<:Real =
fit(MultinomialNaiveBayes{T, Vector{T}}, features, labels, α)
predict(MNB, [T,] features) -> pr_true
predicts the probabilities of the label being `true` or `false`
from the `MultinomialNaiveBayes` classifier `MNB` and the `features`.
The optional numeric type `T` specifies the working type to calculate
the return probabilities, which can differ from the numeric type used
to train the `MNB` model.
function predict(MNB::MultinomialNaiveBayes, T, features)
pr = predictratio(MNB, T, features)
return pr / (1 + pr)
function predictratio(MNB::MultinomialNaiveBayes, T, features)
#Initialize probability ratio with prior
pr = T(MNB.prior_ratio)
for (j, x) in enumerate(features)
if x != 0
pr *= (T(MNB.feature_ratios[j]))^x
return pr
predictlogratio(MNB, [T,] features) -> log_ratio
predicts the log of the ratio of probabilities that the label is
`true` or `false` from the `MultinomialNaiveBayes` classifier `MNB`
and the `features`.
The optional numeric type `T` specifies the working type to calculate
the return probabilities, which can differ from the numeric type used
to train the `MNB` model.
This function will be slower and restricted to fewer numeric types, but
can offer better precision when extremely small or large ratios of
conditional probabilities exist.
function predictlogratio(MNB::MultinomialNaiveBayes, T, features)
logpr = T(log(MNB.prior_ratio))
for (j, x) in enumerate(features)
if x != 0
logpr += x * T(log(MNB.feature_ratios[j]))
return logpr
#The default working numeric type is the type used to train the classifier
for f in (:predict, :predictlog, :predictlogratio) @eval begin
$f(MNB::MultinomialNaiveBayes{T}, features) where T =
$f(MNB, T, features)
end end
# A simple test
#Example from
using SparseArrays
featureset = SparseMatrixCSC(
#Chinese Beijing Shanghai Macao Japan Tokyo
[2 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 1])
labels = BitVector([true, true, true, false])
MNB = fit(MultinomialNaiveBayes, Rational, featureset, labels, 1)
upr_yes = 3//4 * (3//7)^3 * 1//14 * 1//14
upr_no = 1//4 * (2//9)^3 * 2//9 * 2//9
pr_yes = upr_yes // (upr_yes + upr_no)
testfeat = SparseVector([3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
pred_yes = predict(MNB, Rational, testfeat)
@assert pred_yes == pr_yes
r = predictratio(MNB, Float32, testfeat)
lr = predictlogratio(MNB, Float32, testfeat)
@assert log(r) ≈ lr
@assert r/(1+r) ≈ pred_yes
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