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#function axpy!{T}(a::T, b::StridedVector{T}, c::StridedVector{T})
# @simd for i=1:size(b, 1)
# c[i] += a*b[i]
# end
function mgs!(Q) #Does not store R
m, n = size(Q)
Qc= [slice(Q,:,k) for k=1:n]
jiahao / tsqr.jl
Created August 4, 2015 05:50
Tall and skinny QR in Julia
# A simple implementation of TSQR (Tall and Skinny QR) in Julia #
# Jiahao Chen <>, 2015-08-03 #
# TSQR is a communication-avoiding QR algorithm designed for
# distributed computation on tall, skinny matrices, which are
# typical of data matrices in Big Data applications.
# The primary reference is
jiahao / 12899.jl
Last active September 1, 2015 04:09
This code triggers a weird bug on OSX
type BrokenArrowBidiagonal{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
Base.size(B::BrokenArrowBidiagonal) = (n=length(B.dv); (n, n))
function Base.size(B::BrokenArrowBidiagonal, n::Int)
if n==1 || n==2
return length(B.dv)
jiahao / events.json
Created September 5, 2015 17:16
JSON from GitHub API query,, 2015-09-05T13:16:07
[{"id":"3121457012","type":"IssueCommentEvent","actor":{"id":11798751,"login":"ScottPJones","gravatar_id":"","url":"","avatar_url":""},"repo":{"id":1644196,"name":"JuliaLang/julia","url":""},"payload":{"action":"created","issue":{"url":"","labels_url":"{/name}","comments_url":"","events_url":"","html_url":"","id":103615789,"number":12835,"title":"let's release this thing !","user":{"login":"carnaval","id":5307791,"avatar_url":"","gravatar_id":"","url":"","html_url":"","follow
function normtypes(S) #For the first post, comparing vector outputs with naive definitions
R0 = typeof(abs(one(S))^0+abs(one(S))^0)
R1 = typeof(abs(one(S))+abs(one(S)))
Rp = typeof(sqrt(abs(one(S))^2+abs(one(S))^2))
Ri = typeof(maximum(abs(one(S))))
Ri2 = typeof(abs(one(S)))
R0i = typeof(norm([one(S)], 0))
R1i = typeof(norm([one(S)], 1))
Rpi = typeof(norm([one(S)]))
August, 2015
Anna C. Gilbert
input: xs = samples of signal
Λ = list of (freq,coeff) pairs in current approx
Ω = list of (freq,coeff) pairs found in this iteration
k = length of short filter
jiahao / savitzkygolay.jl
Last active May 12, 2024 06:13
An implementation of the Savitzky-Golay filter using generated functions. Accompanies
Savitzky-Golay filter of window half-width M and degree N
M is the number of points before and after to interpolate, i.e. the full width
of the window is 2M+1
immutable SavitzkyGolayFilter{M,N} end
@generated function{M,N,T}(::Type{SavitzkyGolayFilter{M,N}},
jiahao / julia.jl
Created November 24, 2015 02:58
Rank calculus for JuliaLang/julia#4774
info("Julia semantics")
axiomsused = Dict()
@axiom matmul Mat * Mat --> Mat
@axiom mattrans transpose(Mat) --> Mat
@axiom matdiv Mat / Mat --> Mat
@axiom matvec Mat * Vec --> Vec