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Created March 14, 2024 05:06
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SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
bbb := WinActive("WeTERM")
MsgBox, "%bbb%"
WinGetClass, class, A
MsgBox, The active window's class is "%class%".
Clipboard = %class%
; =====================
; 1. clipboard
; - copy (CMD+C)
; - paste (CMD+V)
; - cut (CMD+X)
; - paste with dest formatting (CMD+ALT+SHIFT+V)
#c::Send ^c
#v::Send ^v
#x::Send ^x
#!+v::Send ^+v
; =====================
; 2. text editing - cursor manipulation
; - jump to beginning/end of line (CMD+Left/Right)
; - select to beginning/end of line (CMD+SHIFT+Arrow)
; - move between words (ALT+Arrow)
; - select by word (ALT+SHIFT+Arrow)
#Left::Send {Home}
#+Left::Send +{Home}
#Right::Send {End}
#+Right::Send +{End}
#Up::Send ^{Home}
#+Up::Send ^+{Home}
#Down::Send ^{End}
#+Down::Send ^+{End}
#Backspace::Send +{Home}{Delete}
!Backspace::Send ^{Backspace}
!Left::Send ^{Left}
!+Left::Send ^+{Left}
!Right::Send ^{Right}
!+Right::Send ^+{Right}
^g::Send {Home}
^+g::Send {End}
; =====================
; 2b. text editor
; - select all (CMD+A)
; - find (CMD+F)
; - formatting (CMD+B, CMD+I, CMD+U)
; - change font size (CMD+SHIFT+>, CMD+SHIFT+<)
#a::Send ^a
#f::Send ^f
#b::Send ^b
;#i::Send ^i
;#u::Send ^u
#+>::Send ^+>
#+<::Send ^+<
; =====================
; 3. window management
; - quit app (CMD+Q)
; - switch between
; - close window/ta (CMD+W), CMD+`
; disclaimer: CMD+` requires Easy Window Switcher neosmart (
#q::Send !{F4}
#`::Send !~
; =====================
; 4. In-browser actions
; - new tab (CMD+T)
; - reopen recently closed tab (CMD+SHIFT+T)
; - close tab (CMD+W)
; - zoom (CMD+=, CMD+SHIFT+=)
; - switch between tabs (CMD+1...CMD+0)
#t::Send ^t
#+t::Send ^+t
#w::Send ^w{Esc}
#=::Send ^=
#-::Send ^-
#1::Send ^1
#2::Send ^2
#3::Send ^3
#4::Send ^4
#5::Send ^5
#6::Send ^6
#7::Send ^7
#8::Send ^8
#9::Send ^9
#0::Send ^0
; =====================
; 5. standard actions
; - new file (CMD+N)
; - new item, used in several apps - (CMD+SHIFT+N),
; - open file (CMD+O)
; - print (CMD+P)
; - save (CMD+S)
; - save-as (CMD+SHIFT+S)
; - undo (CMD+Z)
; - redo (CMD+SHIFT+Z)
#n::Send ^n
#+n::Send ^+n
#o::Send ^o
#+o::Send ^+o
#p::Send ^p
#+p::Send ^+p
#s::Send ^s
#+s::Send ^!s
; =====================
; 6. undo/redo (CMD+Z, CMD+SHIFT+Z)
#z::Send ^z
#+z::Send ^y
; =====================
; 7. additional in-app commands
; - CMD+R
; - CMD+D
; - CMD+\ (requires 1password)
; - CMD+], CMD+[, CMD+\ (Visual Studio Code)
#r::Send ^r
#d::Send ^d
#\::Send ^\
#]::Send ^]
#[::Send ^[
#/::Send ^/
; =====================
; 8. win10 capture screenshot CTRL+SHIFT+S (since CMD+SHIFT+S has been remapped to Save As)
^+s::Send #+s
; =====================
; 9. spotlight (CMD+SPACE), tasks (CMD+ALT+ESC)
#Space::Send ^{Space}
#!Esc::Send ^+{Esc}
; =====================
; 10. App-Switcher (CMD+Tab, CMD+Paragraph)
; unfortunately CMD+SHIFT+Tab doesn't work (AutoHotKey has very limited support for this, so we use CMD+Paragraph (the key above Tab) to switch to previous app)
; =====================
; 11. MagnetApp-Like window snapping - CTRL+ALT+Arrow
^!Left::WinMove, A,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight)
^!Right::WinMove, A,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight)
^!Up::WinMove, A,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^!Down::WinMove, A,, 0, (A_ScreenHeight/2), (A_ScreenWidth), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^!u::WinMove, A,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^!i::WinMove, A,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^!j::WinMove, A,, 0, (A_ScreenHeight/2), (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^!k::WinMove, A,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2), (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
; MagnetApp-Like maximize/restore window - CTRL+ALT+Enter
SysGet, VirtualScreenWidth, 78
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, A
If (Virtualscreenwidth = A_ScreenWidth) {
If (Width < A_ScreenWidth) {
WinMaximize, A
} Else {
WinRestore, A
global PreviousActiveWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, On
if (WinExist("ahk_class CASCADIA_HOSTING_WINDOW_CLASS")) {
if(WinActive("ahk_class CASCADIA_HOSTING_WINDOW_CLASS")) {
WinActivate, ahk_id %PreviousActiveWindow%
} else {
WinGet, PreviousActiveWindow, , A ; 'A' for currently active window
} else {
TerminalLink = %localappdata%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe
if FileExist(TerminalLink) {
WinGet, PreviousActiveWindow, , A ; 'A' for currently active window
Run, %TerminalLink%
} else {
MsgBox, Windows Terminal not installed
; emacs keybinding without windows terminal
#If not (WinActive("WeTERM") or WinActive("ahk_class CASCADIA_HOSTING_WINDOW_CLASS"))
$^a::Send {Home}
^e::Send {End}
^n::Send {Down}
$^p::Send {Up}
^b::Send {Left}
^f::Send {Right}
^h::Send {Backspace}
^d::Send {Delete}
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