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Last active January 26, 2021 09:21
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I formalize a proof from Constructive Analysis by Errett Bishop and Douglas Bridger, and notice that there may have been a tiny error in their inequalities. This section of the book is essentially the same as Foundations of Constructive Analysis.
import tactic
import algebra.archimedean
def regular (x : ℕ → ℚ) : Prop :=
∀ m n, abs (x m - x n) ≤ m.succ⁻¹ + n.succ⁻¹
/-- Definition 2.1
A `myreal` number is a `regular` sequence of rational numbers -/
structure myreal :=
(seq : ℕ → ℚ) (reg : regular seq)
notation `ℜ` := myreal
namespace myreal
def eq_def (x y : ℜ) : Prop :=
∀ n, abs (x.seq n - y.seq n) ≤ 2 * n.succ⁻¹
notation x ` ≡ ` y := eq_def x y
/-- Helper lemma for demonstration below -/
lemma le_of_add_lt_all' (x y : ℚ) : (∀ n : ℕ, x < y + 3 * n.succ⁻¹) → x ≤ y :=
intro h,
contrapose! h, -- Should be constructive since `rat.le` is decidable?
cases exists_nat_one_div_lt (by linarith : 0 < (x-y)/6) with n hn,
use n, apply le_of_lt,
calc y + 3 * (↑(n.succ))⁻¹
= y + 3 * (1 / (↑n + 1)) : by ring
... < y + 3 * ((x-y) / 6) : by apply add_lt_add_left _;rwa mul_lt_mul_left _;norm_num
... = (x+y) / 2 : by ring
... < x : by linarith,
lemma zero_le_inv_succ (n : ℕ) : (0 : ℚ) ≤ n.succ⁻¹ :=
by rw inv_nonneg; apply le_of_lt; exact_mod_cast nat.succ_pos n
/-- Lemma 2.3
Two `myreal` numbers `x` and `y` are equal if and only if for each natural
number `j` there exists a natural number `N` such that |xₙ - yₙ| ≤ j.succ⁻¹
for all `n ≥ N`. -/
lemma eq_iff (x y : ℜ) : x ≡ y ↔
∀ j : ℕ, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, abs (x.seq n - y.seq n) ≤ j.succ⁻¹ :=
{ intros heq j,
use 2 * j + 1,
intros n hn,
specialize heq n,
cases nat.le.dest hn with m hm, clear hn,
rw ←hm at *,
apply le_trans heq,
norm_num at *,
have : (2:ℚ) / (2*j + 1 + m + 1) ≤ 2 / (2*j+2),
{ apply div_le_div,
norm_cast, simp only [nat.succ_pos],
norm_cast, linarith },
apply le_trans this,
rw ← mul_one (2:ℚ),
rw mul_assoc,
rw one_mul,
rw ← mul_add (2:ℚ) j 1,
rw mul_div_mul_left,
field_simp only [le_refl],
norm_num },
intros h n,
apply le_of_add_lt_all',
intro j,
cases x, cases y, dsimp at *, unfold regular at *,
cases h j with N hN,
let m := max j N + 37, -- OVER HERE! Errors below when changed to `m := max j N + 0`
specialize x_reg n m,
specialize hN m (le_add_right (le_max_right _ _)),
specialize y_reg m n,
have : (m.succ⁻¹ : ℚ) < j.succ⁻¹,
{ field_simp only [nat.cast_succ],
rw div_lt_iff _,
rw div_mul_comm', rw mul_one,
rw lt_div_iff,
norm_cast, simp only [one_mul],
-- if `m = max j N`, it errors here. Have to prove `j + 1 < m + 1`
linarith [le_max_left j N],
exact_mod_cast nat.succ_pos _,
exact_mod_cast nat.succ_pos _ },
calc abs (x_seq n - y_seq n)
≤ abs (x_seq n - x_seq m) +
abs (x_seq m - y_seq n) : abs_sub_le _ _ _
... ≤ abs (x_seq n - x_seq m) +
(abs (x_seq m - y_seq m)+
abs (y_seq m - y_seq n)) : add_le_add (le_refl _) (abs_sub_le _ _ _)
... ≤ n.succ⁻¹ + m.succ⁻¹ + (j + 1)⁻¹ + m.succ⁻¹ + n.succ⁻¹ : by linarith
... < n.succ⁻¹ + j.succ⁻¹ + (j + 1)⁻¹ + n.succ⁻¹ + j.succ⁻¹ : by linarith
... = 2 * (↑n + 1)⁻¹ + 3 * (↑j + 1)⁻¹ : by norm_cast; ring,
end myreal
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