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Last active September 12, 2019 10:17
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plfa exercise in relation.
module Can where
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
import Data.Nat.Properties as Pro
open Pro using (+-assoc; +-identityʳ; +-suc; +-comm)
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; _≡⟨_⟩_; _∎)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _∸_; _^_)
--- open import ylib.Induction using (+-suc) use the stlib
data Bin : Set where
nil : Bin
x0_ : Bin → Bin
x1_ : Bin → Bin
-- inc (x1 x1 x0 x1 nil) ≡ x0 x0 x1 x1 nil
inc : Bin → Bin
inc nil = x1 nil
inc (x0 x) = x1 x
inc (x1 x) = x0 (inc x)
to : ℕ → Bin
to zero = x0 nil
to (suc n) = inc ( to n)
from : Bin → ℕ
from nil = zero
--from (x0 nil) = zero this case make from (x0 x) can be true
from (x0 x) = from x + from x
from (x1 x) = suc (from x + from x) --- if we use two we will be just to comple
data One : Bin → Set
data Can : Bin → Set
data One where
One1 :
One (x1 nil)
x0_One1 : ∀ {x : Bin}
→ One x
→ One (x0 x)
x1_One1 : ∀ {x : Bin}
→ One x
→ One (x1 x)
data Can where
Can_One : ∀ {x : Bin}
→ One x
→ Can x
Can_Zero :
Can (x0 nil)
one_inc : ∀ {x : Bin}
→ One x
→ One (inc x)
one_inc {x1 nil} (One1) = x0_One1(One1)
one_inc {x0 x} (x0_One1 cx) = x1_One1 cx
one_inc {x1 x} (x1_One1 cx) = x0_One1(one_inc cx)
can_inc : ∀ {x : Bin}
→ Can x
→ Can (inc x)
can_inc {_} (Can_One cx) = Can_One(one_inc cx)
can_inc { (x0 nil) } (Can_Zero) = Can_One(One1)
can_n : ∀ (n : ℕ)
→ Can (to n)
can_n zero = Can_Zero
can_n (suc n) = can_inc (can_n n)
_b+_ : Bin → Bin → Bin
--nil b+ nil = x0 nil -- for double'+
--x b+ (x0 nil) = x
nil b+ x = nil
x b+ nil = nil
--- (x0 nil) b+ x = x -- This is every importand to remove and add
---nil b+ nil = nil
(x0 x) b+ (x0 y) = x0 ( x b+ y)
(x0 x) b+ (x1 y) = x1 ( x b+ y)
(x1 x) b+ (x0 y) = x1 ( x b+ y)
(x1 x) b+ (x1 y) = x0 ( inc (x b+ y))
double''+ : ∀ (x : Bin) → One x → x b+ x ≡ x0 x
double''+ (x1 nil) One1 = refl
double''+ (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx) =
(x0 x) b+ (x0 x) ≡⟨⟩
x0 (x b+ x) ≡⟨ cong x0_ (double''+ x cx) ⟩ -- at the end we find it is the add case don't make it work
x0 (x0 x)
double''+ (x1 x) (x1_One1 cx) =
(x1 x) b+ (x1 x) ≡⟨⟩
x0 (inc (x b+ x)) ≡⟨ cong x0_ (cong inc (double''+ x cx) ) ⟩
x0 (inc (x0 x))
one_from_to : ∀ {x : Bin}
→ One x
→ One (to (from x)) -- which mean x = to (from x)
t1 : ∀ (x : Bin)
→ One x
→ to (from x + from x) ≡ to (from x) b+ to (from x)
t2 : ∀ (x : Bin)
→ One x
→ to (from (x0 x) ) ≡ x0 (to (from x))
can_from : ∀ (x : Bin)
→ Can x
→ to (from x) ≡ x
t2 (x1 nil) One1 = refl
t2 (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx) =
to (from (x0 (x0 x))) ≡⟨⟩
to (from (x0 x) + from (x0 x)) ≡⟨ t1 (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx ) ⟩ -- double''+ (to (from (x0 x))) (one_from_to (x0_One1 cx))
to (from (x0 x)) b+ to (from (x0 x)) ≡⟨ double''+ (to (from (x0 x))) (one_from_to (x0_One1 cx)) ⟩
x0 (to (from (x0 x)))
t2 (x1 x) (x1_One1 cx) =
to (from (x0 (x1 x))) ≡⟨⟩
to (from (x1 x) + from (x1 x)) ≡⟨ t1 (x1 x) (x1_One1 cx) ⟩
to (from (x1 x)) b+ to (from (x1 x)) ≡⟨ double''+ (to (from (x1 x))) (one_from_to (x1_One1 cx)) ⟩
x0 (to (from ( x1 x)))
t1 (x1 nil) One1 = refl
t1 (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx) rewrite can_from (x0 x) (Can_One (x0_One1 cx)) =
to (from (x0 x) + from (x0 x)) ≡⟨⟩
to ((from x + from x) + (from x + from x)) ≡⟨⟩
to (from (x0 (x0 x))) ≡⟨ t2 (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx) ⟩ -- we should use the small not the big direction
x0 (to (from (x0 x))) ≡⟨ cong x0_ (t2 x cx) ⟩
x0 (x0 (to (from x))) ≡⟨ cong x0_ (cong x0_ (can_from x (Can_One cx))) ⟩
x0 (x0 x) ≡⟨ sym (double''+ (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx)) ⟩
(x0 x) b+ (x0 x)
t1 (x1 x) (x1_One1 cx) rewrite can_from (x1 x) (Can_One (x1_One1 cx)) =
to (from (x1 x) + from (x1 x)) ≡⟨⟩
to (suc(from x + from x) + suc(from x + from x)) ≡⟨⟩
to (suc(from x + from x + suc(from x + from x) )) ≡⟨⟩
inc (to ((from x + from x) + suc(from x + from x))) ≡⟨ cong inc (cong to (+-suc (from x + from x) (from x + from x))) ⟩
inc (to (suc ((from x + from x) + (from x + from x)))) ≡⟨⟩
inc (inc (to ((from x + from x) + (from x + from x)))) ≡⟨⟩
inc (inc (to (from (x0 (x0 x))))) ≡⟨ cong inc (cong inc ( t2 (x0 x) (x0_One1 cx))) ⟩
inc (inc (x0 (to (from (x0 x))))) ≡⟨ cong inc (cong inc (cong x0_ ( t2 x cx))) ⟩
inc (inc (x0 (x0 (to (from x))))) ≡⟨ cong inc (cong inc (cong x0_ ( cong x0_ (can_from x (Can_One cx))))) ⟩
inc (x1 (x0 x)) ≡⟨⟩
x0 (inc (x0 x)) ≡⟨⟩
x0 (x1 x) ≡⟨ sym (double''+ (x1 x) (x1_One1 cx)) ⟩
(x1 x) b+ (x1 x)
one_from_to { (x1 nil) } (One1) = One1
one_from_to { (x0 x) } (x0_One1 cx) rewrite can_from (x0 x) (Can_One (x0_One1 cx)) = x0_One1 cx
one_from_to { (x1 x) } (x1_One1 cx) rewrite can_from (x1 x) (Can_One (x1_One1 cx)) = x1_One1 cx
can_from (x0 nil) Can_Zero = refl
can_from (x1 nil) (Can_One One1) = refl
can_from (x0 x) (Can_One (x0_One1 cx)) =
to (from (x0 x)) ≡⟨⟩
to (from x + from x) ≡⟨ t1 x cx ⟩
to (from x) b+ to (from x) ≡⟨ double''+ (to (from x)) (one_from_to cx) ⟩
x0 (to (from x)) ≡⟨ cong x0_ (can_from x (Can_One cx)) ⟩
(x0 x)
can_from (x1 x) (Can_One (x1_One1 cx)) =
to (from (x1 x)) ≡⟨⟩
to (suc (from x + from x)) ≡⟨⟩
inc (to (from x + from x)) ≡⟨⟩
inc (to (from (x0 x))) ≡⟨ cong inc (t2 x cx) ⟩
inc (x0 (to (from x))) ≡⟨⟩
inc(x0 (to (from x))) ≡⟨ cong inc (cong x0_ (can_from x (Can_One cx))) ⟩
inc (x0 x)
----------- the from_to ----------
+-suc-swap : ∀ (m n : ℕ) → suc m + n ≡ m + suc n
+-suc-swap zero n = refl
+-suc-swap (suc m) n =
suc (suc m + n)
≡⟨ cong suc (+-suc-swap m n )⟩
suc (m + suc n)
suc m + suc n
r0 : ∀ (x : Bin) → x1 x ≡ inc (x0 x)
r0 x = refl
r1 : ∀ (x : Bin) → suc (from x) ≡ from (inc x)
r1 nil = refl
r1 (x0 x) =
suc (from (x0 x)) ≡⟨⟩
suc (from x + from x)
r1 (x1 x) =
suc (from (x1 x)) ≡⟨ cong suc (cong from (r0 x))⟩
suc (suc (from x + from x)) ≡⟨ sym(cong suc (+-suc (from x) (from x))) ⟩
suc (from x + suc (from x)) ≡⟨ sym(+-suc (from x) ( suc ( from x))) ⟩
from x + suc (suc (from x)) ≡⟨ cong ((from x +_)) (cong suc (r1 x)) ⟩
from x + suc (from (inc x)) ≡⟨ sym(+-suc-swap (from x) (from (inc x))) ⟩
suc(from x) + from (inc x) ≡⟨ cong (_+ from (inc x)) (r1 x) ⟩
from(inc x) + from(inc x) ≡⟨⟩
from (x0 (inc x)) ≡⟨⟩
from (inc (x1 x))
r3 : ∀ (x : ℕ) → from (to x) ≡ x
r3 zero = refl
r3 (suc x) = begin
from (to (suc x)) ≡⟨⟩
from (inc (to x)) ≡⟨ sym (r1 (to x))⟩
suc (from (to x)) ≡⟨ cong suc (r3 x)⟩
suc (x)
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