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# Author: @BrockTibert
# Purpose: Collect Historical NHL Skater Stats 1960 - 2011 (in progress)
# Date: February 2011
# Used: R Version 2.12.1, Windows 7 Pro, StatET Plugin for Eclipse
# # Copyright (c) 2011, under the Simplified BSD License.
# For more information on FreeBSD see:
# All rights reserved.
# set up script level basics
## libraries
## directory for the project
DIR <- "C:/Users/Brock/Documents/My Dropbox/Projects/NHL"
# Create a function that will take a year and return a dataframe
GrabSkaters <- function(S) {
# The function takes parameter S which is a string and represents the Season
# Returns: data frame
## create the URL
URL <- paste("",
S, "_skaters.html", sep="")
## grab the page -- the table is parsed nicely
tables <- readHTMLTable(URL)
ds.skaters <- tables$stats
## determine if the HTML table was well formed (column names are the first record)
## can either read in directly or need to force column names
## and
## I don't like dealing with factors if I don't have to
## and I prefer lower case
for(i in 1:ncol(ds.skaters)) {
ds.skaters[,i] <- as.character(ds.skaters[,i])
names(ds.skaters) <- tolower(colnames(ds.skaters))
## fix a couple of the column names
names(ds.skaters)[10] <- "plusmin"
names(ds.skaters)[17] <- "spct"
## finally fix the columns - NAs forced by coercion warnings
for(i in c(1, 3, 6:18)) {
ds.skaters[,i] <- as.numeric(ds.skaters[, i])
## convert toi to seconds, and seconds/game
ds.skaters$seconds <- (ds.skaters$toi*60)/ds.skaters$gp
## remove the header and totals row
ds.skaters <- ds.skaters[!$rk), ]
ds.skaters <- ds.skaters[ds.skaters$tm != "TOT", ]
## add the year
ds.skaters$season <- S
## return the dataframe
# Use the function to loop over the seasons and piece together
## define the seasons -- 2005 dataset doesnt exist
## if I was a good coder I would trap the error, but this works
SEASON <- as.character(c(1960:2004, 2006:2011))
## create an empy dataset that we will append to
dataset <- data.frame()
## loop over the seasons, use the function to grab the data
## and build the dataset
for (S in SEASON) {
temp <- GrabSkaters(S)
dataset <- rbind(dataset, temp)
print(paste("Completed Season ", S, sep=""))
## pause the script so we don't kill their servers
## save the dataset
write.table(dataset, "Historical Skater Stats.csv", sep=",",
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