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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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coffee script 学习笔记
# 变量
number = 2
str = '4'
number = 1 if str
# 变量 数组和objecet处理
[a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3]
{key1, key2} = {key1: 'a', key2: 'b'}
# 方法
fn = (x) -> x*x
# 数组
list = [1,2,3,4,5]
# 对象
config =
prefix : 'task'
fn: fn
cube: (x) -> x*x
# 方法 多参数
handle = (x, y) ->
console.log x,y
# 方法 多参数 arguments
handle2 = (x, y...) ->
print x, y
# 判断是否为空
alert 'I knew it!' if number?
# 数组遍历
cubes = (config.cube number for num in list)
# 数组遍历 ES5
# 区别下面两种
# 正确写法 方法后加空格表示以参数形式传入
cubes = (ele) ->
ele * ele
# 错误写法
cubes = ->
x * x
# coffee script 一些技巧写法
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
# 从0开始取2个 包含第2个
start = numbers[0..2]
# 从0开始取2个 不包含第2个
start = numbers[0...2]
# 复制
copy = numbers[..]
# 替换数组从3-5 包含5的值
numbers[3..5] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
# 替换数组从3-5 不包含5的值
numbers[3...5] = ['x', 'y']
# 替换数组
# target: Array
# replate: Array
# start: init
replaceArr = (target, replace, start) ->
end = start + replace.length
target[start..end] = replace
# 表达式
getTask = (config) ->
if config.task
else if config.project
pid =
if pid
then pid
else 'getProject'
# 遍历window 获取globals的前10项
globales = (name for name of window)[0..10]
# class
class Point
constructor: (@name) ->
move: (meters) ->
alert @name + "moved #{meters}"
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