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Created July 21, 2016 05:35
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Roads in Hacker Land - hackerRank - world sprint #4 - study code in Java
import java.util.*;
public class Solution {
private BufferedReader in;
private StringTokenizer line;
private PrintWriter out;
private boolean isDebug;
public Solution(boolean isDebug) {
this.isDebug = isDebug;
private static final int mm = 1000000007;
private long mult(long a, long b) {
return a * b % mm;
private ArrayList<Pii>[] g;
private int[] parent;
private int[] rank;
private long[] result;
private int n;
private int findSet(int v) {
if (v == parent[v]) {
return v;
return parent[v] = findSet(parent[v]);
private void unionSets(int a, int b) {
a = findSet(a);
b = findSet(b);
if (a != b) {
if (rank[a] < rank[b]) {
int t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
parent[b] = a;
if (rank[a] == rank[b]) {
public void solve() throws IOException {
n = nextInt();
int m = nextInt();
g = new ArrayList[n];
parent = new int[n];
rank = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
g[i] = new ArrayList<>();
parent[i] = i;
A[] a = new A[m];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
int t1 = nextInt() - 1;
int t2 = nextInt() - 1;
int t3 = nextInt();
a[i] = new A(t1, t2, t3);
Arrays.sort(a, new Comparator<A>() {
public int compare(A o1, A o2) {
return o1.d - o2.d;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
if (findSet(a[i].x) != findSet(a[i].y)) {
unionSets(a[i].x, a[i].y);
g[a[i].x].add(new Pii(a[i].y, a[i].d));
g[a[i].y].add(new Pii(a[i].x, a[i].d));
result = new long[210000];
go(0, -1);
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < result.length; i++) {
result[i + 1] += result[i] / 2;
result[i] %= 2;
int idx = 0;
for (int i = result.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (result[i] == 1) {
idx = i;
while (idx >= 0) {
private int go(int v, int p) {
int cnt = 1;
for (Pii nv : g[v]) {
if (nv.key != p) {
int c = go(nv.key, v);
cnt += c;
result[nv.value] += (n - c) * (long) c;
return cnt;
private static class A {
private int x;
private int y;
private int d;
public A(int x, int y, int d) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.d = d;
private long pow(long a, int n) {
if (n == 0) return 1;
long t = pow(a, n / 2);
t = mult(t, t);
if (n % 2 != 0) t = mult(a, t);
return t;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new Solution(args.length > 0 && "DEBUG_MODE".equals(args[0])).run(args);
public void run(String[] args) throws IOException {
if (isDebug) {
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("input.txt")));
} else {
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
// out = new PrintWriter("output.txt");
// int t = nextInt();
int t = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
// out.print("Case #" + (i + 1) + ": ");
private int[] nextIntArray(int n) throws IOException {
int[] res = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res[i] = nextInt();
return res;
private long[] nextLongArray(int n) throws IOException {
long[] res = new long[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res[i] = nextInt();
return res;
private int nextInt() throws IOException {
return Integer.parseInt(nextToken());
private long nextLong() throws IOException {
return Long.parseLong(nextToken());
private double nextDouble() throws IOException {
return Double.parseDouble(nextToken());
private String nextToken() throws IOException {
while (line == null || !line.hasMoreTokens()) {
line = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine());
return line.nextToken();
private static class Pll {
private long key;
private long value;
public Pll(long key, long value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
private static class Pii {
private int key;
private int value;
public Pii(int key, int value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Pii pii = (Pii) o;
if (key != pii.key) return false;
return value == pii.value;
public int hashCode() {
int result = key;
result = 31 * result + value;
return result;
public String toString() {
return "Pii{" +
"key=" + key +
", value=" + value +
private static class Pair<K, V> {
private K key;
private V value;
public Pair(K key, V value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public K getKey() {
return key;
public V getValue() {
return value;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Pair<?, ?> pair = (Pair<?, ?>) o;
if (key != null ? !key.equals(pair.key) : pair.key != null) return false;
return !(value != null ? !value.equals(pair.value) : pair.value != null);
public int hashCode() {
int result = key != null ? key.hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
public String toString() {
return "Pair{" +
"key=" + key +
", value=" + value +
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