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Created April 30, 2016 21:54
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Leetcode 210 - course project
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace _210CourseProject
public class Solution
static void Main(string[] args)
* Julia spent time to transfer code to C# code
* Here is the test case to work on:
* int[][] prerequisite
* [[1,0]]
There are a total of 2 courses to take. To take course 1
* you should have finished course 0. So the correct course order is [0,1]
4, [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
There are a total of 4 courses to take. To take course 3
* you should have finished both courses 1 and 2. Both courses
* 1 and 2 should be taken after you finished course 0. So one
* correct course order is [0,1,2,3]. Another correct ordering
* is [0,2,1,3].
public int[] findOrder(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) {
List<List<int>> dpList = new List<List<int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < numCourses; ++i) {
dpList.Add(new List<int>()); // dpList[0] is for course 0, and dpList[i] for course i
// get dependency list and indegree
int[] indegree = new int[numCourses];
for (int i = 0; i < prerequisites.Length; ++i) {
int[] tmpDep = new int[2] { prerequisites[i][0], prerequisites[i][1] }; // add some explanation variable to smooth reading
dpList[tmpDep[1]].Add(tmpDep[0]); // (0,1) -> take 0 first, and then take 1
++indegree[tmpDep[0]]; // 0 node adds one more indegree from 1
// add thoes course first with 0 indegree
Queue<int> q = new Queue<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numCourses; ++i) {
if (indegree[i] == 0)
// take courses
int[] result = new int[numCourses];
int count = 0;
while (q.Count > 0 ) { // always start from node with indegree value 0 <- make sense
// dependency list of node <- course only can be taken after the current node
int toTake = q.Dequeue();
result[count++] = toTake; // increment count value <-- use to check if ordering is available at the end
foreach (int c in dpList[toTake]) {
--indegree[c]; // decrement value of indegree by 1
if (indegree[c] == 0) // check if node c is ready to add to queue <- no indegree
if (count != numCourses)
return new int[0]; // haven't taken all courses
return result;
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