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Created January 24, 2017 20:13
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Hackerrank - week of code 28 - value of friendship - integrate changes by code review:, fix grammar errors in spelling.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
class Solution
* January 19, 2016
* code review on
* January 24, 2016
* code review:
* and then, implement the changes according to the review.
public struct Group
// code review: properties, never expose public fields in C#
// private set; if possible. If possible they should be immutable.
public int Links {get; set;}
public Stack<int> Nodes {get; set;}
* Small group will join the bigger group.
public static void MergeSmallGroupToLargeOne(
Group[] groups,
int smallGroupId,
int bigGroupId,
int[] nodeGroupId)
groups[bigGroupId].Links += groups[smallGroupId].Links + 1;
// code review: C# has implicit typing available through the use of the var keyword
var destination = groups[bigGroupId].Nodes;
var source = groups[smallGroupId].Nodes;
while (source.Count > 0)
int node = source.Pop();
nodeGroupId[node] = bigGroupId;
* Go over the calculation formula
public static ulong CalculateValue(Group[] sortedGroups)
ulong additionalLinks = 0;
ulong totalValueOfFriendship = 0;
ulong totalFriends = 0;
// Each group is maximized in order... additionalLinks are added at end
foreach (Group group in sortedGroups)
ulong links = (ulong)(group.Nodes.Count - 1);
ulong lookupValue = FriendshipValueCalculation.GetLookupTable()[links];
totalValueOfFriendship += lookupValue + totalFriends * links;
additionalLinks += (ulong)group.Links - links;
totalFriends += links * (links + 1);
totalValueOfFriendship += additionalLinks * totalFriends;
return totalValueOfFriendship;
* filter out empty group, check Group class member
* @groupCount - total groups, excluding merged groups
* @groupIndex - total groups, including merged groups
* check Nodes in the stack, if the stack is empty, then the group is empty.
* Obsolete the method, using LINQ one which is short.
public static Group[] GetNonemptyGroups_Loop(int groupCount, int groupIndex, Group[] groups)
Group[] nonEmptyGroups = new Group[groupCount];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= groupIndex; i++)
if (groups[i].Nodes.Count > 0)
nonEmptyGroups[index++] = groups[i];
return nonEmptyGroups;
* With LINQ (System.Linq) the function can be made one line
* That keeps it really simple.
* Fix null pointer run time error by adding extra checking: g.Nodes != null
* g => g.Nodes != null && g.Nodes.Count > 0
public static Group[] GetNonemptyGroups(int groupCount, int groupIndex, Group[] groups)
return groups
.Where(g => g.Nodes != null && g.Nodes.Count > 0)
* Design talk:
* 1 <= n <= 100,000, n is the total students
* 1 <= m <= 2 * 100,000, m is the total friendship
* @groups -
* @groupIdMap -
public class GroupManagement
// public memebers should use Pascal case.
public Group[] Groups;
public int[] GroupIdMap;
public int GroupIndex = 0;
public int GroupCount = 0;
public GroupManagement(int totalStudents)
Groups = new Group[totalStudents / 2 + 1];
GroupIdMap = new int[totalStudents + 1]; // less than 2MB
GroupIndex = 0;
GroupCount = 0;
1) neither in a group: create new group with 2 nodes
2) only one in a group: add the other
3) both already in same group - increase Links
4) both already in different groups... join groups
* code review:
* Arrow-code is never appreciated, and nothing in that block becomes more complex when it's
* refactored to one level.
public void AddFriendshipToGroups(int id1, int id2)
int groupId1 = GroupIdMap[id1];
int groupId2 = GroupIdMap[id2];
if (groupId1 == 0 && groupId2 == 0)
Groups[GroupIndex].Links = 1;
Groups[GroupIndex].Nodes = new Stack<int>();
GroupIdMap[id1] = GroupIndex;
GroupIdMap[id2] = GroupIndex;
else if (groupId1 == 0 || groupId2 == 0)
// code review: one of them is 0, so just add them together.
var groupId = groupId1 + groupId2;
var id = groupId1 == 0 ? id1 : id2; // use ternary operator
// push id from groupId == 0 to another group
GroupIdMap[id] = groupId;
else if (groupId1 == groupId2)
else // merge two groups
int groupSize1 = Groups[groupId1].Nodes.Count;
int groupSize2 = Groups[groupId2].Nodes.Count;
if (groupSize1 < groupSize2)
// small, big, groupId, nodeGroupId
Group.MergeSmallGroupToLargeOne(Groups, groupId1, groupId2, GroupIdMap);
Group.MergeSmallGroupToLargeOne(Groups, groupId2, groupId1, GroupIdMap);
* descending
public class GroupComparer : Comparer<Group>
// code review: try C# 6.0 version, compile error
public override int Compare(Group x, Group y) =>
y.Nodes.Count - x.Nodes.Count;
public override int Compare(Group x, Group y)
return (y.Nodes.Count - x.Nodes.Count);
* add some calculation description here.
* code review:
* Casting in C# is expensive almost always, and you should do it as little as possible
public class FriendshipValueCalculation
// code review: the variable should be a const, it doesn't need to be a static const.
// Otherwise any one can reassign it. long -> int
public const int FRIENDSHIPS_MAXIMUM = 200000;
public static ulong[] GetLookupTable()
// code review: ulong[] -> var
var friendshipsLookupTable = new ulong[FRIENDSHIPS_MAXIMUM]; // 1.6 MB
// code review: ulong -> var, 0 -> 0ul, ul suffix
var valueOfFriendship = 0ul;
// code review:
const int startIndex = 1;
var valueIndex = (ulong)startIndex;
// code review: The i++, valueIndex++ tells the compiler to increment both of those variables
// each time the loop iterates.
for (var i = 1; i < FRIENDSHIPS_MAXIMUM; i++, valueIndex++)
valueOfFriendship += valueIndex * (valueIndex + 1);
friendshipsLookupTable[i] = valueOfFriendship;
return friendshipsLookupTable;
static void Main(String[] args)
public static void ProcessInput()
GroupComparer headComparer = new GroupComparer();
int queries = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int query = 0; query < queries; query++)
string[] tokens_n = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int studentsCount = Convert.ToInt32(tokens_n[0]);
int friendshipsCount = Convert.ToInt32(tokens_n[1]);
GroupManagement groupManager = new GroupManagement(studentsCount);
for (int i = 0; i < friendshipsCount; i++)
string[] relationship = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int id1 = Convert.ToInt32(relationship[0]);
int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(relationship[1]);
groupManager.AddFriendshipToGroups(id1, id2);
// Get all groups large to small
Group[] sortedGroups =
Array.Sort(sortedGroups, headComparer);
* Need to work on the sample test case
* 1. student 1 and 2 become friends
* 1-2 3 4 5, we then sum the number of friends that each student has
* to get 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 2.
* 2. Student 2 and 3 become friends:
* 1-2-3 4 5, we then sum the number of friends that each student has to get
* 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 6.
* 3. Student 4 and 5 become friends:
* 1-2-3 4-5, we then sum the number of friends that each student has to get
* 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 8.
* 4. Student 1 and 3 become friends: (we hold to add 1 and 3 until 4 and 5
* are added to maximize the value.)
* 1-2-3 4-5, we then sum the number of friends that each student has to get
* 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 8.
* Total is 2 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 24.
public static void RunSampleTestcase()
string[][] datas = new string[1][];
datas[0] = new string[2];
datas[0][0] = "5";
datas[0][1] = "4";
string[][] allFriendships = new string[1][];
allFriendships[0] = new string[4];
allFriendships[0][0] = "1 2";
allFriendships[0][1] = "2 3";
allFriendships[0][2] = "1 3";
allFriendships[0][3] = "4 5";
Console.WriteLine(HelpTestCase(datas, allFriendships));
public static void RunSampleTestcase2()
string[][] datas = new string[1][];
datas[0] = new string[2];
datas[0][0] = "5";
datas[0][1] = "4";
string[][] allFriendships = new string[1][];
allFriendships[0] = new string[4];
allFriendships[0][0] = "1 2";
allFriendships[0][1] = "3 2";
allFriendships[0][2] = "4 2";
allFriendships[0][3] = "4 3";
Console.WriteLine(HelpTestCase(datas, allFriendships));
private static ulong HelpTestCase(string[][] datas, string[][] allFriendships)
GroupComparer headComparer = new GroupComparer();
int studentsCount = Convert.ToInt32(datas[0][0]);
int friendshipsCount = Convert.ToInt32(datas[0][1]);
GroupManagement groupManager = new GroupManagement(studentsCount);
for (int i = 0; i < friendshipsCount; i++)
string[] relationship = allFriendships[0][i].Split(' ');
int id1 = Convert.ToInt32(relationship[0]);
int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(relationship[1]);
groupManager.AddFriendshipToGroups(id1, id2);
// Get all groups large to small
Group[] sortedGroups =
Array.Sort(sortedGroups, headComparer);
return Group.CalculateValue(sortedGroups);
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March 1, 2017
line 120 - line 127
public class GroupManagement
// public memebers should use Pascal case.
public Group[] Groups;
public int[] GroupIdMap;
public int GroupIndex = 0;
public int GroupCount = 0;

Should be based on the code review:
public Group[] Groups {get; set}
public int[] GroupIdMap {get; set;}
public int GroupIndex {get; set;}
public int GroupCount {get; set;}

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