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Created July 4, 2020 18:34
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July 4 2020 - 10:00 AM mock interview, find minimum substring containing given chars in the array
Given an array of characters and a string, implement a function that finds the smallest substring containing all the characters in the array.
input: arr = ['x','y','z'], str = "xyyzyzyx"
output: "zyx"
a - z 26 chars
smallest -
return length or substring as well
propose: slide window
track all distinct chars
- iterate chars in the array twice - chars in the string
case study:
"abbcbbccc" N
----------> "abc" three chars
| a 0, b 2, c1 still missing c "abbc", length 4
time complexity: O(N), N is the length of string - argue that ...
space complexity: O(M) as well - count for each char, M is count of distinct chars
using System;
// To execute C#, please define "static void Main" on a class
// named Solution.
class Solution
static void Main(string[] args)
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World");
// contains all distinct chars
// sliding window
// use array to save those chars
/* 'x' - 2, 'y' - 1, 'z' - 1
-identified concept for solution +
-correct explanation of sliding window +
-correctly analysed time and space complexity +
-handled wrong input edge case +
-wrong interpretation of problem text -
-good naming of variables +
-handled new input case +
-very good communication in while coding and explanation of flow of thought +
public string FindMinimmSubstring(string s, char[] given)
if(s == null || s.Length == 0)
return "";
var length = s.Length;
var distinct = new int[26];
foreach(var item in given)
distinct[item - 'a']++; // increment one by one
var minLength = length + 1;
var minSubstring = 0;
var left = 0;
var index = 0;
var windowCount = new int[26];
// slide window - left, index
while(index < length) // fall back to here
var current = s[index];
//qualified - compared to minimum one - move left point until it breaks
if(qualified(windowCount, distinct)) //
var currentWindow = index - left + 1;
if(currentWindow < minLength)
minLength = currentWindow;
minSubstring = left;
// next step to move left point until it breaks
var leftChar = s[left];
windowCount[leftChar - 'a']--;
windowCount[current - 'a']++; // take this outside of while
// index++
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