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Created October 13, 2020 05:17
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Oct. 11, 2020, mock interview - find strings in given string - ideal solution is to use trie, build trie starting from all chars - 128
/*Given a string X and an array of small strings A, explain and implement an algorithm to search X for each small string in the array A.
How will you solve this problem if string X is a book of 5000 pages and the array has 1billion records?
10^10 * 5000 * 100^10 =
26 English
a, b, c, d, ... z build a trie 26 -> more than unicode - 256, ascii - 128
256 trees ->
Given X = "mississippi" and A[] = {"is", "ppi", "hi", "sis", "I", "ssipi"} <- those strings
-- --- ---------------------------------------
mississippi - >
int[] findfirstPosition(string target, string[] searchable)
var result = new int[searchable.Length];
int index = 0;
foreach(var item in searchable)
// item in target
bool found = false;
for(int i = 0; i + item.Length < target.Length; i++)
if(item.Substring(i, item.Length).CompareTo(target) == 0)
result[index] = i;
found = true;
if(found == false)
result[index] = -1;
return result;
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