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Leetcode 269 - Alien Dictionary - warm up practice - 3rd time - a few changes -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace _269AlienDictionary_Review
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] words = { "wrt", "wrf", "er", "ett", "rftt" };
// verify result manually here: "wertf"
string result = alienOrder(words);
* Things found in 3rd writing:
* 1. one spell error topologicalSort function name - topologicalSort not topoligicalSort
* 2. add nodes variable as part of graph - explicitly add the variable in the graph *
public static string alienOrder(string[] words)
if (words == null || words.Length <= 1)
return "";
// Graph prensentation - 3 variables at least
// nodes, node's dependency list and inDegree array
// nodes - function getNodes()
HashSet<char> nodes = getNodes(words);
Dictionary<char, HashSet<char>> dependencyList = new Dictionary<char, HashSet<char>>();
int[] inDegree = new int[26];
graphSetup(words, dependencyList, inDegree);
return topologicalSort(words, dependencyList, inDegree, nodes);
* 3rd writing:
* look into string.ToList() -> string -> List<char>
* try to use HashSet.UnionWith(IEnumerable<T>)
* because List<char> should be IEnumerable<T>, T is char here.
public static HashSet<char> getNodes(string[] words)
HashSet<char> hashset = new HashSet<char>();
foreach(string s in words)
hashset.UnionWith(s.ToList()); // List<char>
return hashset;
* Explain the function graphSetup design using the most simple example:
* set up graph for {"wrt","wrf"}
* Here are the task to complete:
* 1. Find the first different char - actually, it is an edge in the graph,
* here is t-> f
* 2. Need to handle case - no edge
* 3. At most one edge for two consecutive words
* 4. Only handle the array of string by two neighboring nodes - transmitive
* what to construct in the graph:
* 1. Add 't' to dependencyList, and also add 't' as char, its neighbors {'f'}, 'f' depends on 't'.
* 2. Work on inDegree, increment inDegree['f'-'a']++, 'f' has one more indegree from 't'.
* 3. need to get the first different char from two strings.
* precondition:
* words's length >=2
* base case <=1 is handled in callee function
public static void graphSetup(
string[] words,
Dictionary<char, HashSet<char>> dependencyList,
int[] inDegree
int len = words.Length;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
string prev = words[i - 1];
string curr = words[i];
int start = 0;
while(prev[start] == curr[start])
// no edge
if (start >= Math.Min(prev.Length, curr.Length))
// work on style - double checking - using correct variable
char edgeFrom = prev[start];
char edgeTo = curr[start];
dependencyList.Add(edgeFrom, new HashSet<char>());
inDegree[edgeTo - 'a']++;
// skip if edgeTo is in the hashset.
* Two tasks:
* 1. get nodes with indegree 0 - enqueue those nodes
* 2. play with queue
* a node is dequeue, append to the output stringBuilder
* adjust its dependency list - inDegree value - decrement one
* if the neighbor node is with 0 indegree value, push it to the queue
* Checking list about queue:
* 1. First queue is not empty - add nodes into queue first - with indegree 0 nodes
* 2. when node is dequeued, the indegree is updated accordingly, then, more nodes will be
* added to queue when its indegree is 0
* 3. Every node in the queue is with indegree 0 - this is a fact.
public static string topologicalSort(
string[] words,
Dictionary<char, HashSet<char>> dependencyList,
int[] inDegree,
HashSet<char> nodes
//HashSet<char> nodes = getNodes(words);
Queue<char> queue = new Queue<char>();
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
char runner = (char)(i + 'a');
if (!nodes.Contains(runner))
if (inDegree[i] == 0)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while(queue.Count > 0)
char runner = queue.Dequeue();
if (!dependencyList.ContainsKey(runner)) // bug001 - forget these 2 lines, runtime execution error
HashSet<char> neighbors = dependencyList[runner];
foreach(char node in neighbors)
int index = node - 'a';
if (inDegree[index] == 0)
// edge case:
return sb.Length < nodes.Count? "": sb.ToString();
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