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Created June 27, 2016 19:16
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AorB HackerRank - Bug fix - pass all test cases
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AtoB
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool testCode = false;
if (!testCode)
int totalNo = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < totalNo; i++)
int K = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
string A = Console.ReadLine();
string B = Console.ReadLine();
string C = Console.ReadLine();
string[] result = convertAToB_strVersion(K, A, B, C);
foreach (string s in result)
//string[] result = testFunction();
//string[] result = testFunction_B();
public static void testFunction_C()
string[] valueFrom = {"C0", "0","C0"};
string valueFromA = "";
string valueFromB = "";
int count = getFirstNumberFirst1To0_LetSecondOneTake1(valueFrom[0], valueFrom[1], valueFrom[2], 3, ref valueFromA, ref valueFromB);
public static string[] testFunction()
int K = 8;
string A = "2B";
string B = "9F";
string C = "58";
return convertAToB_strVersion(K, A, B, C);
public static string[] testFunction_B()
int K = 5;
string A = "B9";
string B = "40";
string C = "5A";
return convertAToB_strVersion(K, A, B, C);
* input:
* 25
* 707AC8792
* output:
* C8582
public static string[] testFunction_Debug()
int K = 25;
string A = "B631EB5AE";
string B = "601C227E1";
string C = "707AC8792";
return convertAToB_strVersion(K, A, B, C);
* Test case:
* 2B Hexdecimal
* - 3 bits
* 00101011
* 00001000
* 9F - 5 bits
* 10011111
* 01011000
* Final result:
* 01011000
* A, B, C < 16 ^ (5*10000), how big the number
* The trick is not to convert to integer at all, try to use string all the time
public static string[] convertAToB_strVersion(
int no,
string A,
string B,
string C)
string valueA_new = "";
// Find bits in A is 1, but in C is 0
// then, set bit to 0
int value1 = getBitNumber_From1To0_strVersion(A, B, C, ref valueA_new);
string valueB_new = "";
// Find bits in B is 1, but in C is 0,
int value2 = getBitNumber_From1To0_strVersion(B, "", C, ref valueB_new);
// Find bits in B is 0, but in C is 1, in A is 0 - need to change 0 to 1
//int value3 = getBitNumber_From0to1(valueA, valueB, valueC, ref valueB_new); //bug002 - valueB should valueB_new
//int value3 = getBitNumber_From0to1_strVersion(A, valueB_new, C, ref valueB_new); // second argument - not valueB
int value3 = getChangeBits_From0To1(A, valueB_new, C, ref valueB_new); // second argument - not valueB
int sum = value1 + value2 + value3;
if (sum == no)
return new string[2] { removeStarting0(valueA_new), removeStarting0(valueB_new) };
else if (sum < no)
// try to make A' as small as possible, and then, try to make B' as small as possible
int total = no - sum;
int noUsed = getFirstNumberFirst1To0_LetSecondOneTake1(valueA_new, valueB_new, C, total, ref valueA_new, ref valueB_new);
return new string[2] { removeStarting0(valueA_new), removeStarting0(valueB_new) };
return new string[1] { "-1" };
private static string removeStarting0(string s)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool skipFirst0s = true;
foreach (char c in s)
if (c == '0' && skipFirst0s)
skipFirst0s = false;
return (sb.ToString().Length == 0) ? "0" : sb.ToString();
* Input is HexDecimalString
* Output is HexDecimalString
* June 27, 2016
* The design has to be correct on matching comparison between A and AorB hexadecimal chars.
* D8 A
* A01 AorB
* so, D should compare to 0, not A
* The trick is to reverse the string:
* 8D
* 10A
* then, both starting from index 0, compare one to one:
* 8 vs 1
* D vs 0
* If the comparison order is not a concern.
public static int getBitNumber_From1To0_strVersion(string valueFrom, string stringValueFromB, string valueTo, ref string newValue)
int count = 0;
string from = Reverse(valueFrom);
string to = Reverse(valueTo);
string fromB = Reverse(stringValueFromB);
StringBuilder sb_Out = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < from.Length; i++)
int intFrom = getInt(from[i]);
int intTo = (i < to.Length) ? getInt(to[i]) : 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (intFrom > 0)
int firstBitFrom = intFrom & 1;
int firstBitTo = intTo & 1;
if ((firstBitFrom == 1 && firstBitTo == 0))
firstBitFrom = 0;
// right shift 1 bit
intFrom = intFrom >> 1;
intTo = intTo >> 1;
newValue = Reverse(sb_Out.ToString()); // bug001 - need to reverse the binary string
return count;
* if there is bits left to use, then go back to first number, and scan left to right,
* set first value first 1 to 0, and update second value that bit to 1 instead, 2 changes/ one time.
public static int getFirstNumberFirst1To0_LetSecondOneTake1(
string valueFrom,
string stringValueFromB,
string valueTo,
int number,
ref string newValue,
ref string newValueB)
int count = 0;
// starting from least significant bit first.
string from = Reverse(valueFrom);
string to = Reverse(valueTo);
string fromB = Reverse(stringValueFromB);
StringBuilder sb_Out = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sb_Out_B = new StringBuilder();
// need to restore newValue and also newValueB
// so the loop should cover both string
int len = Math.Max(from.Length, fromB.Length);
for (int i = len-1; i >=0; i--)
int intFrom = (i < from.Length) ? getInt(from[i]) : 0;
int intTo = (i < to.Length) ? getInt(to[i]) : 0;
int intFrom_B = (i < fromB.Length) ? getInt(fromB[i]) : 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sb_B = new StringBuilder();
int[] arr = new int[] { 8, 4, 2, 1 };
//while (intFrom > 0 && count < number)
foreach (int value in arr)
bool changeOk = true;
if (count >= number)
changeOk = false;
//break; // need to continue to paste rest of chars
int afterAnd_From = intFrom & value;
int afterAnd_To = intTo & value;
int afterAnd_FromB = intFrom_B & value;
if (changeOk && (afterAnd_From == value && afterAnd_To == value ))
bool change2 = number - count >= 2;
char[] settings = { '1', (char)(afterAnd_FromB / value + '0') };
if (afterAnd_FromB == value)
settings[0] = '0';
else if(change2)
settings[0] = '0';
settings[1] = '1';
count += 2;
sb.Append((char)(afterAnd_From / value + '0'));
sb_B.Append((char)(afterAnd_FromB / value + '0'));
newValue = sb_Out.ToString(); // bug001 - need to reverse the binary string
newValueB = sb_Out_B.ToString();
return count;
* input is string of binary number, at most 4 bits "1100"
public static char getCharFromBinaryNumber(string s)
int sum = 0;
foreach (char c in s)
int value = (c - '0');
sum = value + sum * 2;
if (sum >= 0 && sum <= 9)
return (char)(sum + '0');
string charStr = "ABCDEF";
char[] charArr = charStr.ToCharArray();
return charArr[sum - 10];
public static int getInt(char c)
int number = c - '0';
if (number >= 0 && number <= 9)
return number;
string charStr = "ABCDEF";
char[] charArr = charStr.ToCharArray();
int value = Array.IndexOf(charArr, c);
return 10 + value;
public static string Reverse(string s)
char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray();
return new string(charArray);
* 2B Hexdecimal
* - 3 bits
* 00101011
* 00001000
* 9F - 5 bits
* 10011111
* 01011000
* Final result:
* 01011000
* A | B = C
* assertion: C.Length >= A.Length,
* C.Length >= B.Length
public static int getChangeBits_From0To1(string valueRef, string valueFrom, string valueTo, ref string newValue)
int count = 0;
string from = Reverse(valueFrom);
string to = Reverse(valueTo);
string refStr = Reverse(valueRef);
StringBuilder sb_Out = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < to.Length; i++ )
int intTo = (i < valueTo.Length) ? getInt(to[i]) : 0;
int intFrom = (i < valueFrom.Length) ? getInt(from[i]) : 0;
int intRef = (i < valueRef.Length) ? getInt(refStr[i]) : 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (intTo > 0 || intFrom > 0)
// check first bit from rightmost
int firstBitFrom = intFrom & 1;
int firstBitTo = intTo & 1;
int firstBitRef = intRef & 1;
if (firstBitFrom == 0 && firstBitTo == 1 && firstBitRef == 0)
firstBitFrom = 1;
sb.Append((char)(firstBitFrom + '0'));
// right shift 1 bit
intTo = intTo >> 1;
intFrom = intFrom >> 1;
intRef = intRef >> 1;
newValue = Reverse(sb_Out.ToString()); // bug001 - need to reverse the binary string
return count;
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