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Sudoku - Leetcode 37 - mocking interview code passes online judge - find the bug on line 84, line 93, line 111
using System;
class Solution
// June 12, 2017
// write the code in the mocking experience.
// brute force search - 9 * expontial
// DFS - backtrack
// 9 backtrack -> n ^2, 81 cells - at most 81 emtpy cells
static void Main(string[] args)
char[,] board = new char[9,9];
board = new char[9,9]{
{'5','3',' ',' ','7',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{'6',' ',' ','1','9','5',' ',' ',' '},
{' ','9','8',' ',' ',' ',' ','6',' '},
{'8',' ',' ',' ','6',' ',' ',' ','3'},
{'4',' ',' ','8',' ','3',' ',' ','1'},
{'7',' ',' ',' ','2',' ',' ',' ','6'},
{' ','6',' ',' ',' ',' ','2','8',' '},
{' ',' ',' ','4','1','9',' ',' ','5'},
{' ',' ',' ',' ','8',' ',' ','7','9'},
static bool sudokuSolve(char[,] board)
// your code goes here
return sudokuSolveHelper(board, 0, 0);
private static bool sudokuSolveHelper(char[,] board, int row, int col)
// base case
if (row > 8) // 0 - 8 , row = 9
return true;
var current = board[row, col];
bool isEmtpy = current == ' ';
bool isNumber = (current - '0') >= 0 & (current - '0') <= 9;
if (isNumber) // 3
bool isLastColumn = col == 8;
int nextRow = isLastColumn ? (row + 1) : row;
int nextCol = isLastColumn ? 0 : col + 1;
return sudokuSolveHelper(board, nextRow, nextCol); // 0, 1, (0, 2)
else //
for (int number = 1; number <= 9; number++)
if (isAvailable(board, number, row, col))
board[row, col] = (char)(number + '0'); // add '0'
if (sudokuSolveHelper(board, row, col))
return true;
board[row, col] = ' ';
return false;
// unreachable code
private static bool isAvailable(char[,] board, int number, int row, int col)
// check row
for (int column = 0; column < 9; column++)
if (board[row, column] - number == '0') // add '', should be '0' instead of 0
return false;
// check column
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 9; rowIndex++)
if (board[rowIndex, col] - number == '0') // add '', should be '0' instead of 0
return false;
// check 3 * 3 matrix
// row -> row/3
// col -> col/3
int smallMatrixRow = row / 3; // 0
int smallMatrixCol = col / 3; // 2
int startRow = smallMatrixRow * 3;
int startCol = smallMatrixCol * 3;
for (int r = startRow; r < startRow + 3; r++) // 5, 3, 6, 8, 9 - 1 avaiable
for (int c = startCol; c < startCol + 3; c++)
if (board[r, c] - number == '0') // add '', should be '0' instead of 0
return false;
return true;
// 5 3 ? - 7 - - - -
// 1 - 9, each row -> 3, 5, 7, 8
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
// 1, -> return true
// ? -> 2, return true
// ? -> 3, ...
// ? -> 9, return true
// false
// DFS -> backtracking
// constraints - row checking, column check, 3 * 3 checking
// base case row * col 9 * 9, 0 - 8, row = 9
// row, col -> row, col + 1, if it is not last column, increment row ++
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