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Created December 31, 2013 23:57
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Last login: Mon Dec 23 13:30:30 on ttys000
Jiaweis-MacBook-Pro:~ jiaweihe$ ssh
otp-md5 420 je0331 ext
Last login: Mon Dec 23 13:12:31 2013 from
Welcome to the University of Washington Land Surface Hydrology
computer network. This network is for authorized use only.
Please note that has been retired.
[jiawei@dew ~]$
[jiawei@dew ~]$ ls
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[jiawei@dew ~]$ cd public_html/
[jiawei@dew public_html]$ ls
index.php #reports20131004.php# reports20131101.php
index.php~ reports20131004.php reports20131108.php
Progress Reports reports20131011.php reports20131115.php
#Progress Reports.php# reports20131011.php~ reports20131122.php
Progress Reports.php reports20131018.php reports20131206.php
Progress Reports.php~ reports20131025.php
[jiawei@dew public_html]$ vim index.php
[jiawei@dew public_html]$ ls
index.php #reports20131004.php# reports20131101.php
index.php~ reports20131004.php reports20131108.php
Progress Reports reports20131011.php reports20131115.php
#Progress Reports.php# reports20131011.php~ reports20131122.php
Progress Reports.php reports20131018.php reports20131206.php
Progress Reports.php~ reports20131025.php
[jiawei@dew public_html]$ vim index.php
[jiawei@dew public_html]$ Write failed: Broken pipe
Jiaweis-MacBook-Pro:~ jiaweihe$ ssh
otp-md5 419 je0331 ext
Last login: Mon Dec 30 23:18:15 2013 from
Welcome to the University of Washington Land Surface Hydrology
computer network. This network is for authorized use only.
Please note that has been retired.
[jiawei@dew ~]$ ls
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Documents index.php Music public_html Videos
downloads mail nautilus-dropbox-1.4.0 Templates
[jiawei@dew ~]$ cd /usr1/jiawei
-bash: cd: /usr1/jiawei: No such file or directory
[jiawei@dew ~]$ ssh sphere
jiawei@sphere's password:
Last login: Mon Dec 30 14:37:56 2013
[jiawei@sphere ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads Mail Public testlog
Documents index.php Music public_html Videos
downloads mail nautilus-dropbox-1.4.0 Templates
[jiawei@sphere ~]$ cd /usr1/jiawei
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ ls
bookmarks.html directory git hydrologicalModeling playground Yixin
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[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ cd python/
[jiawei@sphere python]$ ls
1.txt numpy NumPy_Cookbook
Code Academy.ipynb Numpy.ipynb
ComputingWorkshop_monthlyPrecipitation.ipynb Standard Library.ipynb
ipython Think Python.ipynb
junk.txt Visualization.ipynb
LearningIpython Web.ipynb
Learning IPython.ipynb words.txt
[jiawei@sphere python]$ cd ..
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ ls
bookmarks.html directory git hydrologicalModeling playground Yixin
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cp Dropbox homero personal trash
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ cd github
[jiawei@sphere github]$ ls
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[jiawei@sphere github]$ mkdir testing
[jiawei@sphere github]$ cd testing/
[jiawei@sphere testing]$ ls
[jiawei@sphere testing]$ vim testSuite
[jiawei@sphere testing]$ ls
[jiawei@sphere testing]$ ssh hydra
jiawei@hydra's password:
Last login: Mon Dec 23 10:50:28 2013 from
Rocks 6.0.1 (Stonesteps)
Profile built 15:16 16-Mar-2012
Kickstarted 08:35 16-Mar-2012
Rocks+ from StackIQ
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ ls
ipynb netcdf regional_anomaly.bash
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ cd ipynb/
[jiawei@hydra ipynb]$ ls
CRU.ipynb PRISM.ipynb
Plot of SWE ( netCDF).ipynb SWM_anomaly_Prec_1915_1950.png
PRISM_anomaly_Prec.png SWM_anomaly_Tmax_1915_1950.png
PRISM_anomaly_Tmax.png SWM_anomaly_Tmin_1915_1950.png
PRISM_anomaly_Tmin.png swm.ipynb
[jiawei@hydra ipynb]$ cd /raid3/jiawei
[jiawei@hydra jiawei]$ ls
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[jiawei@hydra jiawei]$ cd homero/
[jiawei@hydra homero]$ ls
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[jiawei@hydra homero]$ cd ..
[jiawei@hydra jiawei]$ ls
homero vic
[jiawei@hydra jiawei]$ cd
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ ls
ipynb netcdf regional_anomaly.bash
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ cd ipynb/
[jiawei@hydra ipynb]$ ls
CRU.ipynb PRISM.ipynb
Plot of SWE ( netCDF).ipynb SWM_anomaly_Prec_1915_1950.png
PRISM_anomaly_Prec.png SWM_anomaly_Tmax_1915_1950.png
PRISM_anomaly_Tmax.png SWM_anomaly_Tmin_1915_1950.png
PRISM_anomaly_Tmin.png swm.ipynb
[jiawei@hydra ipynb]$ cd ..
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ ls
ipynb netcdf regional_anomaly.bash
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ cd netcdf/
[jiawei@hydra netcdf]$ ls
data doc
[jiawei@hydra netcdf]$ cd ..
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ ls
ipynb netcdf regional_anomaly.bash
[jiawei@hydra ~]$ cd /raid
[jiawei@hydra raid]$ ls
blivneh usage_report.txt
[jiawei@hydra raid]$ cd /raid3/jiawei/
[jiawei@hydra jiawei]$ ls
homero vic
[jiawei@hydra jiawei]$ cd homero/
[jiawei@hydra homero]$ ls
cru livnehSep2013 plots regional_anomaly.bash swm
data maurer prism scripts
[jiawei@hydra homero]$ exit
Connection to hydra closed.
[jiawei@sphere testing]$ ls
[jiawei@sphere testing]$ cd
[jiawei@sphere ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads Mail Public testlog
Documents index.php Music public_html Videos
downloads mail nautilus-dropbox-1.4.0 Templates
[jiawei@sphere ~]$ cd /raid
[jiawei@sphere raid]$ ls
jiawei moving README tazebe usage_report.txt
[jiawei@sphere raid]$ cd jiawei
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ ls
basemap data netcdf python Temperature
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ cd python/
[jiawei@sphere python]$ ls
basemap_jjh.pptx Python_I_02202013_jjh.pptx
[jiawei@sphere python]$ cd ..
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ cd /usr1/jiawei
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ ls
bookmarks.html directory git hydrologicalModeling playground Yixin
courses downloads github matplotlib python
cp Dropbox homero personal trash
[jiawei@sphere jiawei]$ cd python/
[jiawei@sphere python]$ ls
1.txt numpy NumPy_Cookbook
Code Academy.ipynb Numpy.ipynb
ComputingWorkshop_monthlyPrecipitation.ipynb Standard Library.ipynb
ipython Think Python.ipynb
junk.txt Visualization.ipynb
LearningIpython Web.ipynb
Learning IPython.ipynb words.txt
[jiawei@sphere python]$ cd ipython/
[jiawei@sphere ipython]$ ls
10 Minutes to Pandas.ipynb Plot of SWE ( text file).ipynb
fig.png Python for Data Analysis - Pandas.ipynb
matplotlib.ipynb ScientificPythonLectures.ipynb
Modules.ipynb Summary of Plotting a Basemap.ipynb
plot001.png workshop_datetime_pandas_20131112.ipynb
[jiawei@sphere ipython]$ ipython notebook --no-browser --port=7770
2013-12-31 15:53:37.805 [NotebookApp] Using existing profile dir: u'/net/jet/home/jiawei/.config/ipython/profile_default'
2013-12-31 15:53:37.834 [NotebookApp] Using MathJax from CDN:
2013-12-31 15:53:37.947 [NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /usr1/jiawei/python/ipython
2013-12-31 15:53:37.947 [NotebookApp] The IPython Notebook is running at:
2013-12-31 15:53:37.948 [NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
^C2013-12-31 15:56:40.574 [NotebookApp] interrupted
Serving notebooks from local directory: /usr1/jiawei/python/ipython
The IPython Notebook is running at:
Shutdown this notebook server (y/[n])? y
2013-12-31 15:56:42.113 [NotebookApp] CRITICAL | Shutdown confirmed
2013-12-31 15:56:42.113 [NotebookApp] Shutting down kernels
[jiawei@sphere ipython]$ ls
10 Minutes to Pandas.ipynb Plot of SWE ( text file).ipynb
fig.png Python for Data Analysis - Pandas.ipynb
matplotlib.ipynb ScientificPythonLectures.ipynb
Modules.ipynb Summary of Plotting a Basemap.ipynb
plot001.png workshop_datetime_pandas_20131112.ipynb
[jiawei@sphere ipython]$ vim Modules.ipynb
"metadata": {
"name": ""
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 2,
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Function to define the water year of a date"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# A simple function to define the water year of a date\n",
"def wateryear(inyear):\n",
"Modules.ipynb" [noeol] 99L, 2007C 1,1 Top
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