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Last active September 24, 2020 09:22
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Cross-project utilities
export type Omit<T, K> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
export type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
export function assertNever(_: never): never {
throw new Error('Unreachable code');
export function debounce<F extends (...params: Array<any>) => void>(fn: F, delay: number): F {
let timer: NodeJS.Timeout;
return function(this: any, ...args: Array<any>) {
timer = setTimeout(() => fn.apply(this, args), delay);
} as F;
export function flatten<T>(arr: Array<Array<T>>): Array<T> {
return ([] as Array<T>).concat(...arr);
export function getRandomColor(): string {
const letters = '0123456789ABCDEF';
const hex = Array.from({ length: 6 }, (_, i) => i)
.map(() => letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)])
return `#${hex}`;
export function isObject(value: {}): value is object {
return typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) && value !== null;
export const isTruthy = Boolean;
export function isValidDate(value: Date) {
return value instanceof Date && !isNaN(value as any);
export const noop = () => {
// Noop
export function notEmpty<T>(value: T | null | undefined): value is T {
return value !== null && value !== undefined;
export function omit<T extends Record<string, any>, K extends Array<keyof T>>(
obj: T,
keys: K,
): Omit<T, K> {
return (Object.keys(obj) as Array<keyof T>)
.filter(key => !keys.includes(key))
(acc, key) => {
acc[key] = obj[key];
return acc;
{} as T,
export function roundTo2Decimals(x: number): number {
return Math.round(x * 100) / 100
export function series(n: number, fn = (_: any, i: number) => i) {
Array.from({ length: n }, fn);
export function shuffle<T>(values: T[]): T[] {
return values.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
export function addDays(date: Date, days: number) {
return new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + days))
export function times(n: number, fn: (n: number) => void) {
Array.from({ length: n }, (_, i) => i).map(fn);
export const uniqueId = (prefix: string = ''): string => {
return `${prefix}_${Math.random()
.substr(2, 9)}`;
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