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Last active June 22, 2023 11:48
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Infinite stream in Haskell
module Stream where
import Stream.Internal
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
-- | Get the first element of a stream.
headS :: Stream a -> a
headS (a :> _) = a
-- | Drop the first element of a stream.
tailS :: Stream a -> Stream a
tailS (_ :> s) = s
-- {{{ Stream constructors
-- | Construct a stream by repeating a value.
repeatS :: a -> Stream a
repeatS a = a :> repeatS a
iterS :: (a -> a) -> a -> Stream a
iterS f a = fa :> (iterS f fa)
where fa = f a
-- | Construct a stream by repeatedly applying a function.
iterateS :: (a -> a) -> a -> Stream a
iterateS f a = a :> (iterS f a)
-- | Construct a stream by repeating a list forever.
cycleS :: [a] -> Stream a
cycleS xs = foldr (\x stream -> x :> stream) (cycleS xs) xs
-- | Construct a stream by counting numbers starting from a given one.
fromS :: Num a => a -> Stream a
fromS a = a :> (fromS $ a+1)
-- | Same as 'fromS', but count with a given step width.
fromStepS :: Num a => a -> a -> Stream a
fromStepS a s = a :> (fromStepS (a+s) s)
-- }}}
-- | Fold a stream from the left.
foldrS :: (a -> b -> b) -> Stream a -> b
foldrS f (x :> xs) = f x (foldrS f xs)
-- | Filter a stream with a predicate.
filterS :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
filterS p (x :> xs)
| p x = x :> (filterS p xs)
| otherwise = filterS p xs
-- | Take a given amount of elements from a stream.
takeS :: Int -> Stream a -> [a]
takeS 0 _ = []
takeS i (x :> xs)
| i > 0 = x : (takeS (i-1) xs)
| otherwise = []
-- | Drop a given amount of elements from a stream.
dropS :: Int -> Stream a -> Stream a
dropS 0 s = s
dropS i (x :> xs)
| i > 0 = dropS (i-1) xs
| otherwise = x :> xs
-- | Do take and drop simultaneous.
splitAtS :: Int -> Stream a -> ([a], Stream a)
splitAtS 0 s = ([], s)
splitAtS i (x :> xs) =
| i > 0 = (x:ls, rs)
| otherwise = x :> xs
(ls, rs) = splitAtS (i-1) xs
-- | Combine two streams with a function.
zipWithS :: (a -> b -> c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c
zipWithS f (x :> xs) (y :> ys) = (f x y) :> (zipWithS f xs ys)
zipS :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream (a, b)
zipS = zipWithS (,)
instance Functor Stream where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
fmap f (x :> xs) = (f x) :> fmap f xs
instance Applicative Stream where
-- pure :: a -> Stream a
pure = repeatS
-- (<*>) :: Stream (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
(f :> fs) <*> (x :> xs) = (f x) :> (fs <*> xs)
-- | The stream of fibonacci numbers.
fibS :: Stream Integer
fibS = 0 :> (1 :> (f 0 1))
where f x y = (x+y) :> (f y (x+y))
-- | The stream of prime numbers.
primeS :: Stream Integer
primeS = cycleS primeList
primeList = [x | x <- [2..], isPrime x]
isPrime x = null [d | d <- [2..x-1], x `mod` d == 0]
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