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Last active June 6, 2022 01:54
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val inputFile = "/Users/jiayu/Downloads/Apache_Sedona_Wherobots/gemeinde_de.geojson"
val featuresFile = "/Users/jiayu/Downloads/Apache_Sedona_Wherobots/gemeinde_de_features.geojson"
val geoJson =
// Sedona requires that GEOJSON schema has to be Feature, not FeatureCollection
// because a FeatureCollection GeoJSON does NOT follow one geometry per record
// See
// So we need to separate meta data and features
val metaData ="crs", "source", "type")
// Only select 3 elements required by the GEOJSON features, including geometry, properties, and type
var features_json ="features")).as("feature"))
.select("feature.geometry", "", "feature.type")
// In the raw data file, Polygon data mistakenly follows Struct(ArrayType(ArrayType(ArrayType("X", "Y"))), StringType) format
// This violates GEOJSON specification. We have to cast it to Struct(ArrayType(ArrayType(ArrayType(DoubleType))), StringType)
// See GEOJSON Specification:
// In the raw data file, MultiPolygon data mistakenly follows Struct(ArrayType(ArrayType(ArrayType("[X, Y]"))), StringType) format
// This also violates GEOJSON specification. This requires some code to fix. I will skip it this time.
// See GEOJSON Specification:
val wantedSchema = StructType(
StructField("coordinates", ArrayType(ArrayType(ArrayType(DoubleType))), true),
StructField("type", StringType)
features_json = features_json.filter("geometry.type = 'Polygon'")
.select(col("geometry").cast(wantedSchema), struct("properties.ADE", "properties.AGS").as("properties"), col("type"))
// Sedona GeoJSON reader only reads 1 more level in the nested column. You need to manually select the column you want to use
// Store the cleaned data back to a valid GeoJSON format supported by Sedona
// Now load GEOJSON using Sedona GeoJSON reader
val allowTopologyInvalidGeometries = true // Optional
val skipSyntaxInvalidGeometries = false // Optional
val spatialRDD = GeoJsonReader.readToGeometryRDD(sparkSession.sparkContext, featuresFile, allowTopologyInvalidGeometries, skipSyntaxInvalidGeometries)
val spatialDf = Adapter.toDf(spatialRDD, sparkSession)
println(spatialDf.count()) // 10635 polygons are loaded, out of 11354 records. The missing data is MultiPolygons.
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