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Last active February 3, 2017 22:53
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These Scala APIs work for GeoSpark 0.3.X line
/*---------------------------- GeoSpark 0.3.X or older Scala API usage ----------------------------*/
* If you are writing GeoSpark program in Spark Scala Shell, no need to declare the Spark Context by yourself.
* If you are writing a self-contained GeoSpark Scala program, please declare the Spark Context as follows and
* stop it at the end of the entire program.
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Simple Application").setMaster("spark://");
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
/*---------------------------- Start an example Spatial Range Query without Index ----------------------------*/
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialOperator.RangeQuery;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.PointRDD;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
val queryEnvelope=new Envelope (-113.79,-109.73,32.99,35.08);
val objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/arealm.csv", 0, "csv"); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0 */
val resultSize = RangeQuery.SpatialRangeQuery(objectRDD, queryEnvelope, 0).getRawPointRDD().count(); /* The O means consider a point only if it is fully covered by the query window when doing query */
/*---------------------------- End an example Spatial Range Query without Index ----------------------------*/
/*---------------------------- Start an example Spatial Range Query with Index ----------------------------*/
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialOperator.RangeQuery;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.PointRDD;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
val queryEnvelope=new Envelope (-113.79,-109.73,32.99,35.08);
val objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/arealm.csv", 0, "csv"); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0 */
objectRDD.buildIndex("rtree"); /* Build R-Tree index */
val resultSize = RangeQuery.SpatialRangeQueryUsingIndex(objectRDD, queryEnvelope, 0).getRawPointRDD().count(); /* The O means consider a point only if it is fully covered by the query window when doing query */
/*---------------------------- End an example Spatial Range Query with Index ----------------------------*/
/*---------------------------- Start an example Spatial KNN Query without Index ----------------------------*/
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialOperator.KNNQuery;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.PointRDD;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
val fact=new GeometryFactory();
val queryPoint=fact.createPoint(new Coordinate(-109.73, 35.08));
val objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/arealm.csv", 0, "csv"); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0 */
val resultSize = KNNQuery.SpatialKnnQuery(objectRDD, queryPoint, 5); /* The number 5 means 5 nearest neighbors */
/*---------------------------- End an example Spatial KNN Query without Index ----------------------------*/
/*---------------------------- Start an example Spatial KNN Query with Index ----------------------------*/
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialOperator.KNNQuery;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.PointRDD;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
val fact=new GeometryFactory();
val queryPoint=fact.createPoint(new Coordinate(-109.73, 35.08));
val objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/arealm.csv", 0, "csv"); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0 */
objectRDD.buildIndex("rtree"); /* Build R-Tree index */
val resultSize = KNNQuery.SpatialKnnQueryUsingIndex(objectRDD, queryPoint, 5); /* The number 5 means 5 nearest neighbors */
/*---------------------------- End an example Spatial KNN Query with Index ----------------------------*/
/*---------------------------- Start an example Spatial Join Query without Index ----------------------------*/
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialOperator.JoinQuery;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.PointRDD;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.RectangelRDD;
val objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/arealm.csv", 0 ,"csv","rtree",4); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0, number 4 means 4 RDD partitions, "rtree" means use R-Tree Spatial Partitioning Grid */
val rectangleRDD = new RectangleRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/zcta510.csv", 0, "csv"); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0 */
val joinQuery = new JoinQuery(sc,objectRDD,rectangleRDD);
val resultSize = joinQuery.SpatialJoinQuery(objectRDD,rectangleRDD).count();
/*---------------------------- End an example Spatial Join Query without Index ----------------------------*/
/*---------------------------- Start an example Spatial Join Query with Index ----------------------------*/
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialOperator.JoinQuery;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.PointRDD;
import org.datasyslab.geospark.spatialRDD.RectangelRDD;
val objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/arealm.csv", 0 ,"csv","rtree",4); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0, number 4 means 4 RDD partitions, "rtree" means use R-Tree Spatial Partitioning Grid */
val rectangleRDD = new RectangleRDD(sc, "/home/SparkUser/Downloads/GeoSpark/src/test/resources/zcta510.csv", 0, "csv"); /* The O means spatial attribute starts at Column 0 */
val joinQuery = new JoinQuery(sc,objectRDD,rectangleRDD);
objectRDD.buildIndex("rtree"); /* Build R-Tree index */
val resultSize = joinQuery.SpatialJoinQueryUsingIndex(objectRDD,rectangleRDD).count();
/*---------------------------- End an example Spatial Join Query with Index ----------------------------*/
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