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Last active September 18, 2017 01:28
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The simple gradient check function.
function check_grad(f, x0, varargin)
% a simple function that checks the correctness of gradient.
% f - a function handle of f(x) that returns function values and gradients given parameter x
% x0 - the location near which the gradient will be evaluted.
% For a correct gradiet, the displayed ratio should be near 1.0
% to check why the code works there is a useful link:
% Jiayu, Dec 2, 2015
delta = rand(size(x0));
delta = delta ./ norm(delta);
epsilon = 10.^[-7:-1];
[f0, df0] = feval(f, x0, varargin{:});
for i = 1:length(epsilon)
[f_left] = feval(f, x0-epsilon(i)*delta, varargin{:});
[f_right] = feval(f, x0+epsilon(i)*delta, varargin{:});
ys(i) = (f_right - f_left) / 2;
ys_hat(i) = df0' * epsilon(i)*delta;
fprintf('epsilon: %d , gradient: %d \n', epsilon(i), ys(i) / ys_hat(i));
function check_grad_example_matrix(feature_dim, dic_size, sample_size)
% an example of check_grad on the dictionary learning:
% min_{alpha, X} || R - alpha * D * X ||_F^2
% by Jiayu Zhou. July 9, 2015.
if nargin < 1, feature_dim = 50; end
if nargin < 2, dic_size = 20; end
if nargin < 3, sample_size = 30; end
Rdata = randn(feature_dim, sample_size);
Dic = randn(feature_dim, dic_size);
vect0 = rand(dic_size * sample_size + 1, 1)
% closure on the constant variables.
test_func = @(x) dic_obj(x, Dic, Rdata)
% perform testing.
check_grad(test_func, vect0)
function [f, g] = dic_obj(variable_vect, D, R)
% The function value and gradient of the following objective
% min_{alpha, X} || R - alpha * D * X ||_F^2
% where
% [X(:); alpha]
% given the search point, variable_vect
% f - function value
% g - the vectorized gradient
% the size of the features and dictionary
dic_size = size(D, 2);
sample_size = size(R, 2);
% reshape variables
a = variable_vect(end);
X = reshape(variable_vect(1:end-1), [ dic_size, sample_size] );
aDX = a * D * X;
RaDX = R - aDX;
% compute the objective
f = sum(sum((RaDX).^2));
% compute gradients
grad_X = - (2 * a) * D' * RaDX;
grad_a = - 2 * sum(sum((RaDX' * D)' .* X));
%grad_a = - 2 * trace((RaDX' * D) * X); % less efficient but readable version
% the vectorized gradient
g = [grad_X(:); grad_a];
function check_grad_example_vector(feature_dim, sample_size)
% an example of check_grad on the Lasso
% min_{x} || A * x - y ||_F^2
% by Jiayu Zhou. Dec 2, 2015.
if nargin < 1, feature_dim = 500; end
if nargin < 3, sample_size = 30; end
A = randn(sample_size, feature_dim);
y = randn(sample_size, 1);
x0 = rand(feature_dim, 1);
% closure on the constant variables.
test_func = @(x) dic_obj(x, A, y);
% perform testing.
check_grad(test_func, x0)
function [f, g] = dic_obj(x, A, y)
% The function value and gradient of the following objective
% min_{x} || A * x - y ||_F^2
% where
% [X(:); alpha]
% given the search point, variable_vect
% f - function value
% g - the vectorized gradient
Axy = (A * x - y);
g = A' * Axy;
f = 0.5 * sum(Axy.^2);
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