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Created February 22, 2022 19:00
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A way to represent integers up to 2^125 in 64 bits, based on the Posit representation of numbers.
# Note: this was tested on Arm64. It should work on any common 64 bit architecture.
# Note 2: typemin(Int64) means NaN and is not handled by the function.
extend64to128 = function(w :: Int64)
x = abs(w)
big = (x << 1) >> 63 # -1 if the number is extended (bit 62 set)
neg = (w >>> 62) | 1 # 11 for negative number, 01 for positive
rg = leading_zeros(~x << 1) # count the regime bits
# That's where it really starts.
# A posit number with 0-length exponent starts with a variable amount of regime bits (all 1's or all 0's),
# followed by a stop bit (opposite of regime) then the fractional part. In our case we are multiplying the
# posit by 2^62 (inverse of smallest non-zero posit) to produce integers so we are only interested in 1's
# regime.
# In the first step, we normalise the fractional part by shifting it to bits 61...
nm = (w << rg) & ~(1 << 63)
# Then we add the implied binary digit 1 in bit 62. We also insert the sign bit at position 63
base = nm ⊻ (neg << 62)
# All that remains to do is to shift by the regime amount a second time - the largest the regime the
# highest the precision loss. Variable "big" is used as a mask to chose between a "small" integer (< 2^62)
# and a "large" integer (2^62 to 2^125).
(Int128(base & big) << (rg-1)) | Int128(w & ~big)
julia> extend64to128(123456)
julia> extend64to128(0)
julia> extend64to128(-1)
julia> extend64to128(-9999)
julia> extend64to128(2^62)
julia> extend64to128(2^62+1)
julia> extend64to128(2^62+50)
julia> extend64to128(2^62+100)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-100)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-50)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-7)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-6)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-5)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-4)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-3)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-2)
julia> extend64to128(2^63-1)
julia> extend64to128(1-2^63)
julia> Int128(2)^125
julia> Int128(2)^123
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ghost commented Feb 23, 2022

haneda> julia
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.6.3 (2021-09-23)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> extend64to128 = function(w :: Int64)
           x = abs(w)
           big = (x << 1) >> 63            # -1 if the number is extended (bit 62 set)
           neg = (w >>> 62) | 1            # 11 for negative number, 01 for positive
           rg = leading_zeros(~x << 1)     # count the regime bits

           # That's where it really starts.
           # A posit number with 0-length exponent starts with a variable amount of regime bits (all 1's or all 0's),
           # followed by a stop bit (opposite of regime) then the fractional part. In our case we are multiplying the
           # posit by 2^62 (inverse of smallest non-zero posit) to produce integers so we are only interested in 1's
           # regime.
           # In the first step, we normalise the fractional part by shifting it to bits 61...
           nm = (w << rg) & ~(1 << 63)

           # Then we add the implied binary digit 1 in bit 62. We also insert the sign bit at position 63
           base = nm ⊻ (neg << 62)

           # All that remains to do is to shift by the regime amount a second time - the largest the regime the
           # highest the precision loss. Variable "big" is used as a mask to chose between a "small" integer (< 2^62)
           # and a "large" integer (2^62 to 2^125).
           (Int128(base & big) << (rg-1)) | Int128(w & ~big)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @allocated extend64to128(123456)

julia> @allocated extend64to128(123456)

haneda> julia
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.6.3 (2021-09-23)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> function extend64to128(w :: Int64)
           x = abs(w)
           big = (x << 1) >> 63            # -1 if the number is extended (bit 62 set)
           neg = (w >>> 62) | 1            # 11 for negative number, 01 for positive
           rg = leading_zeros(~x << 1)     # count the regime bits

           # That's where it really starts.
           # A posit number with 0-length exponent starts with a variable amount of regime bits (all 1's or all 0's),
           # followed by a stop bit (opposite of regime) then the fractional part. In our case we are multiplying the
           # posit by 2^62 (inverse of smallest non-zero posit) to produce integers so we are only interested in 1's
           # regime.
           # In the first step, we normalise the fractional part by shifting it to bits 61...
           nm = (w << rg) & ~(1 << 63)

           # Then we add the implied binary digit 1 in bit 62. We also insert the sign bit at position 63
           base = nm ⊻ (neg << 62)

           # All that remains to do is to shift by the regime amount a second time - the largest the regime the
           # highest the precision loss. Variable "big" is used as a mask to chose between a "small" integer (< 2^62)
           # and a "large" integer (2^62 to 2^125).
           (Int128(base & big) << (rg-1)) | Int128(w & ~big)
extend64to128 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @allocated extend64to128(123456)

julia> @allocated extend64to128(123456)


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jido commented Feb 23, 2022

Ha ha, function syntax — thanks @ninjin for catching that!

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ghost commented Feb 24, 2022

You are welcome. I suspect what happened here is that using an untyped, non-constant variable to hold the function in the global scope caused an allocation at the call site. While I did not use it to spot this, you can use the @code_* macros to help spot these kinds of issues when writing performance critical code.

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