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Created July 9, 2021 07:26
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package entity
import ein2a.core.entity.*
import ein2a.core.json.eJSON
import ein2a.core.log.log
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
// 아래와 같은 필드를 처리함
// "stocks":{
// "210408000000001":{"common":20, "bluebasket":30},
// "210408000000002":{"common":10, "bluebasket":20}
// }
inline fun <T:Any> eEntity.valuemapMap(prop: KProperty<*>, type:KClass<T>, block: ValueMapMapField<T>.()->Unit = {}) = ValueMapMapField(type).also{
props[prop] = it
class ValueMapMapField<T:Any>(val type: KClass<T>): ValueField<MutableMap<String, MutableMap<String,T>>>(type){
override fun fromJSON(key: String, json: eJSON, report: Report): Boolean {
return if(json is eJSON.Object){
val map = hashMapOf<String, Any>()
if( {(jKey, el)->
el as eJSON.Object
map[jKey] ={(k, el)->
val result = value(k, el, report) ?: let{
report.add("Field value is wrong format", "key" to key, "jKey" to jKey, "field" to k, "json" to json)
return false
isActive = true
v = map
}else false
report.add("field is value map but json is not Object", "key" to key, "field" to this, "json" to json)
override fun toJSON(convString: Boolean): String {
return "{${
(v as? MutableMap<*, *>)?.let{
if(it.isEmpty()) "" else{
var acc = ""
it.forEach {(k, v)->
log("acc1 = $acc")
(v as? MutableMap<*, *>)?.let {subV->
var subAcc = ""
subV.forEach {(k, v)->subAcc = "$subAcc,\"$k\":${valueToString(v, convString)}"}
acc = "$acc,\"$k\":{${subAcc.substring(1)}}"
log("acc2 = $acc")
} ?: ""
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