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Last active December 26, 2015 20:59
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  • Save jieter/7212532 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jieter/7212532 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jshinting for Leaflet specs
// environment
"browser": true,
"node": false,
"strict": false, // turn off strict warnings for now.
"globals": {
"L": true,
// mocha, expect, sinon
"describe": true,
"beforeEach": true,
"afterEach": true,
"it": true,
"expect": true,
"sinon": true
// code style
"bitwise": true,
"camelcase": true,
"curly": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"forin": false,
"immed": true,
"latedef": true,
"newcap": true,
"noarg": true,
"noempty": true,
"nonew": true,
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
"quotmark": "single",
// Turn off 'Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.'
// in tests like 'expect(L.Util.isArray([1, 2, 3]));'
"expr": true,
// whitespace
"indent": 4,
"trailing": true,
"white": true,
"smarttabs": true
// Turn off maxlen.
//"maxlen": 120
// code simplicity - not enforced but nice to check from time to time
// "maxstatements": 20,
// "maxcomplexity": 5
// "maxparams": 4,
// "maxdepth": 4
,"maxerr": 10000
suites/LeafletSpec.js: line 1, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/LeafletSpec.js: line 2, col 79, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/LeafletSpec.js: line 2, col 81, Missing space after ')'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 6, col 3, Expected 'Array' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 6, col 33, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 7, col 17, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 7, col 5, Expected 'use strict' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 9, col 5, Expected 'if' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 10, col 7, Expected '{' and instead saw 'throw'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 10, col 7, Expected 'throw' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 7.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 12, col 5, Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 13, col 5, Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 13, col 24, Unexpected use of '>>>'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 14, col 5, Expected 'if' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 14, col 34, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 15, col 7, Expected '{' and instead saw 'throw'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 15, col 7, Expected 'throw' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 7.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 17, col 5, Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 18, col 5, Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 19, col 5, Expected 'for' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 20, col 7, Expected 'if' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 7.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 21, col 9, Expected '{' and instead saw 'res'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 21, col 9, Expected 'res' to have an indentation at 17 instead at 9.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 22, col 5, Expected '}' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 24, col 5, Expected 'return' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 5.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 25, col 3, Expected '}' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 28, col 43, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 36, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 2, col 5, 'xit' is not defined.
suites/SpecHelper.js: line 1, col 17, 'noSpecs' is defined but never used.
suites/control/Control.AttributionSpec.js: line 1, col 31, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.AttributionSpec.js: line 13, col 55, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 1, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 8, col 37, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 9, col 59, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 10, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 10, col 66, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 15, col 36, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 16, col 85, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 19, col 88, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 23, col 70, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 24, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 24, col 69, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 29, col 75, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 35, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 40, col 57, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 43, col 50, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 43, col 74, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 54, col 63, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 57, col 50, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 16, col 21, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/control/Control.LayersSpec.js: line 29, col 13, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/control/Control.ScaleSpec.js: line 1, col 25, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/control/Control.ScaleSpec.js: line 2, col 41, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 1, col 17, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 1, col 27, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 3, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 3, col 33, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 8, col 28, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 22, col 69, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 22, col 79, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 33, col 63, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 33, col 73, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 49, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 49, col 50, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 53, col 47, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 53, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 59, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 59, col 58, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 65, col 38, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 65, col 48, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 70, col 38, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 70, col 48, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 80, col 59, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 80, col 69, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 87, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 87, col 64, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 110, col 46, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 122, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 137, col 51, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 116, col 18, 'a' is defined but never used.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 131, col 18, 'a' is defined but never used.
suites/core/ClassSpec.js: line 146, col 18, 'a' is defined but never used.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 1, col 28, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 10, col 36, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 12, col 75, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 19, col 17, Expected 'spy6' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 45, col 97, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 91, col 79, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 174, col 83, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 215, col 92, Missing space after ','.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 215, col 100, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 218, col 17, Expected 'obj' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 218, col 54, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 218, col 90, Missing space after ','.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 219, col 17, Expected 'obj' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 220, col 17, Expected 'obj' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 226, col 43, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 228, col 76, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 243, col 77, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 268, col 36, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 268, col 46, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 269, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 269, col 68, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 271, col 34, Missing semicolon.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 272, col 17, Expected 'otherObj' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 285, col 31, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 286, col 67, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 300, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 323, col 69, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 335, col 84, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 19, col 17, 'spy6' is not defined.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 25, col 49, 'spy6' is not defined.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 32, col 20, 'spy6' is not defined.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 41, col 20, 'spy6' is not defined.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 42, col 20, 'spy6' is not defined.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 272, col 17, 'otherObj' is not defined.
suites/core/EventsSpec.js: line 276, col 33, 'otherObj' is not defined.
suites/core/UtilSpec.js: line 239, col 33, 'tpl' is not defined.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 1, col 30, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 7, col 58, Trailing whitespace.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 15, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 22, col 23, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 26, col 38, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 27, col 61, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 40, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 44, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 53, col 62, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 56, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 65, col 41, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 66, col 59, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 78, col 42, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 79, col 60, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 95, col 41, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomEventSpec.js: line 96, col 60, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 1, col 29, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 11, col 23, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 15, col 30, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 16, col 74, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 21, col 73, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 26, col 60, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 27, col 58, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/DomUtilSpec.js: line 35, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 1, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 10, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 11, col 94, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 11, col 104, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 17, col 0, Identifier '_leaflet_pos' is not in camel case.
suites/dom/PosAnimationSpec.js: line 20, col 63, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 1, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 1, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 4, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 4, col 40, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 5, col 37, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 5, col 47, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 7, col 11, Missing semicolon.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 9, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 9, col 66, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 14, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 14, col 40, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 15, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 15, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 17, col 11, Missing semicolon.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 19, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 19, col 68, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 25, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 25, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 28, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 28, col 40, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 29, col 37, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 29, col 47, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 31, col 11, Missing semicolon.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 33, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 33, col 66, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 38, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 38, col 40, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 39, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 39, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 41, col 11, Missing semicolon.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 43, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/CRSSpec.js: line 43, col 68, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 1, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 65, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 66, col 55, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 69, col 51, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 72, col 48, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 79, col 56, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 85, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 92, col 56, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 99, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 106, col 67, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 107, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 113, col 58, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngBoundsSpec.js: line 120, col 58, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 1, col 28, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 2, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 3, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 3, col 40, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 20, col 33, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 21, col 80, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 21, col 90, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 27, col 85, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 27, col 95, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 40, col 68, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 40, col 78, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 66, col 52, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 66, col 62, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/LatLngSpec.js: line 15, col 22, 'a' is defined but never used.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 1, col 31, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 1, col 41, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 4, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 5, col 37, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 5, col 47, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 10, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 10, col 66, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 14, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 14, col 66, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 18, col 35, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 18, col 45, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 19, col 14, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 17 instead at 14.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 22, col 14, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 17 instead at 14.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 23, col 1, Mixed spaces and tabs.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 24, col 9, Expected '}' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 9.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 27, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 27, col 36, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 32, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 32, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 36, col 34, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geo/ProjectionSpec.js: line 36, col 44, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 1, col 28, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 16, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 17, col 78, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 21, col 73, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 27, col 33, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 28, col 69, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 39, col 36, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 40, col 48, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 45, col 35, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 46, col 54, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 55, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 56, col 55, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 59, col 51, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/BoundsSpec.js: line 62, col 48, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 1, col 17, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 1, col 27, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 3, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 5, col 52, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 5, col 62, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 11, col 68, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 11, col 78, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 18, col 35, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 19, col 63, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 26, col 30, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 27, col 52, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 32, col 35, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 33, col 62, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 38, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/PointSpec.js: line 39, col 65, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 1, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 1, col 36, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 10, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 10, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 21, col 47, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 21, col 57, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/geometry/TransformationSpec.js: line 27, col 19, 'p2' is defined but never used.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 7, col 32, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 12, col 69, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 13, col 46, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 21, col 41, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 24, col 32, Unexpected use of '|='.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 30, col 32, Unexpected use of '|='.
suites/layer/FeatureGroupSpec.js: line 79, col 0, Identifier '_leaflet_id' is not in camel case.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 1, col 21, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 2, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 12, col 52, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 18, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 26, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 27, col 32, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 36, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 37, col 32, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 46, col 36, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 47, col 32, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 56, col 32, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 57, col 37, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 66, col 37, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 67, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 79, col 31, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 80, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 88, col 47, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 100, col 36, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 101, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 112, col 34, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 113, col 44, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 123, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 131, col 14, Missing semicolon.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 149, col 19, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 149, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 150, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 151, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 151, col 34, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 152, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 153, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 153, col 49, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 154, col 33, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 155, col 31, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 155, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 156, col 38, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 158, col 31, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 158, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 159, col 38, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 165, col 29, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 166, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 166, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 176, col 19, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 176, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 177, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 178, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 178, col 34, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 179, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 180, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 180, col 41, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 181, col 34, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 183, col 29, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 184, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 184, col 47, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/GeoJSONSpec.js: line 192, col 55, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 2, col 25, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 3, col 36, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 12, col 28, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 13, col 39, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 23, col 28, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 24, col 42, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 34, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 35, col 39, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 44, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 45, col 48, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/LayerGroupSpec.js: line 52, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 1, col 27, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 13, col 67, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 13, col 77, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 25, col 64, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 25, col 74, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 37, col 79, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 37, col 89, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 49, col 55, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 49, col 65, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 59, col 38, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 66, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 73, col 61, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 73, col 71, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 94, col 63, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 94, col 73, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 20, col 9, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 32, col 9, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 44, col 9, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/layer/PopupSpec.js: line 56, col 9, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 5, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 10, col 75, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 11, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 14, col 21, Expected 'map' to have an indentation at 17 instead at 21.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 26, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 35, col 83, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 36, col 65, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 39, col 48, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 43, col 48, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 48, col 37, Missing space after ','.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 48, col 47, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 53, col 48, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 58, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 59, col 84, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 60, col 63, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 61, col 63, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 62, col 63, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 63, col 63, Missing space after ':'.
suites/layer/TileLayerSpec.js: line 65, col 39, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 1, col 18, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 16, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 17, col 47, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 29, col 49, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 41, col 59, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 51, col 43, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 65, col 43, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 79, col 55, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 3, col 12, 'spy' is defined but never used.
suites/layer/marker/MarkerSpec.js: line 46, col 26, 'afterIcon' is defined but never used.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 1, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 2, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 2, col 34, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 4, col 28, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 8, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 8, col 70, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 9, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 9, col 64, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 10, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 10, col 49, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 17, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 18, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 26, col 57, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 27, col 39, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 35, col 78, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 36, col 44, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 36, col 54, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 43, col 79, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/CircleMarkerSpec.js: line 44, col 44, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 1, col 29, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 9, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 9, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 10, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 23, col 47, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 28, col 43, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 41, col 11, Missing semicolon.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 44, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 45, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 59, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 59, col 58, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 73, col 11, Missing semicolon.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 76, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolygonSpec.js: line 77, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineGeometrySpec.js: line 1, col 38, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineGeometrySpec.js: line 9, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineGeometrySpec.js: line 9, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineGeometrySpec.js: line 10, col 44, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineGeometrySpec.js: line 10, col 54, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineGeometrySpec.js: line 14, col 26, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 1, col 30, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 9, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 9, col 37, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 10, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 24, col 27, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 25, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 40, col 30, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/layer/vector/PolylineSpec.js: line 41, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 1, col 15, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 8, col 23, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 9, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 18, col 49, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 27, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 28, col 59, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 32, col 21, Do not use 'new' for side effects.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 33, col 46, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 34, col 85, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 39, col 65, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 41, col 21, Do not use 'new' for side effects.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 42, col 46, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 43, col 72, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 49, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 56, col 28, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 95, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 96, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 97, col 59, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 107, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 108, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 118, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 119, col 38, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 124, col 52, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 132, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 133, col 88, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 134, col 29, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 142, col 43, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 150, col 89, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 154, col 36, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 155, col 36, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 156, col 36, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 163, col 25, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 164, col 63, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 171, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 179, col 92, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 187, col 68, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 196, col 63, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 206, col 97, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 216, col 51, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 218, col 40, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 226, col 58, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 227, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 229, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 231, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 231, col 52, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 236, col 109, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 237, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 239, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 239, col 52, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 240, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 242, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 242, col 52, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 247, col 117, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 248, col 49, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 250, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 250, col 52, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 251, col 42, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 253, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 253, col 52, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 255, col 40, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 255, col 52, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 261, col 28, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 262, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 270, col 69, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 277, col 66, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 284, col 59, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 294, col 68, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 303, col 65, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 312, col 57, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 314, col 43, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 323, col 64, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 324, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 325, col 39, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 325, col 41, Missing space after ')'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 327, col 53, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 327, col 65, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 329, col 46, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 337, col 124, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 338, col 48, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 339, col 39, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 339, col 41, Missing space after ')'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 341, col 53, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 341, col 65, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 342, col 53, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 342, col 65, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 344, col 46, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 352, col 139, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 353, col 49, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 354, col 39, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 354, col 41, Missing space after ')'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 355, col 53, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 355, col 65, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 356, col 53, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 356, col 65, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 357, col 53, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 357, col 65, Missing space after ':'.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 359, col 46, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 370, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 371, col 26, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 375, col 56, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 376, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 377, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 387, col 67, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 388, col 45, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 397, col 31, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 399, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 403, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 403, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 413, col 69, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 414, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 414, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 418, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 418, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 422, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 422, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 427, col 71, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 428, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 428, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 432, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 432, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 436, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 436, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 441, col 113, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 442, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 442, col 60, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 445, col 0, Identifier 'orig_width' is not in camel case.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 445, col 54, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 64, col 13, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 65, col 13, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 66, col 13, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 67, col 13, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 68, col 13, 'happen' is not defined.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 341, col 27, 'tl' is defined but never used.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 355, col 27, 'tl' is defined but never used.
suites/map/MapSpec.js: line 388, col 19, 't1' is defined but never used.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 1, col 20, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 1, col 30, Missing space after 'function'.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 1, col 32, Missing space after ')'.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 4, col 24, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 5, col 49, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 7, col 43, Missing space after ','.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 10, col 17, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 10, col 60, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 11, col 17, Expected 'map' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 11, col 40, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 12, col 17, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 12, col 60, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 14, col 67, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 17, col 43, Missing space after ','.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 21, col 17, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 21, col 60, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 22, col 17, Expected 'map' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 22, col 40, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 23, col 17, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 23, col 60, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 25, col 124, Strings must use singlequote.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 28, col 43, Missing space after ','.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 32, col 17, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 32, col 61, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 33, col 17, Expected 'map' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 33, col 40, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 34, col 17, Expected 'map' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 35, col 17, Expected 'expect' to have an indentation at 13 instead at 17.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 35, col 60, Trailing whitespace.
suites/map/handler/Map.DragSpec.js: line 2, col 12, 'map' is defined but never used.
604 errors
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