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Created July 12, 2021 04:47
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matplotlib animation examples
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
fig = plt.figure()
Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
writer = Writer(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800)
def f(x, y):
return np.sin(x) + np.cos(y)
x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 120)
y = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
# ims is a list of lists, each row is a list of artists to draw in the
# current frame; here we are just animating one artist, the image, in
# each frame
ims = []
for i in range(60):
x += np.pi / 15.
y += np.pi / 20.
im = plt.imshow(f(x, y), animated=True)
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=50)'dynamic_images(slow).mp4', writer=writer)
fig = plt.figure()
x = np.linspace(0, 10 * np.pi, 120)
y = np.linspace(0, 10 * np.pi, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
# ims is a list of lists, each row is a list of artists to draw in the
# current frame; here we are just animating one artist, the image, in
# each frame
ims = []
for i in range(60):
x += np.pi / 15.
y += np.pi / 20.
im = plt.imshow(f(x, y), animated=True)
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=50)'dynamic_images(fast).mp4', writer=writer)
import random
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
class RegrMagic(object):
"""Mock for function Regr_magic()
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
# self.empty_buffer = True
def __call__(self):
# while self.empty_buffer:
# pass # idle when no input
self.x += 1
# self.empty_buffer = True
return self.x, random.random()
# def update(self, y):
# self.empty_buffer = False
# self.y = y
regr_magic = RegrMagic()
def frames():
while True:
yield regr_magic()
Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
writer = Writer(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800)
fig = plt.figure()
x = []
y = []
def animate(args):
return plt.plot(x, y, color='g')
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=frames, interval=1000)
# for i in range(10):
# regr_magic.update(i)
# print('frame updated')
# time.sleep(1.0)
#'dynamic_images.mp4', writer=writer)
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