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Last active December 27, 2019 02:22
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AsyncData represents the state of data that is being loaded asynchronously.
This type does not represent failures by default, but it can by using Belt.Result.t as your 'a type.
The reason for this is that not all async data loading mechanisms will necessarily fail.
The other interesting bit is that `Reloading` can be used if you already have data (e.g. an Ok or Error Result),
but you need to reload the data to get a new Result.
type t('a) =
| Init
| Loading
| Reloading('a)
| Complete('a);
* Constructs an Init value
let init: t('a) = Init;
* Constructs a Loading value
let loading: t('a) = Loading;
* Constructs a Reloading value containing the given value
let reloading: 'a => t('a) = a => Reloading(a);
* Constructs a Reloading value containing the given value
let complete: 'a => t('a) = a => Complete(a);
* Checks if this AsyncData value is Init
let isInit: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => true
| Loading => false
| Reloading(_) => false
| Complete(_) => false;
* Checks if this AsyncData value is Loading
let isLoading: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => false
| Loading => true
| Reloading(_) => false
| Complete(_) => false;
* Checks if this AsyncData value is Reloading with any value
let isReloading: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => false
| Loading => false
| Reloading(_) => true
| Complete(_) => false;
* Checks if this AsyncData value is Complete with any value
let isComplete: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => false
| Loading => false
| Reloading(_) => false
| Complete(_) => true;
* Checks if this AsyncData value is working (Loading or Reloading)
let isBusy: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => false
| Loading => true
| Reloading(_) => true
| Complete(_) => false;
* Checks if this AsyncData value is not working (Init or Complete)
let isIdle: 'a. t('a) => bool = fa => !isBusy(fa);
* Checks if this AsyncData value is Init or Loading
let isEmpty: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => true
| Loading => true
| Reloading(_) => false
| Complete(_) => false;
* Checks if this AsyncData value is Reloading or Complete
let isNotEmpty: 'a. t('a) => bool =
| Init => false
| Loading => false
| Reloading(_) => true
| Complete(_) => true;
* Creates a new `AsyncData` by transitioning the given `AsyncData` into a busy state (`Loading` or `Reloading`), and carrying over the internal data if available.
let toBusy: 'a. t('a) => t('a) =
| Init => Loading
| Loading as a => a
| Reloading(_) as a => a
| Complete(a) => Reloading(a);
* Creates a new `AsyncData` by transitioning the given `AsyncData` into an idle state (`Init` or `Complete`), and carrying over the internal data if available.
let toIdle: 'a. t('a) => t('a) =
| Init as a => a
| Loading => Init
| Reloading(a) => Complete(a)
| Complete(_) as a => a;
* Get a value of type `'a`, using the `Complete` value if the AsyncData is
* complete, or the last known complete value in `Reloading`.
let getValue: 'a. t('a) => option('a) =
| Init => None
| Loading => None
| Reloading(v) => Some(v)
| Complete(v) => Some(v);
* Get `Some` value of type `'a` only from the `Reloading` state, and `None` in
* all other cases, including `Complete`
let getReloading: 'a. t('a) => option('a) =
| Init => None
| Loading => None
| Reloading(a) => Some(a)
| Complete(_) => None;
* Get `Some` value of type `'a` only from the `Complete` state, and `None` in
* all other cases, including `Reloading`.
let getComplete: 'a. t('a) => option('a) =
| Init => None
| Loading => None
| Reloading(_) => None
| Complete(a) => Some(a);
* Fold the `AsyncData` into a new type by providing a strict value or function to handle each case.
let fold: 'a 'b. ('b, 'b, 'a => 'b, 'a => 'b, t('a)) => 'b =
(initValue, loadingValue, onReloading, onComplete, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => initValue
| Loading => loadingValue
| Reloading(a) => onReloading(a)
| Complete(a) => onComplete(a)
* Fold the `AsyncData` into a new value by providing a function to handle each case.
let foldLazy: 'a 'b. (unit => 'b, unit => 'b, 'a => 'b, 'a => 'b, t('a)) => 'b =
(onInit, onLoading, onReloading, onComplete, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => onInit()
| Loading => onLoading()
| Reloading(a) => onReloading(a)
| Complete(a) => onComplete(a)
* Fold the `AsyncData` into a new value by providing a strict value to use when there is no data, or function to handle when there is data.
let foldByValue: 'a 'b. ('b, 'a => 'b, t('a)) => 'b =
(defaultValue, onValue, fa) =>
fold(defaultValue, defaultValue, onValue, onValue, fa);
* Fold the `AsyncData` into a new value by providing a lazy value to use when there is no data, or function to handle when there is data.
let foldByValueLazy: 'a 'b. (unit => 'b, 'a => 'b, t('a)) => 'b =
(onNoValue, onValue, fa) =>
foldLazy(onNoValue, onNoValue, onValue, onValue, fa);
* Maps a pure function over the value contained by Reloading or Complete
let map: 'a 'b. ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b) =
(f, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => Init
| Loading => Loading
| Reloading(a) => Reloading(f(a))
| Complete(a) => Complete(f(a))
module Functor: BsAbstract.Interface.FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a) = {
type nonrec t('a) = t('a);
let map = map;
include Relude_Extensions_Functor.FunctorExtensions(Functor);
* Applies a side effect function for each case of the variant (Init, Loading, Reloading, Complete)
let tap:
(unit => unit, unit => unit, 'a => unit, 'a => unit, t('a)) => t('a)
(ifInit, ifLoading, ifReloading, ifComplete, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init =>
| Loading =>
| Reloading(a) =>
| Complete(a) =>
* Applies a side effect function if the value is Init
let tapInit: 'a. (unit => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifInit, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init =>
| Loading => fa
| Reloading(_) => fa
| Complete(_) => fa
* Applies a side effect function if the value is Loading
let tapLoading: 'a. (unit => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifLoading, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => fa
| Loading =>
| Reloading(_) => fa
| Complete(_) => fa
* Applies a side effect function if the value is Reloading
let tapReloading: 'a. ('a => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifReloading, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => fa
| Loading => fa
| Reloading(a) =>
| Complete(_) => fa
* Applies a side effect function if the value is Complete
let tapComplete: 'a. ('a => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifComplete, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => fa
| Loading => fa
| Reloading(_) => fa
| Complete(a) =>
* Applies a side effect function if the value is Init or Loading
let tapEmpty: 'a. (unit => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifEmpty, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init
| Loading =>
| Reloading(_)
| Complete(_) => fa
* Applies a side effect function if the value is Reloading or Complete
let tapNotEmpty: 'a. ('a => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifNotEmpty, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init
| Loading => fa
| Reloading(a)
| Complete(a) =>
* Applies a side effect function for the empty case and the not-empty case
let tapByValue: 'a. (unit => unit, 'a => unit, t('a)) => t('a) =
(ifEmpty, ifNotEmpty, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init
| Loading =>
| Reloading(a)
| Complete(a) =>
* Applies a wrapped function to the value contained by Reloading or Complete
let apply: 'a 'b. (t('a => 'b), t('a)) => t('b) =
(ff, fa) =>
switch (ff, fa) {
| (Init, Init) => Init
| (Init, Loading) => Loading
| (Init, Reloading(_)) => Init
| (Init, Complete(_)) => Init
| (Loading, Init) => Loading
| (Loading, Loading) => Loading
| (Loading, Reloading(_)) => Loading
| (Loading, Complete(_)) => Loading
| (Reloading(_), Init) => Init
| (Reloading(_), Loading) => Loading
| (Reloading(f), Reloading(a)) => Reloading(f(a))
| (Reloading(f), Complete(a)) => Reloading(f(a))
| (Complete(_), Init) => Init
| (Complete(_), Loading) => Loading
| (Complete(f), Reloading(a)) => Reloading(f(a))
| (Complete(f), Complete(a)) => Complete(f(a))
module Apply: BsAbstract.Interface.APPLY with type t('a) = t('a) = {
include Functor;
let apply = apply;
include Relude_Extensions_Apply.ApplyExtensions(Apply);
* Lifts a pure value into the context of an AsyncData, in the Complete state
let pure: 'a. 'a => t('a) = a => Complete(a);
module Applicative: BsAbstract.Interface.APPLICATIVE with type t('a) = t('a) = {
include Apply;
let pure = pure;
include Relude_Extensions_Applicative.ApplicativeExtensions(Applicative);
* Applies a monadic function to the value contained by Reloading or Complete
let bind: 'a 'b. (t('a), 'a => t('b)) => t('b) =
(fa, f) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => Init
| Loading => Loading
| Reloading(a) => f(a)
| Complete(a) => f(a)
module Monad: BsAbstract.Interface.MONAD with type t('a) = t('a) = {
include Applicative;
let flat_map = bind;
include Relude_Extensions_Monad.MonadExtensions(Monad);
* alt for AsyncData tries to find the most advanced state between
* two AsyncData values in terms of completeness.
let alt: 'a. (t('a), t('a)) => t('a) =
(fa, fb) =>
switch (fa, fb) {
| (Init, Init) => Init
| (Init, Loading) => Loading
| (Init, Reloading(_) as r) => r
| (Init, Complete(_) as c) => c
| (Loading, Init) => Loading
| (Loading, Loading) => Loading
| (Loading, Reloading(_) as r) => r
| (Loading, Complete(_) as c) => c
| (Reloading(_) as r, Init) => r
| (Reloading(_) as r, Loading) => r
| (Reloading(_) as r, Reloading(_)) => r
| (Reloading(_), Complete(_) as c) => c
| (Complete(_) as c, Init) => c
| (Complete(_) as c, Loading) => c
| (Complete(_) as c, Reloading(_)) => c
| (Complete(_) as c, Complete(_)) => c
module Alt: BsAbstract.Interface.ALT with type t('a) = t('a) = {
include Functor;
let alt = alt;
include Relude_Extensions_Alt.AltExtensions(Alt);
* Indicates if two AsyncData values are in the same state, and that the
* contained values are equal.
let eqBy: 'a. (('a, 'a) => bool, t('a), t('a)) => bool =
(innerEq, a, b) =>
switch (a, b) {
| (Init, Init)
| (Loading, Loading) => true
| (Reloading(innerA), Reloading(innerB)) => innerEq(innerA, innerB)
| (Complete(innerA), Complete(innerB)) => innerEq(innerA, innerB)
| (Init, _)
| (Loading, _)
| (Reloading(_), _)
| (Complete(_), _) => false
module Eq = (E: BsAbstract.Interface.EQ) : BsAbstract.Interface.EQ => {
type nonrec t = t(E.t);
let eq = eqBy(E.eq);
* Converts an AsyncData value to a string, using the given function to
* convert the contained value to a string.
let showBy: 'a. ('a => string, t('a)) => string =
(showA, fa) =>
switch (fa) {
| Init => "Init"
| Loading => "Loading"
| Reloading(a) => "Reloading(" ++ showA(a) ++ ")"
| Complete(a) => "Complete(" ++ showA(a) ++ ")"
module Show = (S: BsAbstract.Interface.SHOW) : BsAbstract.Interface.SHOW => {
type nonrec t = t(S.t);
let show = showBy(;
module Infix = {
include Relude_Extensions_Functor.FunctorInfix(Functor);
include Relude_Extensions_Alt.AltInfix(Alt);
include Relude_Extensions_Apply.ApplyInfix(Apply);
include Relude_Extensions_Monad.MonadInfix(Monad);
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