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Last active November 14, 2021 10:20
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SimpleDynamoDbQuery - whole
// See for more information
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Amazon;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model;
using IAmazonDynamoDB client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(RegionEndpoint.EUNorth1);
// ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo
var query = new QueryRequest
TableName = "customertestjim",
KeyConditionExpression = "CustomerId = :Id",
ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>
{ ":Id", new AttributeValue { S = "12345" }}
var queryResponse = await client.QueryAsync(query);
var row = queryResponse.Items.Single();
var customer = new { CustomerId = row["CustomerId"].S, Name = row["Name"].S };
Console.WriteLine($"5. Got a customer with id {customer.CustomerId} and name {customer.Name}");
Console.WriteLine("Done! Disposal of the client will now happen");
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