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Last active August 11, 2017 03:49
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  • Save jikamens/5807648 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jikamens/5807648 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python code for Schematics field encryption / decryption that is compatible with Ruby's mongoid-encrypted-fields + gibberish. The Encryptor object in this gist does encryption / decryption that is compatible with "openssl enc -k *password* -salt -aes-256-cbc". If you want it also to be compatible with mongoid-encrypted-fields, then you need to s…
import binascii
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random.random import getrandbits
from hashlib import md5
from schematics.types import StringType
import struct
class DecryptionException(Exception):
class Encryptor(object):
A class which encapsulates the logic for encrypting and decrypting
strings using the algorithm and protocol we want to use
(aes-256-cbc). It takes two arguments when created -- the password
to use, and the magic "number" (actually a string) to prepend to
encrypted string if any -- and has three public methods --
decrypt(), encrypt(), and set_password().
decrypt() takes the encrypted, base64-encoded database field and
returns the decrypted string.
decrypt() has the following special behavior -- if the string
passed into it isn't valid base64, or if the decoded string
doesn't start with "Salted__", it assumes that the string is
already decrypted and returns it as-is.
encrypt() takes a plaintext string and returns an encrypted,
base64-encoded string to be stored in the database.
set_password() takes a new password and replaces the previous
password with the new one.
def __init__(self, password, magic_number=''):
# It would be nice if we could convert the password into a key
# and then forget it, but we can't do that, because each time
# we decrypt there will be a different salt and therefore a
# different key and IV.
self.password = password
self.magic_number = magic_number
def decrypt(self, base64_string):
if not isinstance(base64_string, (str, unicode)):
return base64_string
if self.magic_number:
if base64_string[0:len(self.magic_number)] != self.magic_number:
# Not encrypted?
return base64_string
base64_string = base64_string[len(self.magic_number):]
binary_string = binascii.a2b_base64(base64_string)
# Must already be decrypted.
return base64_string
if binary_string[0:8] != 'Salted__':
# Not encrypted the way we expect, so punt on decryption.
return base64_string
# The salt is the 9th through 16th bytes in the encrypted
# string.
salt = binary_string[8:16]
# The key is produced from the password and salt. The 32-bit
# key length is required for 256-bit AES, and the 16-byte IV
# length is required for AES CBC.
key, iv = self.EVP_ByteToKey(self.password, salt, 32, 16)
# The data is everything after the 16th byte in the encrypted
# string.
data = binary_string[16:]
encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
decrypted = self.unpad(encryptor.decrypt(data))
return decrypted.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# This means the decrypted string is garbage, so wrong password,
# probably.
raise DecryptionException('Decryption failure; bad password?')
def encrypt(self, plaintext):
plaintext = self.pad(plaintext.encode('utf-8'))
salt = self.random_salt()
key, iv = self.EVP_ByteToKey(self.password, salt, 32, 16)
encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
binary_string = 'Salted__' + salt + encryptor.encrypt(plaintext)
base64_string = self.magic_number + binascii.b2a_base64(binary_string)
return base64_string
def set_password(self, password):
self.password = password
def random_salt(self):
return struct.pack('=Q', getrandbits(64))
# AES CBC requires blocks to be aligned on 16-byte boundaries.
BS = 16
# PKCS#7 pad and unpad routines.
def pad(self, s):
return s + (self.BS - len(s) % self.BS) * \
chr(self.BS - len(s) % self.BS)
def unpad(s):
return s[0:-ord(s[-1])]
# This is the algorithm that openssl uses to turn a password and
# salt into an encryption key and IV. Since the
# mongoid-encrypted-fields Gem we're using on the Ruby side does
# openssl-compatible encryption, we need to as well, so we need to
# use the same algorithm that it and OpenSSL use.
def EVP_ByteToKey(password, salt, key_len, iv_len):
Derive the key and the IV from the given password and salt.
dtot = md5(password + salt).digest()
d = [dtot]
while len(dtot) < (iv_len + key_len):
d.append(md5(d[-1] + password + salt).digest())
dtot += d[-1]
return dtot[:key_len], dtot[key_len:key_len + iv_len]
def MakeSchematicsEncryptedType(schematics_type, encryptor):
Returns an encrypted version of a scalar Schematics type.
Don't try to double-encrypt fields, i.e., to store an
encrypted string as a field value. That will yield unpredictable
if not issubclass(schematics_type, StringType):
raise Exception('This code has only been tested with strings.')
class EncryptedType(schematics_type):
options = {'nested_for_python': None,
'nested_for_json': None}
def __set__(self, instance, value):
super(EncryptedType, self).__set__(instance,
def for_python(self, value):
# We need to protect against a type implementation wher
# for_python calls for_json or vice versa.
val = unicode(super(EncryptedType, self).for_python(value))
if self.options['nested_for_python'] is None:
dec = encryptor.decrypt(val)
if dec == val:
raise Exception('Fall through to except')
self.options['nested_for_python'] = True
return val
self.options['nested_for_python'] = False
return encryptor.encrypt(val)
elif self.options['nested_for_python']:
return val
return encryptor.encrypt(val)
def for_json(self, value):
# We need to protect against a type implementation wher
# for_python calls for_json or vice versa.
val = unicode(super(EncryptedType, self).for_json(value))
if self.options['nested_for_json'] is None:
dec = encryptor.decrypt(val)
if dec == val:
raise Exception('Fall through to except:')
self.options['nested_for_json'] = True
return val
self.options['nested_for_json'] = False
return encryptor.encrypt(val)
elif self.options['nested_for_json']:
return val
return encryptor.encrypt(val)
return EncryptedType
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