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Last active March 3, 2024 18:49
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Azure Storage acccount types

Storage account types

Configuration on resource property

Kind property

value usage
'BlobStorage' Legacy: Blob Storage
'BlockBlobStorage' Portal: Premium / Block blobs
'FileStorage' Portal: Premium / Files shares
'Storage' Legacy: Standard general-purpose v1
'StorageV2' Portal: Standard general purpose v2 account
Portal: Premium page blobs

REST API spec:

Required. Indicates the type of storage account.


SKU property

value usage
'Premium_LRS' Premium tiers
'Premium_ZRS' Premium tiers
'Standard_GRS' Standard tiers
'Standard_GZRS' Standard tiers
'Standard_LRS' Standard tiers
'Standard_RAGRS' Standard tiers, N/A on portal
'Standard_RAGZRS' Standard tiers, N/A on portal
'Standard_ZRS' Standard tiers

REST API spec:

The SKU name. Required for account creation; optional for update. Note that in older versions, SKU name was called accountType.

Portal experience: Redunancy

The data in your Azure storage account is always replicated to ensure durability and high availability. Choose a replication strategy that matches your durability requirements. Some settings can't be changed after the storage account is created.


accessTier property

value usage
'Cool' Cool default access tier for Standard GPv1(legacy), Blob Storage(legacy), Standard GPv2
'Hot' --"--
'Premium' read-only value for premium tiers


Required for storage accounts where kind = BlobStorage. The access tier is used for billing. The 'Premium' access tier is the default value for premium block blobs storage account type and it cannot be changed for the premium block blobs storage account type.

Portal experience for GPv2:

The account access tier is the default tier that is inferred by any blob without an explicitly set tier. The hot access tier is ideal for frequently accessed data, the cool access tier is ideal for infrequently accessed data, and the cold access tier is ideal for rarely accessed data. The archive access tier can only be set at the blob level and not on the account.

It looks like accessTier property is not properly documented on REST API spec.

Portal experience

On portal Instance details / performance is used to select storage account type. Not all kind / SKU combinations are covered by the portal experience / type documentation.

Documentation has table of the tiers provided on portal:

Standard / general-purpose v2 account

  • Kind = StorageV2
  • SKU = Standard_* (available on portal: LRS, GRS, ZRS and GZRS) (Available by documentation: all 6 standard SKUs)
  • Default access tier: hot / cool

Premium / Block blobs

  • Kind = BlockBlobStorage
  • SKU = Premium_* (LRS and ZRS)
  • Default access tier: N/A

Premium / Files shares

  • Kind = FileStorage
  • SKU = Premium_* (LRS and ZRS)
  • Default access tier: N/A

Premium / Page blobs

  • Kind = StorageV2
  • SKU = Premium_* (LRS and ZRS)
  • Default access tier: N/A


  • This is using same kind property than GPv2. Only SKU has other value
  • Portal support both LRS and ZRS one of the documentations lists only LRS

Premium Storage is designed specifically for workloads requiring consistent high performance and low latency making premium page blobs ideal for high performance storage scenarios. Standard storage accounts are more cost effective for running latency-insensitive workloads.

Legacy account types

Standard general-purpose v1

  • Kind = Storage
  • SKU = Standard_* (available on portal: LRS, GRS, ZRS and GZRS) (Available by documentation: all 6 standard SKUs)
  • Default access tier: hot / cool

Blob Storage

  • Kind = BlobStorage
  • SKU = Standard_* (available on portal: LRS, GRS, ZRS and GZRS) (Available by documentation: all 6 standard SKUs)
  • Default access tier: hot / cool


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