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Last active November 12, 2023 13:34
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Azure Logging

AzureDiagnostics table on Log Analytics Workspace

Azure Diagnostics mode schemas

Service Notes Schema link
Analysis Services
Application Gateways
Automation Accounts
Azure Database for MariaDB servers
Azure Database for MySQL servers
Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers
Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers v2
Batch accounts
CDN profiles
Cognitive Services
Data Lake Analytics
DataLake Storage Gen1
Device Provisioning Services
Digital Twins
Event Grid Topics πŸ”—
Event Hubs πŸ”—
ExpressRoute circuits
Front Doors
Integration accounts
Key Vault Might be soon AZKVAuditLogs table πŸ”—
Kubernetes services
Load balancers
Logic Apps
Media services
Network interfaces Only metrics -
Network Security Groups See also1 for NSG flow logs πŸ”—
P2S VPN Gateways Check: VWAN component
Power BI Embedded
Public IP addresses πŸ”—
Wrong link?
requires DDOS protection plan to log something
Recovery Services vaults(Site Recovery)
Search services
Service Bus
SQL databases
SQL managed Instances
SQL servers
Stream Analytics jobs
Traffic Manager profiles
Virtual networks No logs /
Unused VM protection alerts category
Virtual network gateways Regular VPN GW πŸ”—
VPN Gateways Check: VWAN component

Azure Diagnostics mode or resource-specific mode

Service Notes Schema link
API Management Services
Azure Cosmos DB
Data factories (V2)
IoT Hub
Recovery Services vaults(Backup).

NSG logs

NSG flow logs can be periodically send to LAW table AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL with Traffic Analytics


  1. Network Security Groups is documented to use AzureDiagnostics table and event and rule counters are being logged into Log Analytics Workspace. ↩

Resource-specific Azure diagnostics logging tables

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