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Created August 20, 2014 09:24
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Ruzzle solver in OCaml
type 'a arbre = N of ('a * 'a arbre) list
let read_file filename =
let chan = open_in filename in
let mots = ref [] in
try while true do
mots := input_line chan::!mots;
done; []
with End_of_file -> close_in chan; !mots
let prefixes dico =
let ajouter arbre mot =
let n = String.length mot in
let rec largeur i = function
| [] -> [mot.[i], profondeur (N []) (i + 1)]
| (l, a)::t -> if l == mot.[i] then (l, profondeur a (i + 1))::t else (l, a)::largeur i t
and profondeur arbre i =
if i = n then arbre else match arbre with
| N [] -> N [mot.[i], profondeur (N []) (i + 1)]
| N liste -> N (largeur i liste)
in profondeur arbre 0
in List.fold_left ajouter (N []) dico
let _ =
let grille = [|"DLUD"; "IOEE"; "NSNI"; "ADPN"|] in
let dirs = [(-1, -1); (-1, 0); (-1, 1); (0, -1); (0, 1); (1, -1); (1, 0); (1, 1)] in
let ruzzle racine =
let dejavu = Array.make 16 false in
let rec parcours noeud pref i j =
if i >= 0 && i < 4 && j >= 0 && j < 4 && not dejavu.(4 * i + j) then (
let fouille (lettre, sousarbre) =
if grille.(i).[j] = lettre then (
dejavu.(4 * i + j) <- true;
if sousarbre = N [] then Printf.printf "%s\n" (pref ^ String.make 1 lettre);
List.iter (function (di, dj) -> parcours sousarbre (pref ^ String.make 1 lettre) (i + di) (j + dj)) dirs;
dejavu.(4 * i + j) <- false;
in match noeud with
| N [] -> ()
| N fils -> List.iter fouille fils
in for i = 0 to 3 do
for j = 0 to 3 do
parcours racine "" i j
in ruzzle (prefixes (read_file "dico.txt")) (* dico.txt : *)
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