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Created March 31, 2014 19:06
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# no nonsense ident server by Tikiman
# will kill processess that attract too many identd requests
# ipnat/FreeBSD mods by jjp.
# This is a REALLY lame way to do it, but it works.
# Whatever UID this runs under would have to have:
# Root access
# -or-
# Sudo access without password to lsof and ipnat.
# Since you'd be using ipnat anyway, run this under a non-root ID
# and simply use an rdr rule to redirect the local 113 port higher
# If you don't have sudo, it's rather easy to install and setup,
# and it's worth having around when configured correctly.
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
$^O =~ /freebsd/i or die "This version only for FreeBSD";
$high_port = "65536"; # Highest port to bother with.
# This is needed to ensure bad data isn't received
# and thus passed into some potentially vulnerable
# code.
$listen_port = 113; # Change this to run under a different UID.
$use_sudo = 0; # Set to 0 if running as root.
$use_ipnat = 1; # Set to 1 to enable ipnat support
# NOTE: Support without ipnat not currently working
# but if you're using this, you must want ipnat
$searchpath = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin/"; # $PATH is evil
$kill_procs = 0; # Kill runaway Processes?
# Still in progress to work w/ipnat
# with these settings, a process will get killed if it attracts
# 5 identd requests over a 60 second period - this is most likely
# to harsh, someting like 20 requests in 60 seconds will work better
$attempts = "5"; # number of allowed attempts per timespan
$timespan = "60"; # timespan
$timeout = 10; # number of seconds to wait before the connection
# gets closed
$timeout_cycle = 10;
# if your identd server is pretty busy, idle sockets can be eliminated
# in a timely manner. Otherwise, the server will just stay in blocking
# mode and never check for idle sockets - the timeout cycle allows the
# select loop to time out after a while and sweep out idle sockets.
%mappings = (
"root" => "jim"
# these are username mappings - if you or find it more convenient to
# irc as root, you can map root to some other username.
#`killall in.identd 2>/dev/null`; # kill off any old identd's
$lsof_cmd = findcmd("lsof"); # Find lsof
unless $lsof_cmd { # Can't run without lsof!
die "lsof not found! Check path?";
if $use_ipnat {
$ipnat_cmd = findcmd("ipnat"); # Find ipnat
unless $ipnat_cmd {
die "Wanted ipnat support but ipnat not found! Check path?";
if $use_sudo {
$sudo_cmd = findcmd("sudo"); # Find sudo
if $sudo_cmd { # Preceed commands with sudo
$lsof_cmd = $sudo_cmd . " " . $lsof_cmd;
$ipnat_cmd = $sudo_cmd . " " . $ipnat_cmd;
} else {
die "Wanted sudo support but sudo not found! Check path?";
$server = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalPort => $listen_port,
Listen => 10,
Reuse => 1 ); # open a socket
$server or die "Can't create server: $@\n";
$sel = new IO::Select($server);
while(1) {
my $request;
foreach my $client ($sel->can_read($timeout_cycle)) {
if ($client == $server) {
my $newclient = $server->accept;
$timeout{$newclient} = time();
} else {
my $read = sysread($client,$request,4098);
unless (defined($read) and length($request)) {
delete $timeout{$client};
$request =~ s/\015|\012|\n//g; # lose any obnoxious characters
my($lport,$rport) = split(/\s*,\s*/,$request); # split the request
if ((($lport =~ /^\d+.\d+$)
|| ($lport =~ /^\d+$/)
|| ($lport =~/^\.\d+$))
&& ($lport < $high_port) { # Validate data as numeric
my $locadd = $client->sockhost() . ":$lport";
} else {
kill_conn(); # Don't waste our time with trash requests
if ((($rport =~ /^\d+.\d+$)
|| ($rport =~ /^\d+$/)
|| ($rport =~/^\.\d+$))
&& ($rport < $high_port) { # Validate data as numeric
my $remadd = $client->peerhost() . ":$rport";
} else {
kill_conn(); # Don't waste our time with trash requests
$ipnat_cmd_exec = $ipnat_cmd . " -l | grep \"MAP \"";
my $found = 0;
my @tmp = split("\n",`$ipnat_cmd_exec`); # get active ipnat maps
foreach (@tmp) {
@tmp2 = split(/\s+/);
my $latochk = $tmp2[5] . ":" . $tmp2[6];
my $ratochk = substr($tmp2[7],1,length($tmp2[7])) . ":" . chop($tmp2[8]);
if (($latochk eq $locadd) and ($ratochk eq $remadd)) {
my $dest = sockaddr_in (113, $tmp2[2]);
connect (IPN, $dest) || { kill_conn(); next; }
my $data = $tmp2[3] . "," . $rport;
send (IPN, $data);
recv (IPN, $data);
my @reply = split(/' : '/, $data);
my $user = chomp($reply[3]);
$found = 1;
if !$found {
my $lsoftochk = $lsof_cmd . " -ni tcp@" . $remadd;
my @tmp = split("\n",`$lsoftochk`); # get matching connections
my @conninfo = split(/\s+/,$tmp[2]);
my $addrmatch = $locadd . "->" . $remadd;
if ($addrmatch eq $conninfo[8]) {
my $user = $conninfo[2];
my $procnum = $conninfo[1];
$found = 1;
unless($found) {
# bogus requests dont even deserve a response
if $kill_procs {
$arrayref = $times{$procnum};
unless($arrayref) { # create array if necessary
$arrayref = [];
$times{$procnum} = $arrayref;
unshift(@$arrayref, time()); # stick latest time in the array
$back = $arrayref->[$attempts - 1]; # this was the old value
if ($back) {
pop(@$arrayref); # ensure array doesn't get out of control
if ( (time() - $back) < $timespan) { # do we need to kill?
delete $times{$procnum};
exists $mappings{$user} and $user = $mappings{$user};
print $client "$request : USERID : UNIX : $user\n";
sub sweepSocks {
foreach $handle ($sel->handles) {
next if $handle == $server;
$tmp = time() - $timeout{$handle};
if ($tmp > $timeout) {
delete $timeout{$handle};
sub forkoff {
my $kid = fork();
if ($kid) {
print "Process launched into background ($kid)\n";
sub findcmd {
@path = split(/:/$searchpath);
foreach $i (@path) {
if (-e "$path[$i]".$_[0]) { return "$path[$i]".$_[0]; }
return "";
sub kill_conn {
delete $timeout{$client};
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