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SWS-2 SmartWeave Token

SWS-2: SmartWeave Token

Status: Published

Version: 1.1.0


This document describes the standard interface for tokenized asset SmartWeave Contracts. The SmartWeave Token Spec refers to a SmartWeave Contract that can grant ownership properties to any arweave asset when it is deployed, effectively turning it into a fungible token. However, it's important to note that the fundamental characteristics of an atomic token alone do not allow for unrestricted trading without the presence of an interop protocol, such as the Foreign Call Protocol.


The Permaweb community requires a transparent and straightforward approach to establish clear semantics for tradable contracts. The SmartWeave Token serves as the designated specification, which has already been adopted as the standard practice within the ecosystem for a considerable period of time. This document aims to formalize and document this practice to ensure clarity and transparency.


The contract specification consists of state properties and contract functions. The three primary state properties are name, ticker, and balances. The contract functions include balance and transfer. The choice between a fungible or non-fungible token is left to the creator's discretion. While the contract must include these elements, it may also incorporate additional state properties or functions as desired. It is frequently observed that the SWT is often combined with the Foreign Call Protocol spec for enhanced functionality.

Standard Interface


balanceOf(target: Address) => { target: Address, balance: number }
  • Returns the current balance of a target address


transfer(target: Address, qty: number) => void
  • Transfers qty of tokens to target address
  • SHOULD THROW if the caller does not have enough balance to transfer.


name() => string | undefined
  • Returns the name of the SmartWeave Token
  • MAY be ommitted if the contract state includes a property name of type string | undefined.


ticker() => string | undefined
  • Returns the ticker of the SmartWeave Token
  • MAY be ommitted if the contract state includes a property ticker of type string | undefined.


decimals() => number
  • Returns the number of decimal places the token amount should display.
  • MUST return an integer
  • MAY be ommitted if the contract state includes a property decimals of type number and is an integer.


Interfaces & Types

type Address = string

interface State {
  name: string
  ticker: string
  decimals: number // Integer
  balances: Record<Address, number>

interface BalanceOf {
  target: Address

interface Transfer {
  qty: number
  target: Address

Example Implementation


Name Type Description
name string The name of the token
ticker string The ticker symbol of the token
decimals number the number (integer) of decimal places the token amount should display.
balances Record<Address, Number> Map of addresses to their numeric balance


  @param {State} state
  @param {BalanceOf} action
  @returns {Result} The current balance of the target address
function balance(state: State, action: BalanceOf) {
  return {
    result: {
      balance: state.balances[] || 0


  @param {State} state
  @param {Transfer} action
  @returns {State}
function transfer(state: State, action: Transfer) {
  if (!action.input.qty || typeof action.input.qty !== "number") {
    throw new ContractError("qty is not defined or is not a number")

  if (action.caller === {
    throw new ContractError("target cannot be caller")

  if (!state.balances[]) {
    state.balances[] = 0
  if (!state.balances[action.caller]) {
    state.balances[action.caller] = 0

  if (state.balances[action.caller] < action.input.qty) {
    throw new ContractError("not enough balance to transfer")
  state.balances[action.caller] -= action.input.qty
  state.balances[] += action.input.qty

  return { state }
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