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Created March 2, 2017 20:37
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On current fake data, produces output like the following: {Cell(id=3, name='C0001'), Cell(id=1, name='C0001')}. Use with python -i to explore. Needs obvious expansion/generalization for other resources.
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
from sqlalchemy import create_engine # change to oslo_db
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import tuple_
from craton.db.sqlalchemy import models
engine = create_engine(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'mysql+pymysql://craton:craton@localhost/craton') #, echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
def matching_resources(resource_cls, get_descendants, kv):
if not kv:
# perhaps throw an error here: we really should not be called
# if kv is empty, because no vars= query
return set()
kv_pairs = list(kv.items())
matches = defaultdict(set)
# this query can be readily generalized by doing things like json matches, or just testing for the presence of a key;
# but for now just find all variables that explicitly match one or more key value pairs
q = session.query(models.Variable).\
filter(tuple_(models.Variable.key, models.Variable.value).in_(kv_pairs))
for variable in q:
match = matches[(variable.key, variable.value)]
if isinstance(variable.parent, resource_cls):
if not matches:
return set()
_, first_match = matches.popitem()
if matches:
return first_match.intersection(*matches.values())
return first_match
# change into some sort of lookup table as we generalize
def matching_cells(kv):
def get_desc(parent):
if isinstance(parent, models.Project) or isinstance(parent, models.Region) or isinstance(parent, models.Cloud):
return parent.cells
return []
return matching_resources(models.Cell, get_desc, kv)
print(matching_cells({"openstack_release": "juno", "cell_capabilities": "flavor_classes=performance2"}))
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