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Created September 29, 2021 19:10
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#install your acs api key
#census_api_key(YOUR_KEY, install=T)
pops <- get_acs(geography = "county",
variables = c("B19013_001",
"B01003_001","B01001_002", #sex, male
"B01001A_001", #swhite
"B15003_001","B15003_017",#education, HS
"B08303_001","B08303_013",#travel more than 90min,
"B05001_001", "B05001_006" #US citizens
state = c("MI", "WI", "OH", "IN","IL"),
geometry = FALSE,year = 2019,survey = "acs5"
pops$state = ""
pops$county = ""
#dbWriteTable(con, "acs_dat", pops)
for(i in 1:NROW(pops)){
pops$county[i] = strsplit(pops$NAME[i],",")[[1]][1]
pops$state[i] = strsplit(pops$NAME[i],",")[[1]][2]
pop_out = sqldf("with dat as (
SELECT state, county,
sum(case when variable = 'B19013_001' then estimate end) as median_income,
sum(case when variable = 'B01002_001' then estimate end) as median_age,
sum(case when variable = 'B01003_001' then estimate end) as pop_tot,
sum(case when variable = 'B01001_002' then estimate end) as pop_male,
sum(case when variable = 'B01001A_001' then estimate end) as pop_white,
sum(case when variable = 'B15003_001' then estimate end) as educ_tot,
sum(case when variable = 'B15003_017' then estimate end) as educ_hs,
sum(case when variable = 'B08303_001' then estimate end) as travel_tot,
sum(case when variable = 'B08303_013' then estimate end) as travel_gt90,
sum(case when variable = 'B05001_001' then estimate end) as citizen_tot,
sum(case when variable = 'B05001_006' then estimate end) as citizen_non_us
FROM pops
group by state, county)
select state, county,
pop_male/pop_tot pop_male_pct,
pop_white/pop_tot pop_white_pct,
educ_hs/educ_tot educ_hs_pct,
travel_gt90/travel_tot travel_gt90_pct,
citizen_non_us/citizen_tot citizen_non_us_pct
from dat ")
write_csv(pop_out, "pop_out.csv")
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